Ophthalmology - Eyelid Disorders Flashcards
What is belpharitis?
Inflammation of the eyelid margins
Associated with dysfunction of Meibomian glands
Can lead to styes and Chalazions
How does blepharitis present?
Gritty, itchy and dry sensation in the eyes
What is a Stye?
Hordeolum externum
Infection of the glands of Zeis or glands of Moll
Red bump along eyelid
Can contain pus
Hordeolum internum
Infection of Meibomian glands
More painful
Can point inwards towards the eyeball under the eyelid
How are styes treated?
Hot compresses
When are topical antibotics used for styes?
Considered if associated with conjunctivitis or persistent symptoms
What is a chalazion?
Meibomian cyst
Meibomian gland becomes blocked and swells
Presents with swelling in eyelid that is typically non tender (can still be tender)
How is a chalazion treated?
Warm compresses and gentle massage towards eyelashes
Encourages drainage
Rarely drainage can be needed
What is Entropion?
Eyelid turns inwards with lashes pressed against the eye
Same day referral if threat to sight
What does entropion lead to?
Corneal damage and ulceration
What is the initial management of entropion?
Taping eyelid down to prevent it turning inwards
Lubricating eye drops to prevent eye from drying out
What is the definitive management of entropion?
Entropion surgery
What is ectropion?
Eyelid turns outwards exposing the inner aspect
Typically affects the bottom lid
What does ectropion lead to?
Exposure keratopathy
As the eye is exopsed and not lubricated adequately and protected
How is ectropion treated?
Lubricating eye drops
Severe cases may need surgery
Same-day referral to ophthalmology
What is trichiasis?
Inward growth of eyelashes
Corneal damage