1. Craniofacial development Flashcards
Proportion of babies with craniofacial defects
Holoprosencephaly results in
- Nasal proboscis
- Failure of telencephalon to bifurcate
- Loss of nasal Septum
- Cyclopoeia
What defect?
Causes of Holoprosencephaly in live births
- Congenital ~25%, otherwise environmental
- Diabetic Mothers
- Alcohol
- Aspirin
- 3rd week infection with virus (siphilis, rubella, herpes)
Causes of Holoprosencephaly in embryo
- 45% trisomy (X18 or X13)
- Cyclopamine as SHH antagonist on PITCH1 receptor
- Mutation of DISP1, SHH, PTCH1,GLI1
DISP1 activates
Sonic Hedgehog is activated by
Sonic Hedgehog agonises
GLI1 is a transcription factor activated by
PTCH, a surface receptor
- The major cause of mental retardation in the western world
- I/500 live births
Foetal alcohol syndrome
Foetal alcohol syndrome involves
- Thin upper lip
- Rounded, indistinct philtrum
- Small Palpebral fissures
- Epicanthal folds on upper eyelid
- microcephaly and micrognathia
Palpebral fissures
bifid structure between the septum and the lips
A. neurocranium
B. Chondrocranium
C. Viscerocranium
- Auditory ossicles (maleus, incus, stapes)
- Lambdoid stuture
- Alisphenoid
- Occipital Squama
- Coronal Stuture
- Posterior Fontanelle
Neurocranium includes
- Frontal
- Parietal
Intermembranous ossification
- Maxilla
- Mandible
- Ear Ossicles
- Styloid Process
- Hyoid
- Laryngeal cartilages
Chondrocranium includes
- Ethmoid
- Sphenoid
- Occipital
Endochondrial ossification
Bone fomation process?
- Endochondrial
- Intramembranous
Craniosynostis, common types
- Sagittal 40%
- Coronal15%
Which malformation?
- Apert
- Crouzon
- Pfeiffer
- Congenital craniostynosis syndrome cases / all craniostynosis =
Congenital Craniostynosis syndromes and FGFR receptor mutations.
- Muenke FGFR3
- Apert FGFR2
- Crouzon FGFR3 & FGFR2
- Pfeiffer FGFR1 & FGFR2