Osteonecrosis and Osteochondrosis: Avascular necrosis types Flashcards
test 3
What condition is AVN of the lunate, worsens with pain, selling and disability? This condition is mc for who?
Keinbocks disease
mc in males
Keinbocks disease is most likely to occur in what age group? What is the ratio of occurance?
males 20-40 yrs old
what condition has a 75% occurance of Negative ulnar variance present with worsening pain, swelling and disability?
Keinbocks disease
What are the AKA’s for Keinbocks Disease?
Lunate malacia and Lunate OsteoChondrosis
what condition presents with swelling, worsening pain and possibility of disability?
Kenbocks disease
What are the radiographic features of Keinbocks disease?
Altered bone density Collapsed fracture lucent and sclerotic areas subchondral fx on radial surface of lunate secondary degenerative changes
What two conditions are NOT due to osteonecrosis?
Osgood-Schlatter’s and Scheuermann’s disease
Osgood-Schlatter’s effects what age group?
11-15 year old males
Scheuermann’s effects what age group?
13-17 sligtly more M>F
what condition is due to partial disruption of tibial tuberosity?
What is caused by a Single violent injury or activity involving repetitive knee flexion?
osgood schlatters
This disease effects males 11-15, is bilateral up to 50% of the time and presents with the following symptoms: Pain, tendersness swelling over Tibial Tubercle
blurring of Hoffa’s fat is a soft tissue findings seen in what?
What osseous changes are seen in osgood-schlatter’s disease?
isolated, irregular ossicles
Ant. surface irregularities
Blurring of Hoff’s fat indicates what?
Joint effusion
Vertebral Epiphysitis, Juvenile kyphosis, Osteochondrosis and Juvenilis dorsi are AKA’s for what condition?
Scheuermann’s disease
What disruption possibly causes scheuermann’s disease?
Trauma to the epiphysis Ring -enplate fx (schmorl’s node) or traumatic growth arrest
What common disorder is seen slightly more in males 13-17 yoa?
What clinical features are seen in Scheuermann’s disease
Back pain, fatigue and deformity
mc cause of structural Kyphosis in 13-17 yoa
Scheuermann’s predisposes males later in life to what?
Herniation and spondylosis
What are the 3 most important radiographic findings of scheuermann’s that fit a diagnostic criteria?
- Kyphosis due to Ant. wedging invloving at least 3 contiguous vertebrae
- Irregular endplates (multiple schmorl’s nodes)
- Decreased dis height
Osteochondritis dissecans AKA
Koenigs disease
Small necrotic segment of subchondral bone is characteristic of what?
Osteochondritis Dissecans aka Koenigs disease
Osteochondritis Dissecans most commly effect what age group?
males 11-20 yoa
MC location for osteochondritis dissecan is where?
Lat. aspect of Medical condyle, Lat condyle, Medial Talar dome
What are the two types fragement separations associated with osteochondritis Dissencans?
In situ and Displaced
In situ type of separated fragment from the host bone is a ?
How does it behave?
arc-like radiolucent cleft
it may revascularize and reattach AND remains asymptomatic
The displaced type of osteochondritis dissecans that is ?
produces what type of defect in the bone?
The fragement can be?
freely moveable or may be resorbed or grow
purely cartilaginous or combo of bone/cartilage
Kohler disease is AVN of the what? and is mc in what group?
Tarsal navicular and mc in M 4-6 yoa
what are the symptoms for Kohlers disease?
What is its differential and what does it mimic?
local pain, swelling, tenderness
Growth variant
What has the following radiographic features:
Patchy or homogenous sclerosis
colllapse and fragmentation
joint spaces preserved
reconstitution to a normal rad appearance is expected
kohlers disease
What is considered an avascular necrosis of the scaphoid
preiser’s disease
The more proximal a fx of scaphoid the more likely it is for pt to develop what
Avascular necrosis of preiser’s disease
AVN of capitellum is due to trauma and what repetitive motion?
This condition is mc in?
mc in M 4-10 yoa
what AVN trauma may be accompanied by STIFFNESS
Panner’s OR AVN of capitellum
What condition shows evidence of healing after 2 years?
AVN of capitellum OR Panner’s disease
What is the distinctive radiographic feature of panner’s disease?
What 3 conditions were once thought to be due to avascular necrosis?
Severs disease, Osgood-Schlatter’s, Scheuermann’s disease
Sever’s disease is what type of disorder and what does it affect?
infammatory disorder
affects calcaneal growth plate = mc young athletes 10-13
MC cause of heel pain in young athletes 10-13 yoa?
Sever’s disease
Repetitive micro-traumas pulling on the Achilles tendon and heel pain with activity are symptoms associated with what condition?
Sever’s disease
Sever’s disease is not due to AVN but is due to
Calcaneal Apophysitis
You may see sclerosis and fragmentation of the Calcaneal Apophysis in what condition?
Sever’s disease; pt may be asymptomatic
Areas of necrotic bone are typically low signal on T1 weighted MR images. True or False
The radiographic manifestations of Scheuermann’s disease are most often observed in what region of the spine?(be specific)
Mid thoracic