Neurology - Pain Flashcards
What is pain?
Unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with, or resembling that associated with, actual or potential tissue damage
What are the two categories of pain?
New onset of pain
Pain for 3 months or more
What are the two aspects to the experience of pain?
Sensory signal transmitted from pain receptor (sharp sensation e.g. needle)
Unpleasant emotional reaction to the pain (extremely painful, cant bear it)
What does it mean that pain is subjective?
Differs between people
If someone indicates they’re in pain, we need to accept it even when there is no apparent cause
What is pain threshold?
Point at which sensory input is reported as painful
What is Allodynia?
When pain is experienced with sensory inputs that do not normally cause pain e.g. light touch
What is pain tolerance?
How much pain a person can accept and continue as normal
Varies drastically between people
What are the two groups of fibres which transmit pain?
C fibres
Unmyelinated and small diameter
Transmit signals slowly and produce dull and diffuse pain
A-delta fibres
Myelinated and large diameter
Transmit signals fast and produce sharp and localised pain sensations
Where are pain signals interpreted?
What are the main sensory inputs that generate pain?
Mechanical (pressure)
Chemical (prostaglandins)
Pain can be experienced without activity in primary afferent nociceptors
Activity in primary afferent nociceptors can be detected without patient experiencing pain
What is referred pain?
Pain experienced in a location away from site of tissue damage
What causes referred pain?
- Nerves can share innervation of multiple body parts
- Pain in one area amplified sensitivity in spinal cord to signals from other areas
- Activation of sympathetic NS in response to pain causes pain in other areas
What is neuropathic pain?
Abnormal functioning or damage of sensory nerves causing pain being transmitted to the brain
How can pain be measured?
No objective way of experiencing pain
Visual analogue scale
Ask patient to rate pain along horizontal line
Numerical rating scale
Graphical rating can be used for kids, happy and sad faces
What are the three sets of the WHO analgesic ladder?
Step 1
Non-opioids e.g. paracetamol and NSAIDs
Step 2
Weak opioids e.g. codeine and tramadol
Step 3
Strong opioids e.g. morphine and fentanyl