oral cavity Flashcards
roof of oral cavity
hard and soft palate
floor of oral cavity
muscular diaphragm and tongue
slit-like space between the teeth/gums and the lips/cheeks
oral vestibule
enclosed by the dental arches
oral cavity proper
function of teeth
incise (cut), reduce, and mix food material with saliva during mastication
participate in articulation
innervation of teeth
CN V2: maxillary teeth
CN V3: mandibular teeth
blood supply of teeth
maxillary a.
describe the hard palate
formed by palatine processes of maxillae bones and horizontal plates of palatine bones
function of the soft palate
flutter valve: elevate to seal off the nasopharynx from the oropharynx and depress to seal off the oral cavity from the oropharynx
general sensation of the palate
function of the tensor veli palatini
tenses soft palate
opens auditory tube when swallowing
innervation of tensor veli palatini
function of salpingopharyngeus
elevates pahrynx
innervation of salpingopharyngeus
function of levator veli palatini
elevate soft palate above the neutral position
innervation of levator veli palatini
function of palatoglossus
depresses palate and elevates back of tongue
function of palato-pharyngeus
depresses palate and elevates pharynx
innervation of palatoglossus and palatopharyngeus
function of mylohyoid
elevates the floor of the mouth and elevates hyoid bone
innervation of mylohyoid
function of geniohyoid
if mandible is fixed: elevates and pulls hyoid bone anteriorly
if hyoid is fixed: pulls mandible downward and inward
innervation of geniohyoid
anterior ramus of C1
describe the terminal sulcus
v shaped groove characteristic of dorsum of tongue
angle points posteriorly to foramen cecum
inferior surface of tongue is connected to floor of the mouth by midline fold
present on each side at the base of the frenulum where the submandibular duct opens into the oral cavity
sublingual carunles
veins of the tongue
dorsal lingual vein (accompany lingual a.)
deep lingual veins (run posteriorly to join sublingual vein)
general sensation and taste of anterior 2/3 of tongue
general sensation: V3 via lingual n.
taste: CN VII via chordae tympani
general sensation and taste of posterior 1/3 of tongue
CN IX with small area innervated by CN X (internal laryngeal branch)
motor control of the tongue
CN XII except palatoglossus (CN X)
describe the extrinsic muscles of the tongue
genioglossus: protrudes tongue (CN XII)
hypoglossus: depresses tongue (CN XII)
styloglossus: elevates and retracts tongue (CN XII)
palatoglossus: elevates tongue and depresses soft palate (CN X)
primary blood supply of the tongue
lingual a.
blood supply of the palate
greater and lesser palatine a. (branches of maxillary a.)
describe the lymphatic drainage of the tongue
root of tongue: bilaterally into superior deep cervical nodes
medial part of body: bilaterally into inferior deep cervical nodes
right and left lateral parts of body: ipsilateral submandibular nodes
apex and frenulum: submental nodes
describe the submandibular gland
wraps around posterior aspect of mylohyoid m.
duct runs anteriorly with lingual n. passing under it
describe the sublingual gland
smallest most deeply situated
lie in floor of mouth between mandible and genioglossus m.
numerous ducts
describe the innervation of the tongue
lingual n. (CN V3) carries GSA from anterior 2/3
chorda tympani (CN VII) joins lingual to carry SVA from anterior 2/3 and GVE for sublingual and submandibular glands
CN IX carries SVA from posterior 1/3 and GVE to parotid gland
describe hypoglossal innervation
intrinsic muscles of tongue
extrinsic muscles except palatoglossus
important relationships of CN XII
crosses anterior to external carotid a.
travels with lingual a.
courses over internal carotid a. and deep to posterior belly of digastric
what is the pharynx?
musculofascial half-cylinder that links the oral and nasal cavities to the larynx and esophagus
function of pharyngeal constrictors
contract sequentially from top to bottom, moving a bolus of food from the pharynx toward the esophagus
innervation of the pharynx
sac-like outpouching of the pharynx through an area of muscular weakness between the transverse fibers of cricopharyngeus and oblique fibers of lower inferior constrictor m.
Zenker’s diverticulum
3 pharyngeal levator muscles
stylopharygneus (CN IX)
salpingopharyngeus (CN X)
palatopharyngeus (CN X)
function of pharyngeal levator muscles
elevate pharyngeal wall up and over bolus of food being moved from pharynx to esophagus
motor innervation of pharynx
all muscles of pharynx and soft palate innervated by CN X except stylopharyngeus (CN IX) and tensor veli palatini (CN V3)
sensory innervation of pharynx
describe gag reflex innervation
efferent limb: CN IX
afferent limb: CN X
feature on lateral wall of nasopharynx
pharyngeal opening of pharyngotympanic tube
what is the torus tubarius?
posterior rim of auditory tube forms a bulge on the pharyngeal wall
what is the pharyngeal recess?
deep recess behind the torus tubarius
what are the palatoglossal folds?
cover palatoglossal m. and mark boundary between oral cavity and oropharynx
what are the palatopharyngeal folds?
posterior to palatoglossal folds
overlie the palatopharyngeus m.
what are the valleculae?
pair of mucosal pouches between base of tongue and epiglottis
what tonsils make up the tonsillar ring?
pharyngeal tonsils (adenoids)
tubal tonsils
palatine tonsils
lingual tonsils
describe the laryngopharynx
rests against C4-6
posterior and lateral walls are formed by middle and inferior pharyngeal constrictor m.
internal wall formed by palatopharyngeus and stylopharyngeus m.
what is the laryngeal inlet?
communication between laryngopharynx to larynx
what is the piriform fossa?
small mucosal lined depression on either side of the laryngeal inlet
describe the innervation of swallowing stages
oral transit: CN VII, X, XII (seal lips and elevate tongue)
seal: CN V, IX, X (elevate soft palate and elevate and protract hyoid)
protect larynx: CN V, VII, IX, X, C1 (adduct vocal cords, elevation and protraction of hyoid, contract pharyngeal constrictors)