Gender Flashcards
Define Gender differences
Social and psychological characteristics and behaviours associated with females and males
Define Sex differences
Biologically based differences
Define Feminism
- men and women should be social, political, and economic equals
- Equity for ALL – men and women alike
- Never ever to surpass or oppress men, but to live beside them in the workplace, the home and other sectors without prejudice
What is the historical comparison of Women vs men in sport
- Lower participation rates (team sports)
- Under-representation in all areas of leadership, management, and decision making
- Under-representation in all areas of coaching (esp. elite level)
- Inadequate and inappropriate media coverage
- Greater drop-out rates
- Less sponsorship and funding
What are the 2 major themes in research on female media coverage?
- Exclusion: Sport media provides minimal coverage of women’s sports
- Trivialisation: Describing female athletes as sex objects or comparing their abilities to men or trivialising
What is a consequence of trivialisation (sexialisation) of female athletes in the media?
Key finding of a bipartisan Senate inquiry (2007) into female participation in sport and recreation:
* Teenage girls were leaving amateur sports because of body image issues exacerbated by uniforms
Effect of homophobia in sport
- discrimination, prejudice, harassment, bullying and violence
- The consequences of coming out remain strong in both men and women’s sport
- Many women do not choose to participate because they fear being associated with the lesbian label
- Makes men/boys fear expressing feelings and interests that are outside rigid traditional conceptions of masculinity
Why do Elite Athletes Seldom Challenge Traditional Gender Ideology – but it’s changing!
- Women athletes often fear being tagged as ungrateful, “man-haters,” “feminist”, or “arrogant” – evidence of backlash
- Corporation-driven “celebrity-feminism” focuses on individualism, attractiveness, and consumption. Not everyday struggles related to gender – safe access, participation, resources, inclusion
- “Empowerment discourses” in sports are tied to individual heterosexual attractiveness – self image and self esteem. Rather than cultural changes at institutional levels
- Women athletes have previously little control or political voice in sports (even their own!) or society at large
Identify the major reasons why there have been dramatic increases in sport participation rates among women of all ages over the past 3 decades
- New opportunities
- Government equal rights legislation
- Global women’s rights movement
- Expanding health & fitness movement
- Increased media coverage of women’s sports – and the impact of “new media”
Explain why gender equity is an important issue for men as well
- creating options for men to play sports not based exclusively on a power and performance model – major relevance in sports, work, military etc.
- Equity emphasises also examining locker room/sport discourse (conversations!)
- Blur the rigid division between masculine and feminine – inclusive, express emotion, show compassion, care about relationships
Discuss the statement “Sports celebrate traditional ideas about gender and gender relations“ with reference to gender stereotypes and key issues within sports and the media that was discussed