OMB Limitations Flashcards
What is Vy
80 kts
What is max airspeed with take off power
What is max speed with NR set at 102%
What is max landing gear operating and flight speed extended?
What is min speed allowed under IFR
50 kts
What is max speed for IFR APP
What is max airspeed for wiper operations
140 kts
What is min speed in autorotation
Max airspeed with right door open
What is max airspeed with LH and both doors open
What is max airspeed to open doors
What is paved surface speed limits
Max taxi 40kts
Emerg landing speed 60kts
Ground speed limitations on prepared grass surfaces
Max taxi 20 kts
Max emerg landing speed 40 kts
What are the baggage compartment limits
200kg loaded to 600mm high
What are the slope landing limits for the 139
10 degree all round
What are the auto hover limit speeds
75kts IAS and 65 kts GS
What are the hoist weight limits
249 kg above 0 deg and 227 below 0 deg
What is max AUW for winching
What is max winch speed fully loaded
150 ft min
What is the pilot winch control limited to
50% of nominal
What is max forward airspeed to winch
80 kts
What wind speed do you need to record all starts
Wind speed above 33 kts
What is max take off PI
110 Pi
What is starter duty cycle for engines
45 Sec on, 1 min off
45 Sec on , 1 min off
45 Sec on, 30 min off