Oxford Word Skills Advanced 4 Flashcards
- تراشیدن, حک کردن، کندهکاری کردن
The statue was carved out of a single piece of stone. - تکه کردن گوشت (پخته شده) برش کردن (گوشت پخته)
Who’s going to carve the turkey?
carving knife
کارد گوشت بری, چاقوی بزرگ آشپزخانه
She cut off their tails with carving knife.
in any case
به هر حال, در هر صورت
=anyhow =anyway
In any case, he is a friend of mine.
کسرول [نوعی غذای گوشتی]
Is there any casserole left?
- هنرپیشگان, بازیگران
the cast of this movie are all women - گچ (اندام شکسته)
They put a cast on her broken arm at the hospital. - انتخاب کردن هنرپیشه
The director decided to cast an unknown actress in the lead role. - نور تاباندن سایه انداختن
The tree cast a shadow over his face. - انداختن ریختن
The fishermen cast their nets some miles from shore.
کشته زخمی، تلفات (جمع)
Both sides suffered heavy casualties.
catch a cold/ flu
سرما خوردن, آنفولانزا گرفتن
The old are apt to catch a cold.
catch a glimpse
نگاه گذرا انداختن، نگاه اجمالی انداختن
He caught a glimpse of her in the crowd.
be caught up in something
ناخواسته درگیر چیزی شدن
They were having an argument and somehow I got caught up in it.
گیرنده, گیر، جذبکننده
The song was catchy, and children loved it.
cater for
غذا تهیه کردن برای یک مراسم, تهیه غذا
Most of our work now involves catering for weddings.
متوقف کردن ,دست کشیدن، متوقف شدن
=end =halt =stop
Cease making that noise right now!
آتشبس (جنگ و …)
the latest ceasefire seems to be holding.
center party
حزب مرکزی (نه راست، نه چپ)
غله (گندم و …) غله صبحانه، غلات (جمع)
Wheat and oats are cereals.
- صندلی
The chair leg has broken. - مدیر گروه, رییس
He holds the chair of philosophy at Oxford. - ریاست جلسه را بر عهده داشتن, مسئول جلسه بودن
Who’s chairing the meeting?
take a chance
ریسک کردن, شانس خود را امتحان کردن
I must take a chance otherwise I’ll regret it.
Should I take a chance on him?
channel of communication
کانال ارتباطی
It is also used as a channel of communication between school and parents.
- هزینه
Delivery is free of charge. - شارژ
He put his phone on charge. - اتهام
=accusation =allegation
She accepted the charge without protest. - متهم کردن, اتهام وارد کردن
He was charged with murder. - (هزینه) مطالبه کردن, پول گرفتن
We won’t charge you for delivery.
charge up
شارژ کردن
The shaver can be charged up and used when traveling.
He forgot the charger for his mobile phone.
charity begins at home
چراغی که به منزل رواست به مسجد حرام است
I bought a red and white checked shirt.
- گونه, لپ
The tears ran down her cheeks. - پررویی, رو داشتن، آدم پررو
What a cheek!
گستاخ, بیادب، پررو
Stop being so cheeky!
chest of drawers
قفسه کشودار, دراور، کمد کشودار
We need a chest of drawers for her clothes
chief constable
/ˌtʃiːf ˈkɑːnstəbl/
پاسبان ارشد, افسر ارشد
عمدتا ,اساسا
=mainly =primarily
Houses are made chiefly of wood products.
سرد, سوزدار
I’m getting chilly.
- فلفل (قرمز، سبز و …)
Remove the seeds from the two chilies. - چیلی (نوعی غذا)
We had chili last night.
- ریز کردن, خرد کردن
Chop the carrots up into small pieces. - گوشت با استخوان
گروه کر
Our chorus is giving a special concert at Christmas.
تپل - چاقالو - خِپِل
ذکر کردن, استناد کردن، رجوع کردن، یاد کردن
She cited unfair treatment as the reason for quitting.
- مکان ,محل
This field was the site of the disaster.
civil war
جنگ داخلی
The Civil War began in 1861.
civil servant
کارمند دولت
My father is a civil servant.
civil service
خدمات کشوری غیر نظامی ,خدمات اجتماعی
He had a long career in the civil service.
(فرد) غیر نظامی
one civilian was killed in the explosion.
- دست زدن, تشویق
The audience cheered and clapped. - صدای بلند (و ناگهانی)
There was a clap of thunder
توضیح دادن ، روشن کردن
I am happy to clarify any points that are still unclear.
clear up
- روشن کردن, شرح دادن
=clarify =explain
there are a few points we should clear up.
- تمیز کردن, مرتب کردن
Clear up the mess in here before you go.
اوج, بزنگاه، نقطه عطف
The climax of the book happens in Egypt.
- چسبیدن, محکم نگه داشتن
His wet clothes clung to his body. - (از نظر عاطفی) به کسی وابسته بودن ، دلبستگی داشتن
After her mother’s death, Sara clung to her aunt more than ever.
- کلیپ , ویدیوی کوتاه
Here is a clip from her latest movie.
2.گیره ,پنس
a hair clip
- (با گیره) به هم چسباندن
Clip the photo to the top of the letter.
- تراشه (رایانه)
- چیپس (سیبزمینی)
All main courses are served with chips
3.تکه, قطعه
4.لبه (فنجان و … را) پراندن نوک (چیزی را) شکستن، لبپر کردن
My son fell off his bike and chipped his tooth.
زمان گذشته و اسم مفعول: fight
they fought over their father’s legacy
- رقابت ,مسابقه
Some say that life is a contest. - به چالش کشیدن اعتراض کردن، مخالفت کردن، زیر سؤال بردن
We contested the decision vigorously.
ائتلاف پیوستگی، اتحاد (موقت)
The several parties formed a coalition.
انسجام ,پیوستگی ,یکپارچگی
the whole essay lacks coherence.
- منسجم, یکپارچه، یکدست
It was a balanced, coherent presentation. - قادر به تکلم (بهصورت واضح و قابلفهم), کسی که حرفش مفهوم است
She became coherent again two hours after the attack.
مطابقت داشتن همزمان بودن، منطبق شدن
My ideas coincide with his.
A colander is very useful for washing vegetables.
همکاری کردن با هم کاری کردن
Didn’t you collaborate with him on one of your books?
they agreed to end their collaboration
تصادف کردن, به هم برخورد کردن
The car and the van collided in thick fog.
- فرو ریختن (ناگهانی) ,فرو پاشیدن/ فروپاشی
A heavy flood caused the bridge to collapse. - سقوط کردن, افت کردن/ سقوط شدید
property prices would collapse.
3.غش کردن از حال رفتن
He collapsed and died of a heart attack.
تصادف, برخورد
The driver of the car was killed in the collision.
- نبرد پیکار، مبارزه
The film explores the combat between good and evil.
2.مبارزه کردن
Our body’s immune system eventually combats most viruses.
come with
با کسی یا چیزی آمدن
We’re going out to lunch. Do you want to come with?
come in
- وارد شدن, داخل شدن
Come in and sit down. - رسیدن
That flight just came in.
come to a standstill
کاملاً متوقف شدن, کاملاً توقف کردن
The train came to a complete standstill.
come top
اول شدن, بالاترین و بهترین امتیاز/نمره را کسب کردن
My older sister came top in every test and exam.
come bottom
آخر شدن, پایینترین نمره/امتیاز را کسب کردن
come across as something
به گونهای به نظر رسیدن
He came across as shy.
come across
- اتفاقی پیدا کردن، اتفاقی مواجه شدن
I came across a new recipe in that magazine. - به نظر رسیدن
He comes across as a shy person. - واضح بودن (منظور/حرف), قابل فهم بودن
He spoke for a long time but his meaning didn’t really come across.
come out
- منتشر شدن ارائه شدن
When does their new album come out? - طلوع کردن
The rain stopped and the sun came out.
3.بیرون آمدن, خارج شدن، بیرون رفتن
Would you like to come out for a drink sometime?
- برملا شدن, فاش شدن، معلوم شدن
The full story came out at the trial.
come over
- به دیدن کسی رفتن, به کسی سر زدن
He came over here last night. - آمدن
Come over here and I’ll do your hair for you. - غلبه کردن, مستولی شدن
I don’t usually get so angry. I don’t know what came over me.
- دستور, فرمان, تسلط
She had a good command of Italian. - فرمان دادن ,ستور دادن
She commanded the release of the prisoners.
no comment
بدون شرح
هیچ حرفی برای زدن ندارم!
شرح ,گزارش (رویداد در حال وقوع), تفسیر
He is giving the commentary on the basketball game.
مفسر , منتقد , گزارشگر
a political commentator
a sports commentator
- به کاری گماشتن, ماموریت دادن, منصوب کردن
She’s commissioned an artist to paint her portrait. - کارمزد, حق کمیسیون
we earn a 10% commission on each sale - هیئت, کمیته، کمیسیون
The Federal Trade Commission is considering opening its own investigation
محصول,جنس، کالا
Coal is becoming a rare commodity.
معمولا, اغلب، عموما
this disease is commonly found among the elderly
Marx’s ideas gave birth to communism.
I was very left-wing but I was never a communist.
رفت و آمد (مکرر) ,سفر (روزانه) /
رفت و آمد کردن (مکرر یا روزانه) ,(مسیری را) طی کردن
he commuted from Tehran to Karaj every day.
The average Los Angeles commute is over 60 miles a day.
همنشینی, مصاحبت، رفاقت
She had only her cat for companionship.
- مشابه همانند
The situation in Holland is comparable to that in England. - قابلمقایسه, قیاسپذیر
The two are not comparable.
قیاسی، مقایسهای
“Fatter” is the comparative of “fat.”
همعقیده, تفاهمدار، سازگار، جور
a husband and wife should be compatible
مجابکننده قانعکننده، گیرا
Her compelling argument brought many around to her side.
- جبران کردن
We were late and I was driving fast to compensate. - غرامت دادن خسارت دادن
The airline compensated passengers for their lost luggage. - دستمزد دادن, پاداش دادن
He will be compensated for his efforts.
غرامت خسارت تاوان جبران
I got $10,000 in compensation for my injuries.
اتمام ,تکمیل
They will be paid on completion of the job.
بغرنج کردن, پیچیده کردن
These events will greatly complicate the situation.
پیچیده دشوار بغرنج
The romantic relationships are very complicated.
پیروی کردن, اطاعت کردن رعایت کردن
The pilot complied with instructions to descend.
عنصر جزء، مولفه
Exercise is one of the key components of a healthy lifestyle.
- کود (گیاهی و …)
2.به کود تبدیل کردن
Restaurants should compost food waste if possible.
- کود دادن
Don’t compost heavily infested plants.
قابل فهم, قابل درک
This book is easily comprehensible to the average reader.
جامع, کامل
After a comprehensive exam, my doctor said I was in good condition.
متشکل بودن تشکیل دادن، شامل بودن
farmers comprise fifty percent of the population
مصالحه سازش / مصالحه کردن سازش کردن
In a relationship, both people have to compromise.
اجباری الزامآور الزامی
swimming was compulsory at my school.
پنهان کردن مخفی کردن قایم کردن
he could not conceal his love for her.
تمرکز کردن متمرکز کردن
I can’t concentrate on my work with all that noise.
The noise outside made concentration difficult.
It is very difficult to define the concept of beauty.
- شرکت موسسه
He runs a major concern. - نگرانی دلواپسی/ نگران کردن دلواپس کردن
There is growing concern about violence - مربوط بودن ربط داشتن
Don’t interfere in what doesn’t concern you. - درگیر کردن مشغول کردن
He didn’t concern himself with the details.
- نگران
I’m a bit concerned for your health. - علاقمند درگیر
Many politicians are more concerned with power than with the good of the people.
- درباره ,در باب، در مورد
If you have any information concerning the incident, please contact the police. - نگران کننده
The increase in crime in the area is very concerning.