Ortho/Rad Flashcards
Anterior Shoulder Dislocation
Abd + Ext Rot
Axillary nerve affected
Posterior Shoulder Dislocation
Add + Int Rot
From seizure or electrical/lightning injury
Rotator Cuff Tear
Empty can test
Mid-Shaft Humerus Fx
Wrist drop d/t radial nerve
Clavicle Fx
Middle third most commonly affected
Tx - sling
Supracondylar Fx
PEDS Median nerve + brachial artery affected Ant sail and post fat-pad sign Gun-stock deformity Volkmann's contracture
Elbow Dislocation
Usually post
Scaphoid Fx
Snuffbox tenderness
Tx - thumb spica splint
Carpal Tunnel
Median nerve affected
Phalen & Tinel signs
Compression test
Thenar eminence atrophy
Boxer Fx
5th metacarpal Fx
Tx - ulnar gutter splint
Dequervain Tenosynovitis
Finklestein test
Ankylosing Spondylitis
Young male, HLA B27
Bamboo sign
Cauda Equina Injury
Bowel/bladder incontinence
Saddle paresthesia
Spinal Stenosis
Shopping cart sign (pain relieved c forward bend)
Avascular Necrosis
Femoral neck Fx - get frog/lat XR
Avascular necrosis of HIP.
Sx of knee pain though