Neurology - Facial Nerve Palsy Flashcards
What does facial nerve palsy refer to?
Isolated dysfunction of the facial nerve presenting with unilateral facial weakness
Where does the facial nerve exit the brainstem?
At the cerebellopontine angle
Which structures does the facial nerve pass through on its way to the face?
Temporal bone and parotid gland
What are the five branches of the facial nerve?
- Temporal
- Zygomatic
- Buccal
- Marginal mandibular
- Cervical
What is the motor function of the facial nerve?
- Facial expression
- Stapedius in the inner ear
- Posterior digastric, stylohyoid and platysma muscles
What sensory function does the facial nerve provide?
Taste from the anterior 2/3 of the tongue.
Which glands receive parasympathetic supply from the facial nerve?
- Submandibular and sublingual salivary glands
- Lacrimal gland (stimulating tear production)
How are upper and lower motor neurone facial nerve palsys managed?
Upper - immediate management as possible stroke
Lower - can be managed less urgently
Why is the forehead spared in UMN lesions?
Each side of the forehead has UMN innervation by both sides of the brain
Each side of the forehead only has lower motor neurone innervation from one side of the brain
In UMN lesion one side is knocked out but still innervated by other side, so UMN lesions forehead is spared by LMN not spared
What are the potential causes of upper motor neurone lesions?
Unilateral UMN lesion
* Strokes
* Tumours
Bilateral UMN lesions (rare)
* Pseudobulbular palsies
What is Bell’s palsy?
A relatively common idiopathic condition presenting with unilateral lower motor neurone facial nerve palsy
How long does it take patients to recove in Bell’s palsyr?
Most patients fully recover over several weeks, but recovery may take up to 12 months
Third of patients left with residual weakness
What treatment does NICE recommend for Bell’s palsy if patients present within 72 hours?
- 50mg prednisolone for 10 days
- 60mg prednisolone for 5 days followed by a 5-day reducing regime, dropping the dose by 10mg per day
What additional care do patients with Bell’s palsy require?
Lubricating eye drops to prevent drying out and eye damage
May need ophthalmology review for exposure keratopathy, eye can be taped closed at night
What is Ramsay-Hunt syndrome caused by?
The varicella zoster virus (VZV)