OSCE - MSK Flashcards
Summarise the special tests involved in a shoulder MSK examination?
- Empty can test
- supraspinatus test
- positive if pain or weakness with resistance - The painful arc (impingement syndrome)
- abduction of right shoulder painful between 60-120 degrees - External rotation against resistance
- infraspinatus and teres minor - External rotation in abduction
- teres minor - Gerber’s lift off test
- internal rotation against resistance - Scarf test
- testing acromioclavicular joint
Give 3 differential diagnoses for the following findings:
- reduced and painful right shoulder abduction
- painful arc test positive between 60-120 degrees
- Subacromial impingement
- rotator cuff tear
- adhesive capsulitis
Appropriate management for subacromial impingement?
- physiotherapy
- corticosteroid injections
- arthroscopic repair
- removal of cause of impingement
Appropriate management for subacromial impingement?
- physiotherapy
- corticosteroid injections
- arthroscopic repair
- removal of cause of impingement
Special tests in hip examination?
- Thomas test
- testing hip flexors
- patient on edge of table, patient lies down hugging knees
- patient holds one leg but lets other leg dangle over edge of table
- leg dangling of table is test leg
- if patient has no muscular tightness then thigh should be in contact with table (good sign)
- abnormal: thigh does not lie on table - Trendelenburg test
- tests hip abductors
- ask patient to stand on one leg
- looking for sign of dropping of the other leg
- weakness of gluteus medius
The following clinical features suggest what:
- true leg length shortening
- inability to weight bear
Neck of femur fracture
Management of neck of femur fracture if patient can mobilise with zimmer frame
When looking at a lumbar spine x-ray, what are you commenting on?
- Confirm patient details and adequacy
- Alignment
- look at vertebral bodies
- look at spinous processes - Vertebral height
- Vertebral space
- Vertebral endplates
- Posterior elements
- traces pedicles
- laminae
- spinous processes
Special tests for elbow
Check for Tennis Elbow
- pain on wrist extension against resistance
- lateral epicondyle
Check for Golfers Elbow
- pain on wrist flexion against resistance
- medial epicondyle
Special tests in hand and wrist examination
- Tinel’s
- lightly tap over median nerve to see if there is pins and needles
- carpal tunnel - Phalen’s test
- maintained wrist flexion at 90 degrees reproduces symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome such as tingling or pain
- reverse prayer position
Medical treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome?
- analgesia (NSAIDs)
- corticosteroid injections
Special tests associated with knee exam
- Inspect for posterior sag sign
- Anterior drawer test
- Collateral ligament assessment
- Lachman’s test
- Meniscal assessment