Organization/Outlines Flashcards
Speaking Outline (keyword outline)
1) Use key words - sig/imp words that cant be sed to reference entire ideas
2) only write out direct quptes fully
Introductions - Function
1) Get attention - surprising stats, anecdotes, compelling example, int quote, rhet q, mysterious hint
2) Reveal Topic - orient audience, relate to their interests
3) Establish cred - tell about connection to topic
4) preview main points - thesis
5) utilize primacy effect - first thing we hear tends to be influential and well remembered
Introductions - Function
1) utilize primacy effect - first thing we hear tends to be influential and well remembered
2) secure audience’s attention, interest and goodwill, and prepare them to listen
3) 10-20% of speech time
Introduction - structures
1) Get attention - surprising stats, anecdotes, compelling example, int quote, rhet q, mysterious hint
2) Reveal Topic - orient audience, relate to their interests
3) Establish cred - tell about connection to topic
4) preview main points - thesis
Conclusions - Function
1) signal end of speech and reinforce listener’s commitment to central idea
2) Take advantage of recency efffect - item recently presented will be remembered best
Conclusions - structures
1) Signal end - signpost “in conclusion”
2) Reiterate main points - briefly, help audence retain central idea
3) Dramatic statement
crescendo - build up, provide solution, fact quote
diminish - leave with lingering rhetorical q or pointing out something unheard
circular - refer to material used in attention getter
Connective Statements
1) transitions - signal moving from point to point
Internal summaries
internal previews - use when introducing foreign info
Principles of Outlining
1) SUbordination - heirarchy of points
2) coordination - same level info has same sig
3) division - dividing point needs two or more items
Info Speech arrangement patterns
1) Chronological - useful for highlighting evolution, change, or processes
2) spatial - uses direction or location as organizing principle, useful for highlighting contrasts or differneces
3) Causal - uses connection between cause adn effect as organizing principle. useful for explaining a phenomena
4) topical - uses natural divisions or categorization asprinciple, useful for showing parts that comprise a concept