one-twenty pt. 2 Flashcards
What is another term for the body orientation known as inferior?
What is a more commonly used term for cranial orientation?
Which is true about energy content of the macro-nutrients?
water = 0 kcal/gram protein = 4 kcal/g alcohol = 7 kcal/g
A 50 yrs. old man weighing 198 lbs., 70 inches tall. Resting HR = 78 beats/min. Resting blood pressure = 162/94 mmHG Body fat = 30% Blood cholesterol = 240 mg/dl, Glucose 98 mg/dl HDL cholesterol = 34 mg/dl, Triglycerides = 180 mg/dl According to ACSM stratification guidelines, Mr. Garcia has which coronary artery disease risk factor?
hypertension high total cholesterol, smoking, age
What is the min. duration of an moderate intensity intermittent hour of aerobic activity to promote and maintain health?
10 mins.
What risk stratification category would require physician supervision during exercise testing?
moderate risk, maximal testing
What is the recommended range of essential body fat necessary for normal physiological function?
3-5% for males, 8-12% for females
Which exercise works best in isolating the soleus muscle?
seated heel raises w/flexed knees
What is the purpose of the Borg Scale of Perceived Exertion?
to est. the level of fatigue during exercise
In order to lose 1.5 lbs./week w/diet alone, one would have to reduce his/her daily caloric intake per day by ____ kilocalories.
What is the correct hand placement when spotting the supine dumbbell fly?
close to the dumbbells or wrists of your client w/o touching them
You have a client who recently confided to you that she is getting divorced. She admits to you that her exercise routine has suffered as a result of the increased stress. Which action is most appropriate for you to take?
recommended that she seek a mental health professional who can help her manage the increased stress
Which type of learner would benefit from a written handout?
What factors should be taken into account when determining appropriate exercise test mode?
age, health history, current physical activity
As the % of 1RM resistance increase, …
the number of reps until fatigue decrease
A client at your fitness center who has just completed a vigorous bout of exercise complains of fatigue, lightheadedness and shakiness. You know from his health history that he has type II Diabetes. Which do you administer after you call for medical assistance?
orange juice
What motivational strategy is used to help an individual change negative statements into positive statements?
cognitive restructing
Joe consumed half of the adult rec. diety allowance for carbohydrates as noted on the nutrition facts panel for persons consuming 2500 cal./day. Approximately how many grams of carbohydrates does Joe have remaining today?
Which describes a Valsalva maneuver performed during free weight biceps curl?
expiration of pressure against a closed glottis
An appropriate exercise movement to develop the _____ ______ is a _____ _____.
wrist flexors, wrist curl