Organizational Ch 8 (W4-a) Flashcards
Psychological contract
perception of employees relationship with organization. Input that employee promised to organization and outcome that organization promised
- psychological contracts are subjective therefor are influenced by bias and mistakes
Sources that influence psychological contract
1) Direct communication
2) Observations of how other employees are treated
3) Written documents
RPJ 9 realistic job preview
An honest assessment of the advantages and disadvantages of a particular job and working in a particular organization.
Types of psychological contract
Transactional contract
Relational contract
Transactional contract
short term contract, very specific and flexible. Employees focus on extrinsic motivation such as salary. Those are temporary employees
Relational contract
Long term contract that develops gradually. Employees, These employees are more motivated and organization care about their wellbeing
Performance appraisal
Evaluating performance to encourage employee motivation and performance and to provide information to be used in managerial decision making.
Assessment if performance appraisal gives emploees?
Information about
1) level to which they contribute to input of organization
2) level to which they focus on right things towards achieving goal
Positive/ negative performance appraisal
positive- make employees fell valued and competent –> they will put more effort
Negative- inform that performance is unacceptable and that
1) they are not motivated to contribute sufficient inputs to the job
(2) they cannot contribute certain inputs that are required, or (3) they are misdirecting their inputs, which are at an adequate level.
performance appraisal can be used to
- decide on salary
- ensure that employees use their talents and group them into high-performing teams
- to point problems with a job design
- provide supervision in career planning
- to point to areas of improvement and skills that employees still need to develop
Choice 1 for effective performance appraisal
Mixture of formal and informal appraisal.
Formal appraisal the employees get a feedback as it was formally set up like once in 6m.
For informal- informal meetings. Theses help with receiving feedback right after doing something.
Ideally, these two both performed
Choice 2 for effective performance appraisal
Evaluating content.
Like traits in performance, but the drawback not taking situational factors into account. also motivation can not be improved in that case because traits are fairly stable.
They can also evaluate behaviors directly which is better They should focus on results of behavior. However, the drawback is that sometimes employees can focus on outcomes too much that will lead them to be prone to unethical behavior
Choice 3 for effective performance appraisal
Objective and subjective measure can be performed to evaluate performance.
Objectives: reports in numbers.
Subjective: like rating scales such as Graphic rating scale, BARS, BOS
Graphic rating scale
evaluates performance along a continuum. There might be difference in interpreting scores
indicates work-related behaviors,
Indicates specific behavior and it’s frequency
Needs a lot of time to take it
Choice 4 for effective performance appraisal
Who evaluates performance?
sometimes managers do, but it is better if it can also come from other sources like customers
360-degree appraisal
All of the sources for feedback are combined
This is bad because:
-can become popularity context
-people can force and bribe one another to give good evaluations
- angry coworkers can perform revenge
Merit Pay Plans
A plan that bases pay on performance. Can be based on performance of individual, group, or organization. Powerful motivator and also unites people towards one goal
Merit Pay Plans when it should be used?
- When individual performance can be accurately assessed (for example, the number of cars a salesperson sells)
- When employees are highly interdependent ( depend on one another)
- When organizational effectiveness depends on individuals working together, cooperating with each other, and helping each other out
Merit Pay Plans types
Salary Bonus (more effective) -they directly linked to performance - they independent of other factors - they depend strongly on performance
piece-rate pay plan
piece-rate pay plan, an employee is paid for each unit he or she produces, as in the case of a tailor who is paid for each piece of clothing he sews or alters,
full commission plans
fluctuate directly in proportion to sales that are made
partial commission plan
consist of fixed salaries plus an amount that varies with sales levels
-these employees are unlikely to develop team spirit
comparable worth
suggests that jobs of equivalent value to an organization should carry the same pay rates regardless of differences in the nature of the work itself and the personal characteristics of the people performing the work
- rarley implemented
The sum of work-related experiences throughout a person’s lifetime.
steady-state career
reflects a one-time com- mitment to a certain kind of job that is maintained throughout one’s working life.
linear career
person progresses through a sequence of jobs, and each job entails progress over the prior one in terms of responsibility, skills needed, level in the hierarchy of an organization, and so on.
spiral career
a person holds different types of jobs that build on each other but tend to be fundamentally different
transitory career
changes jobs frequently, and each job is different from the one before it.