Orbit Flashcards
- Ethmoid
- Lacrimal
- Frontal
- Maxilliary
- Zygomatic
- Sphenoid
- Nasal
Four Angles on the orbit
- Superior medial: Fossa For lacrimal Gland
- Superior Lateral: Fossa For trochlea ligament
- Inferior Medial: Inferior Orbital Fissure
- Inferior Lateral: Groove for Lacrimal Sac
Nerves and vessels entering the orbit
- Optic Foramen (3)
- Superior Orbital Fissure (4)
- Inferior Orbital Fissure (1)
- Optic nerve
- Ophthalmic Artery
- Ophthalmic Vein
- Ophthalmic division of trigeminal n
- Oculomotor Nerve
- Trochlear (Superior Oblique)
- Abducens (Lateral Rectus)
- Infraorbital Nerve
Common annular Tendon
- is
- What is attatched (7)
- what passes through 4
Fibrous ring attached to the sphenoid
The origin of 4 rectus muscles and superior Oblique
Inferior oblique does not: It attaches to the maxilla.
The levator Palpebrae superioris is also attached
- Optic nerve
- Oculomotor
- Abducens
- And ophthalmic nerve
The Ophthalmic nerve comprises
- Nasociliary
- Lacrimal
- Frontal
Eye Movements
- Elevation
- Depression
- Abduction
- Adduction
- Intorsion
- Extorsion
- Intorsion and Extorsion is
- Means
- is due to the contraction of which muscle?
Torsional eye movements are not under voluntary control
Intorsion: top of the eye towards nose: superior oblique
Extorsion: Top of the eye away from nose: inferior obliqe
Inferior Rectus
Depresses and medially deviates gaze
Lateral rectus
Laterally deviates gaze
Medial rectus
Medially deviates Gaze
Superior Rectus
Elavates and medially deviates gaze
Inferior Oblique
Elevates and laterally deviates gaze
Superior Oblique
Depresses and laterally deviates gaze
Depresses and medially deviates gaze
Inferior Rectus
Laterally deviates gaze
Lateral rectus