Oral Functions: Senses Flashcards
which nerve is involved in innervating the lower teeth?
inferior alveolar nerve
which nerve does the inferior alveolar nerve give off anteriorly?
mental nerve
where does the mental nerve exit?
the mental foramen
what does the mental nerve do?
supply sensory branches to the chin and lower lip
why would numbness remain in the lip after and IDB?
due to temporary damage of the ID nerve
what is paraesthesia?
an abnormal sensation, typically tingling or prickling
what is dysaesthesia
an abnormal unpleasant sensation felt when touched, caused by damage to peripheral nerves
what does the gagging reflex do?
act to prevent material entering the pharynx
what is the gagging reflex evoked by?
mechanical stimulation of fauces, palate, posterior tongue and pharynx
what efferent nerves are involved in the gag reflex?
trigeminal, glossopharyngeal, vagus, accessory, hypoglossal (V, IX, X, XI, XII)
what afferent nerve is involved in the gag reflex?
glossopharyngeal (IX)
how can you manage a gag reflex?
use fast set alginate, breath through nose, mesh denture connector, magnets put into gingiva for denture wearers to stop the denture from extending too far back
what does Bell’s palsy cause?
a motor disorder which gives the inability to wrinkle brow, drooping eyelid, inability to close eye, inability to puff cheeks, no muscle tone, dropping mouth, food stuck in cheek
what are the facial nerve branches?
temporal, zygomatic, buccal, mandibular, cervical
what do the orbicularis oris and buccinator do?
help to control food bolus and prevent spillage