General Emergency Situations Flashcards
What are some examples of hazards/obstructions on the line?
A track defect, flood, an obstruction, a fire, any light which is out at an emergency indicator, a large animal within the boundary fence, any other animal on or near the line
If you became aware of a hazard or danger to the line what should you do?
Immediately contact the signaller
How can you stop a train in an emergency? (day light)
You must show a red flag, raise both arms above your head, and if riding in a vehicle raise one arm held out horizontally
How can you stop a train in an emergency? (poor visibility or darkness)
You must show a red light to the driver or wave any light violently
What are some examples of dangers to moving trains?
A door not closed properly, an insecure load, a vehicle on fire, a hot axle box, the headlight not lit, a tail lamp missing or not lit
How might you be warned of a danger to trains?
A driver sounding the train in distress warning, a driver or guard displaying a red hand signal, the hazard warning indicator
what should you do in a rail dangerous goods emergency? (part 1)
You must tell the signaller, operations control, or the local manager
‘This is a rail dangerous goods emergency’
and give the united nations number
What should you do in a rail dangerous goods emergency? (part 2)
keep Well clear, keep the wind behind you as you face away from any affected vehicles, avoid low lying places where gas may gather, keep unauthorised people well clear, try to put out any fire without putting yourself or anyone else at risk, keep naked lights and lamps well clear, not smoke, use matches or pocket lighters, not to use a mobile phone
Accident investigators will ask you to preserve evidence what might this include?
Driving controls, signalling equipment, rolling stock, lineside equipment
what are some examples of train accidents?
A derailment, a collision involving trains, a collision with an obstruction, a collision with a road vehicle, a collision with a person, a fire on a train that might put other trains passing in danger, a fire on a train that might mean that passengers are evacuated onto running lives, an accidental train division which has caused another like to be obstructed
What are the guards’ actions during a train accident?
check if any other lines are obstructed (if in doubt, treat them as obstructed) and decide the quickest way to stop any approaching trains, place a track circuit operating clip on any lines that are obstructed
You must then contact the driver. You must agree with the driver whether you need to:
help with carrying out emergency protection or stay with the train
If you cannot contact the driver or if you find the driver is unavaliable, what must you do?
carry out the drivers instructions shown for drivers in this module
What are the drivers’ actions in a train accident?
The driver must check:
If any other lines are obstructed (if in doubt, treat them as obstructed) and decide the quickest way to stop any approaching trains
The exact location of your train
You must tell the signaller about the accident in the quickest way possible and whether the electric traction current needs to be switched off
when the signaller tells you the signal protection has been provided, you must place track-circuit operating clips on:
every other line that is obstructed
the line on which your train is standing if the whole train has been derailed
you must carry out emergency protection if:
the signaller cannot provide signal protection
you have not been able to contact the signaller
What must you do if the driver needs help carrying out emergency protection?
you must provide the help personally or arrange for any other competent person to help, if you provide it yourself you must reach a clear understanding with the driver as to which lines you will protect
Name 3 unsuitable stopping locations
Tunnels, viaducts, cuttings
In an accidental train division what are the actions you would take if the portion can be recoupled?
Move passengers into front set, guard rides in the rear
In an accidental train division what would your actions be if the train could not be re coupled?
secure portion, hazards lights, parking break, reported to signaller and clear portion so no one is left behind
in an accidental train division what actions would the driver take?
You must make sure both portions of the train are secure and all the vehicles are accounted for you must tell the guard (if provided) about the situation you must then check the couplings where the train has divided to see if:
They might have damaged the track or lineside equipment (if so tell the signaller)
There is any damage to them which is preventing the recoupling of the portions
In an accidental train division what are the guards actions?
If you are travelling in the rear portion you must secure it if possible
You must find out from the driver what action is to be taken with the train
In the event of a fire what actions would you take?
Turn at the A/C on a 255
Stop the train
You must try and put out any fire on the train if not possible to put out the fire within a few seconds you must make sure that the trail is stopped immediately
where possible you must not stop the train in a tunnel on a viaduct or at any other unsuitable location
What must you do immediately after stopping the train?
tell the driver the reason
if it is necessary tell the driver to arrange for the emergency services to attend
In the event of a fire what actions should you take? (simplified)
switch off A/C
contact driver/PCA/DAU
REC/ protect the train
What could cause a train collision?
other trains, obstructions, road vehicles, a person
Name 3 rail defects
Broken rail, distorted rail, broken fishplate
in the event of flooding what would you do?
Generally, if above railhead no running
if at railhead height 5mph
If below railhead normal running
In the event of snow, what would you do?
It is normal running until snow is 200 mm (8 inches) above the railhead
If snow is distirubed by passing trains speed restrictions maybe applied running break tests carried out more frequently
What would you do if you saw damage to structures or earthworks above or below the line?
Tell the signaller immediately
What would you do if you saw any flooding or pooling water that might affect structures or earthworks?
tell the signaller immediately
What are the rules on reporting flooding?
current rules-‘any flood water that might affect the passage of trains’
New rules-‘you must also report flooding or pooling water that might not be affecting trains at the moment but could be affecting structures or earthworkes’
what should you do in the event of rough riding?
Never assume! Do the right thing! Don’t ignore it! Report it!
What do you do in the event of a person being Struck by a train?
Do not move the body, are you fit to continue, only do what you are comfortable doing, it states that you must call the emergency services
in an accident who is in charge?
RIO is in charge until the fire and rescue incident commander arrives from the fire brigade and takes over the operational charge