OT admin chap 30 midterm Flashcards
right or wrong conduct according to society/profession
internal/personal beliefs of what is right or wrong
rules determined by society to promote orderly conduct – can have moral and ethical components/background
ethical dillema
situation that has 2 or more possibly opposing courses of action
oranizational ethics
code of practice/conduct of a group/company
moral/ethical distress
psychological discomfort caused by knowing the right thing to do but being kept from doing it by outside forces
Teological theory
the ends justify the means
Focus on the outcomes
Utilitarianism – which option would result in the most good?
Deontological theory
focus on the path rather than the consequences
General principles to follow that will bring about positive outcomes
Goal – determine which principles take precedence when there is a conflict
Core Values:
sets the stage with background, guidelines, and purpose
foundational “virtues”: altruism, equality, freedom, justice, dignity, truth, prudence
professional behaviors
Management role in ethics
4 principles?
- Code of Ethics on display and discussed in meetings; provide continuing education and framework for ethical decision-making
- Demonstration/modeling of adherence to and prioritization of ethical practices at the management level – support and guide team members, put in place ethical policies and job requirements
- Balance fiscal/administrative responsibilities (organizational ethics) and responsibilities to direct reports and clients (clinical ethics)with fairness, creativity, and flexibility
- Manage ethical situations that arise and determine a course of action, including reporting violations to oversight agencies
Organizational ethics 3 characteristics?
- Unrealistic productivity standards set by the business – may lead to ethical challenges related to scheduling, documentation, and billing
- Staffing issues may push for less experienced therapists to take on responsibilities above their level of competence or the OT scope of practice
- Staffing issues also may cause challenges related to adhering to supervision requirements and provision of skilled services.
AOTA Ethics Commission 6 characteristics?
- Provides/recommends standards of practice for the profession (Code of Ethics and Standards)
- Reviews Code of Ethics every 5 years
- Educates members and the public about OT Standards
- Provides assistance in interpreting principles and determining actions
- Develops the enforcement procedures for code infractions
- Enforces disciplinary actions to members of AOTA: education, reprimand, censure, probation, suspension of membership, and permanent revocation of membership
NBCOT: Qualifications and Compliance Review Committee 4 characteristics?
- Initial certification and ongoing recertification standards (continuing competency)
- NBCOT Certificate Code of Conduct: integrity, honesty, fairness, technical competence
- Procedures for sanctions related to violations of the code:
- Reprimand, probation, suspension, revocation (of certification)
State Regulatory Boards (SRBs)
Ensure quality standards and qualifications to practice in a particular state are met
Regulations vary by state – know reg’s for your state of practice
Code of Ethics statements (frequently AOTA Code)
Have process in place and authority to discipline practitioners for noncompliance of regulations and/or code of ethics (up to revocation of license).
Caveat/Disclaimer: there is no cookbook answer to this question – below is a general guideline?
Follow the process outlined by the organization in SOPs
Follow a framework for ethical decision making (see next slide) It may be appropriate to talk to the person involved in a professional, non- judgmental manner to gather information about the incident and resolve the issue Confer with the manager about the situation Contact AOTA, NBCOT, or SRB for assistance in navigating and interpreting the standards and developing a course of action
Framework for ethical decision making?
- Identify the ethical problem.
- Identify all parties involved directly and who would be affected indirectly
- Gather the facts, and determine if additional information is needed.
- Determine possible options to take and the likely consequences of each option.
- Prioritize values related to each option and consequences.
- Make a defensible decision.
- Review after implementation future implications or alternative actions.