Ophthalmology Flashcards
Acute Angle Closure Glaucoma
-Acute, severe painful red eyes with Halos
-Acetazolamide (Reduced aqueous humour production)
Anterior Uveitis
-HLA Association?
-Acute onset red painful eye, small fixed pupil with ciliary flush
-Red eye, Photophobia, Pain
-Topical Steroids?
Central Retinal Vein Occlusion
-Fundoscopy signs?
-Sudden painless loss of vision
-retinol haemorrhages
-Intravitreal anti-VEGF agents (e.g. ranibizumab)
Central retinal artery occlusion
-Fundoscopy findings?
-Immediate management?
-Sudden painless loss of vision
-Pale retina, cherry red spot
Herpes Simplex Keratitis
-Silt lamp examination findings?
-Unilateral, painful, red eye, photophobia, tearing
-Dendritic Ulcers
-Topical antivirals
Difference between dry and wet age related macular degeneration?
Dry (Non-exudative) = gradual atrophy and thinning of the macula
Wet (exudative) = Choroidal neovascularization with leakage, hemorrhage, and fibrosis
Symptoms of DRY AMD?
-Gradual painless central vision loss
-Difficulty reading or recognising faces
Symptoms of wet AMD?
-Rapid onset
Fundoscopic changes in dry AMD?
Fundoscopic changes in wet AMD?
Subretinal fluid, hemorrhages, or neovascular membranes
Optic Neuritis
-Unilateral vision loss, painful eye movements, colour desaturation
-RAPD, Optic disc swelling
-High dose corticosteroids
Horners syndrome triad?
Horners Anhidrosis at head arm trunk cause?
Central lesion e.g. stroke
Horners anhidrosis just face cause?
pre-ganglionic e.g. pancoast
Horners syndrome, anhidrosis absent?
Post ganglionic lesion e.g. carotid artery