Operational Guideline 1.2 All Hazards Large Incidents and Disaster Response Plan Flashcards
Portland Fire and Rescue has adopted three levels to which emergency operations may be classified. T/F
Define emergency operations response level 3:
Normal Operations. PF&R BICP is typically not staffed but may be for special events such as the Portland Marathon or Rose Festival.
At level 3 emergency operations response when are the following positions staffed or recalled?
- Fire Liaison
- Battalion staff captain
- PF&R BICP is opened
- BOEC is directed to page the PBEM duty officer to open the ECC
- Primary or backup ECC responders are recalled to duty
All discretionary
Define Level 2 emergency operations response
Major Incident/Event activation
Give 3 examples of incidents that would require a level 2 emergency operations response level.
- Natural Disaster
- four or five alarm incidents
What actions/recalls happen during a level 2 emergency operations response
- Fire Liaison (124) will be recalled
- Battalion staff Captain (120) will be recalled
- PF&R BICP is opened and primary or backup responders are recalled
- Incident organization charts and communications plans are implemented
The following actions are discretionary during a level 2 response
- Request from BOEC supervisor to change the Global Risk Level ion CAD
2 BOEC is directed to page the PBEM duty officer for activation of the ECC - Primary or backup responders for ECC are recalled
Emergency Operations Response Level 1
Disaster activation
What type of incident requires a level 1 response and what actions are taken?
Large scale incidents that diminish resource response capabilities. i.e. earthquake or pandemic. C103 will implement disaster response protocols.
The following actions will occur during a level 1 response
- BOEC is directed to page the PBEM duty officer for activation of the city ECC
- Primary or backup ECC responders are recalled
- PF&R BICP is opened and primary or backup responders are recalled to duty
- Incident organizational charts and communications plans are implemented
- Request from BOEC supervisor to change the Global Risk Level in CAD to meet triage needs
The order to lower the response level will be coordinated through the
office of the Fire Liaison
The decision to further increase the response level will be the responsibility of_________________________
C103, C102 or a staffed PF&R BICP
When call volume is such that there are more calls waiting in the “regular question” than there are responding units,_____________________________
The Liaison can recommend to an incident commander C102, PF&R BICP, or ECC to change the Global Risk Level.
When should the Global Risk Level be evaluated?
Every operational period
Obtaining information through _________ and situation status reports of the incident scene, as soon as possible, is a vital step in building any response plan and providing re responder safety.
______________ are pre defined routes each company travels in a n expedited manner. Intended to give incident command planners a representative sample of conditions in different parts of the city.
FMA rapid damage assessments
The ECC (if staffed) can be contacted by___________________
talkgoup P EOC 1 (J-1)