Ophthalmology Flashcards
Angioid streaks
S - sickle cell
P - Paget’s disease, Pseudoxanthoma elasticum
A - calcification
C - calcification and breaks in Bruch’s membrane
E - Ehlers Danlos
Inferior homonymous quadrantanopia
Contralateral superior optic radiations of parietal lobe
Superior homonymous quadrantanopia
Lesions of inferior optic radiations in temporal lobe
Homonymous hemianopia
Incongruous defect (different on each side)
Lesion of optic tract
Homonymous hemianopia
Congruous defect (same on both sides)
Lesion of optic radiation or occipital cortex
Macular sparing
Lesion of occipital cortex
Dark spots in vision
Flashes of light
Posterior vitreous detachment
Dense shadow starting peripherally
‘Veil’ or ‘curtain’ over field of vision
Straight lines appear curved
Retinal detachment
Rheumatoid arthritis and painful, red eye
Normal visual acuity and fundoscopy
Treatment for acute closed angle glaucoma
IV acetazolamide
Topical pilocarpine
Pilocarpine MoA
Muscarinic cholinergic agonist
Amaurosis fugax
Treat as TIA
Aspirin 300mg
Central scotoma, loss of vision, impaired colour vision, pain on eye movement, positive afferent pupillary defect
Optic neuritis
Herpes Zoster ophthalmicus treatment
Oral aciclovir
Mechanism of visual disturbance in giant cell arteritis
Ischaemic optic neuropathy
NMO-IgG positive
Loss of vision
Neuromyelitis optica