Other Blood Cancers/Diseases Flashcards

Multiple Myeloma Bone Marrow Biopsy
- Characterized by large plasma cells with large nucleoli
- plasma cells must be >10% of marrow cellularity

Multiple Myeloma Peripheral blood
- Rouleaux
What is MGUS?
Monoclonal Gammopathy of Undetermined Significance
- Precursor to multiple myeloma
- <10% plasma cells in marrow
- no end organ damage
What are the common symptoms of multiple myeloma?
Renal failure
Bony lesions
What is the test for multiple myeloma?
Test for monoclonal protein in the urine or serum by electrophoresis (SPEP or UPEP). Usually IgA or IgG
- >3 g/dL
Multiple Myeloma pathogenesis
Polycythemia Vera pathogenesis
Activating mutations in JAK2 that result in the overproduction of RBCs without stimulation from growth factors such as EPO
Polycythemia Vera clinical presentation
Symptoms are due to increased RBC mass
- plethoric complexion
- VTE, MI, stroke, etc
- itching exacerbated by hot showers
- erythromelalgia - burning sensation in the hands or feet
Polycythemia Vera workup
- Diagnosis requires elevated HCT and evidence of JAK2 mutation
- low Epo level
- Bone marrow hypercellular
- peripheral blood with erythrocytosis, graulocytosis, basophilia, thrombocytosis
Polycythemia Vera Treatment
gentle chemotherapy (hydroxyurea)
Polycythemia Vera Diagnostic Criteria
What does this CBC suggest?

PV bone marrow
- hypercellular marrow with trilineage proliferation and pleomorphic megakaryocytes