Orthopaedics Flashcards
Which nerves are at risk of damage secondary to shoulder dislocation?
Axillary nerve
Brachial plexus
What tests are used to tests for supraspinatus?
Painful arch
Empty can test
What does supraspinatus do?
Abduct shoulder
What does subscapularis do?
Internal rotation
What tests are used to tests for subscapularis?
Lift off test
What does teres minor do?
External rotation
What does infraspinatus do?
External rotation
When to treat rotator cuff tears?
Severe / impigement/ refractory to physio
What is the indication for operating on a clavicle #?
What are the phases of adhesive capsulitis?
Freeze –> frozen –> Thaw –> return to motion
How do you treat adhesive capsulitis in the frozen phase?
Subacromial steroid injection
How to manage non displaced proximal humerus fracture?
ROM in 14 days
How to manage a minimally displaced proximal humerus fracture?
Closed reduction
ROM in 2 weeks
What is at risk of injury in a proximal humerus fracture?
Axillary Nerve
Post-circumflex artery
What is at risk of injury in a mid shaft humerus fracture?
Radial nerve
- wrist drop
- thumb extension