Other models or theories Flashcards
Control my own actions, emotions and thoughts
- Belief is vital
-Most are automatic but not all
- Effective self-regulation to enhance health behaviors
Self-determination theory
Motivation for my goal
-Autonomous motivation
- Percieved competence
Implementation Intentions
Conscious processing with automatic behavioral enactment
- Impartant to plan how, where and when
Situations cues and having a goal
The transtheoretical model of behavior change
Claims there are stages to health changes
- Suggested treatment goals and interventions for each stage
- Originally for addictive disorders
The transtheoretical model of behavior change - Precontemplation
No intention of change
- No awareness
- No motivation
- Sees it as no threat
- Educate them
The transtheoretical model of behavior change - Contemplation
Awareness of health threat but no commitment to change
- Motivational interviews, to increase receptivity
The transtheoretical model of behavior change - Preparation
Intention to change, hasnt started yet
- Modification of a behavior to a degree
The transtheoretical model of behavior change - Action
Modify behavior to overcome the problem
- Requires committment and energy
- Stopping the unhealthy behavior
The transtheoretical model of behavior change - Maintenance
- Working on preventing relapse
- The model is a spiral, it can bounce back to tother stages
Percieved barriers
Aspects of one’s life that can interfere with good health behaviors
- Not enough sleep, two jobs, unsafe environment to work out etc