Other systems - Bariatrics Flashcards
Underweight <18.5
Normal 18.5 - 24.9
Obese > 30
Peripheral fat distribution
Pear shape = gluteofemoral obesity (more common in women
Central fat distribution = apple shape - more associated with CV disease and DM2
Bariatric surgery requirements
last resort
BMI > 40 or 35 need to show interventions are unsuccessful
Restrictive, malabsorptive or both
Roux en Y gastric bypass = most common
Lap band (laparoscopic) = least invasive
Vit A
Essential for eyes, epithelial tissue, growth and development, and reproduction
- Foods vitamin A green, orange, yellow veggies, liver, butter, egg yolks, and fortified margarine
Symptoms of deficiency: night blindness, rough/dry skin, growth failure.
Toxicity: appetite loss, hair loss and enlarged liver/spleen
Vitamin D
Increase blood flow of minerals (calcium, phosphorus)
Milk, fish, oils, fortified margarine
Symptoms deficiency: faulty bone growth, rickets, osteomalacia
Vit E
Antioxidant in cell membranes, important for integrity of the cells that are exposed to high levels of O2
Symptoms: breakdown of RBC
Toxicity - decreased thyroid hormone levels and increased triglycerides
Vit K
Synthesis of 2 proteins in clotting
Facilitates muscle contraction and relaxation, builds strong cones and teeth, aids in congestion
Maintenance of fluid and acid base balance
Builds strong bones and teeth, activates enzymes and helps regulate heart beat
Strengthens bones, assist in oxidation of fats and carbs, aids in maintaining acid-base balance
Toxicity: muscle spasms
Maintains fluid acid base balance
Controls glucose metablos,
Component of b12 to activate enzymes
Deficiency: pernicious anemia
Toxicity: polycythemia and increased blood volume
Facilitates hemoglobin synthesis and lipid metabilism
Toxicity: Wilson’s Disease