Out of Course Flashcards
When is Single Line Working introduced?
It is introduced when the line at a double track becomes blocked
It allows the safe movement of trains around the obstruction
A pilot is appointed by Network Rail to control the movement of trains/
Describe a Pilot
A pilot wears a red armband with white writing on their left arm
They brief the driver and give them a SLW ticket
They will also brief the guard if it affects their duties
The pilot is in charge
what is the speed restriction with single line working?
50 mph or less
What are the risks with single line Working?
Late on arrival, platformed on the wrong side, SSPAD Or ADAR, wrong side door release, delays due to speed restrictions
what is Temporary Block Working?
when two or more consecutive signals fail Network Rail will authorise TBW, It allows trains to move and requires hand signallers
Describe the Temporary Block Working process
Train stops at a red signal where a hand signaller displays a red flag and has placed a det, then they brief the driver and come to a clear understanding
Hand signaller contacts signaller and issues TBW ticket and signals with yellow flag
TBW ticket is authority to pass RED at 50mph facing points at 15mph
Train continues through sections until they arrive at the next red signal. Again, hand signaller will be displaying a red flag and placed a det on the track. The TBW ticket is annotated and cancelled, and the train is signalled into normal working via the signal head
what are the risks involved with Temporary Block Working?
Late arrival, incorrect side at platform, hand signaller will dispatch with a yellow
What is Emergency Special Working ESW?
Driver will tell you ESW is in action, same rules apply as TBW but without hand signaller
Easy to setup and is not labour intensive
Efficient method of keeping the railway running
What are the risks associated with ESW?
Late arrival times, correct side, wrong platform side, dispatch SASSPAD ADAR, wrong side door release
on what occassion would you ride in the cab with the driver?
DSD/ vigilance failure, examining the line
who must you get permission from before riding in the cab with the driver?
You must get authorisation from control
What are the rules for riding in the cab with the driver?
Electrical devices switched off
do not distract driver
has to be authorised by control
who can authorise self dispatch?
use your route knowledge to know if self dispatching is allowed
in OOC event you will need authorisation from Duty Service Delivery Manager
Certain locations will never allow self dispatch
How would you handle a degraded dispatch?
come to a clear understanding with the driver and dispatcher
decide who will give RTS and how will It be given
How would you handle a ECS dispatch?
come to a clear understanding with driver and dispatcher
How would you handle a failure of lighting in a station/operating in poor visability?
- You must make a PA announcement to advise passengers that the platform has insufficient lighting and to take care
- You must keep train in the platform until passengers have cleared the platform in order that the train lights can be used as supplementing lighting
- You must report the defect to the signaler immediately
- Be aware that the train safety check may then have to be made from a different position that maybe more optimal given the conditions encountered
Name some train stopping incidents
Train over running
Train stops short
Train fails to call
Train calls additionally at
What must you do in a station stopping incident?
You must report it to the signaller and control
Warn the customers on the platformed coaches of the train not to open any doors
If the driver/guard releases doors that are off the platform, immediately attempt to alert them of the situation
After contacting the signaller and control and alerting the driver of the situation what would be the next steps? (Station stopping incidents)
After communicating with the driver the guard may release the doors that are platformed, which may take some time
The driver may get permission from the signaller to set back (the driver will need to swap ends)
Ask customers on platform to stand back as the driver may try to reposition the train
What must you do if a train fails to call?
contact driver, call signaller, and report to control
what must you do if your train calls additionally at an unplanned station?
If doors are still locked check the signal, if it’s red that’s why Guard must manage PTI
Maintain viligence on platform let customers know we’re not releasing the doors
if doors are released by driver do a wellfare check make sure they know it is not a booked stop
If nothing ooc treat as a normal dispatch as long as all doors are platformed
Treat as normal dispatch and after the train has departed safely inform the signaller and control