Other Deviant Behaviour - Overconformity Flashcards
List the environmental and psychological factors that can influence the prevalence of eating disorders
1. Weight restrictions and standards - lean sports
1. Coach and peer pressure
1. Performance demands
1. Judging criteria
1. Family pressure
2. Media
Psychological: (personality)
1. Perfectionism
1. Dedication
1. Overachiever
1. Narrow focus
What personal and situational factors impact Adherence to Rehabilitation
Personal factors
1. Self-motivation
1. Pain tolerance
1. Tough-mindedness (resilience)
1. Task or mastery goal orientation
1. Level of conformity to sports ethic
Situational factors
1. Comfort and convenience of rehab program – access, money, resources
1. Social support
List psychological predictors of athletic injury
- History of stressors
- personality
- Coping resources
- High Trait anxiety = percieved inability to respond to situation => increased state anxiety
Explain Physical Self-Concept
individual’s perception (worth/esteem) of themselves in areas of physical ability and appearance.
* Body attractiveness, physical competence, physical strength.
* ^ Positive self-concept = ^ global self-esteem
* High levels of physical self-concept = more likely to enter competitive situations and exercise in front of others
Explain Social Physique Anxiety
- anxiety experienced when a person believes they are being observed or judged on their appearance
- Magnitude and form moderated by gender, age and depression
- Resulting Behaviour changes = Grooming, clothing, drugs, eating disorders, depression, self-harm
What are the Warning Signs for Anorexia Nervosa? (diagnostic criteria)
- Drastic loss in weight
- A preoccupation with food, calories and weight
- Wearing baggy or layered clothing
- Relentless, excessive exercise
- Mood swings
- Avoiding food-related social activities
Diagnostic Criteria
1. Refusal to maintain body weight over a minimal normal weight for age and height
1. Intense fear of becoming obese, even when underweight
1. Not accurately seeing one’s body weight, size, or shape
1. In females, absence of at least three menstrual cycles in a row
What is Bulimia Nervosa
- Binge-eating
- During the eating binges, there is a fear of not being able to stop eating
- Regularly engaging in either self-induced vomiting, use of laxatives, or rigorous dieting or fasting in order to get rid of food or the calories from the food
- At least two binge-eating sessions per week for at least three months
Define Exercise Addiction give withdrawal symptoms
A psychological and/or physiological dependence on a regular regimen of exercise
Withdrawal symptoms after 24-36 hours
* Anxiety, restlessness, guilt, irritability, tension, apathy, sleeplessness, lack of appetite, muscle twitching, nervousness
What are Symptoms of Negative exercise Addiction
- Highly repetitive behaviour with a regular schedule – at least 1x daily (minimum)
- Increasing priority to maintaining pattern
- Increased tolerance to amount
- Withdrawal symptoms related to mood disorder
- Relief of withdrawal symptoms following exercise
- Subjective awareness of compulsion to exercise
As teachers how can we promote healthy relationship with exercise?
- Teach appropriate nutrition and physical activity levels
- Health/fitness focus rather than body weight
- Develop self-responsibility – moderation
- Be mindful of social evaluation
- Gear activities towards clients/participants’ physical abilities
- Athletes as positive role models
- Do not promote or encourage over-conformity
Define Burnout
“A psychological syndrome of emotional/physical exhaustion, reduced sense of accomplishment and sport devaluation”
List the two models of Burnout
- Stress Model
- Empowerment Model
How does the Empowerment Model explain why Burnout occurs?
No Desire to develop identity separate from sport
No Desire to feel autonomy over life’s decisions
= Burnout
=> Withdrawal from sport
How does the Stress Model explain why Burnout occurs?
Training stress imposed =>
1. Positive adaptation to training stress
=> Training gain
2. Negative adaptation to training stress
* => Lag in training gain
* => Training Stress Syndrome: Staleness, Overtraining, Burnout
* => Withdrawal
List the physiological and Psychological symptoms of burnout
1. Increased muscle soreness and fatigue
1. Sleep loss
1. Colds and infection
1. Decreased libido and appetite
1. Increased mood disturbances
1. Decreased self-esteem
1. Negative change in personal interaction with others (e.g., cynicism, lack of feeling)
1. cumulative reaction to everyday stress - overreacting