OMA section 8 Flashcards
What are the minimum flight altitudes adhered to by easyJet?
Within range of departure/destination use MSA. Outside of that use MORA or MGA
How much obstacle separation is provided by MGA?
1000ft if obstacles <6000ft
2000ft if obstacles >6000ft
How much obstacle clearance does MSA provide?
1000ft within 25nm
When is it permissible to descend below MSA?
When under radar control
On a published approach procedure
VMC when visual contact can be maintained
How much clearance does MORA give?
1000ft when obstacles <5000ft
2000ft when obstacles >5000ft (10nm either side of track)
Minimum published MORA?
Can you convert met vis to RVR? What limitations are there?
Yes using table in section 8
Cannot do it if there is reported RVR
Cannot be used for TO
Cannot be used if RVR after conversion <800m
What’s the difference between Cat A, B and C airports?
Cat A 1 runway with no performance limited procedure 1 instrument approach Circling minima below 1000ft Night ops available
Cat B
Do not meet Cat A
Requires commander self briefing due something non standard
Cat C
Additional considerations to Cat B
Requires specific training (sim or visit with trainer)
Regarding weather planning minima, what period needs to be considered for dest/altn?
1hr before and 1hr after
What are the max distances for dest/en route alternates?
A319 380nm
A320 400nm
Max distance to TO alternate?
What are the planning minima for dest/en route alternates
CAT I - NPA cloud base and vis
NPA - NPA minima + 200ft and >1000m
Circling - greater than circling minima
When must the commander nominate 2 dest alternates?
Weather at destination below planning minima within +/-1hr
Wx not available at destination
What is absolute TO minima?
CAT I minima?
Cat I LTS minima?
Cat II minima?
Cat IIIA minima?
Cat IIIB minima?
<50ft or no DH
For take off, if the RVR or vis is not reported can you still take off?
Yes, captain must make a judgment call. You can use lights as a guidance: 10 centreline lights 15 metres apart gives 150m- min rvr unless specially trained.
What is minima to commence a visual approach?
2500ft and 5km
FO TO minima?
FO minima for landing
550m 200ft
RVR for straight in approach to visual segment?
Regarding take off alternates, what are the implications of taking off above max landing weight?
Can’t autoland above MLW so a Cat 1 TO alternate is required
Can you depart with no alternate?
Yes but:
• ETA +/- 1hr must be cloudbase>2000ft and vis>5km
• 2 runways with independent approach aids (can be crossing but closure of one can’t affect the other)
• flight must be less than 6 hours
• additional fuel must be taken to allow for holding for 15mins @1500ft
Why would you depart without an alternate?
TO performance reasons
What is the difference between fuel alternate and commercial alternate?
Fuel alternate has minimal facilities except fuel
What is the minimum RFF?
5 if low traffic aerodrome
4 if not more than 72hrs and by notam
Non UK 4
UK 5
If FOB is below CNR what should you do?
If landing assured or EAT known, continue and land above Final Reserve
If not the case, divert to suitable alternate
What is landing assured?
Landing assured is commanders judgement call that a safe landing will be made. Must take into account deterioration of wx or downgrade in a/c capability
If FOB is less than CNR and landing is assured but delay unknown what can you do?
Continue towards airfield but must be possible to divert to any suitable alternate until approach time known
What is taxi fuel? Can it be modified?
APU burn, engine start and taxi all the way until takeoff power is applied.
Yes it can at commanders discretion depending on conditions of the day
Approx taxi fuel burn?
1 engine 7kg/min
2 engines 10kg/min
What is fuel burn for APU?
What is trip fuel and can it be modified?
Fuel to carry out takeoff, entire trip including step altitudes, expected arrival, approach and landing
Can be modified by 5kg/nm for every mile ADDED or 4kg/nm for every mile SUBTRACTED
What is contingency fuel and can it be modified?
Contingency fuel can be used any time after push back. It’s for any deviation between planned and actual operating conditions.
It is SCF CONT95 based on historic flights or 5 mins @1500ft whichever is more or 5% if no SCF
Can be reduced to CONT90 or 5 mins @1500 whichever is more or 3% if no SCF. Must have en route alternate within specified radius
What is absolute minimum contingency fuel?
5 mins holding @ 1500ft above destination
What is the Easyjet fuel policy?
To carry the minimum amount of fuel necessary to safely and efficiently complete the flight while meeting regulatory and maintaining operational stability
What is stat cont95?
Based on historical data of route pairings.
The figure shows the average extra trip fuel used in 95% of the flights
What is Altn fuel?
Fuel for missed approach from MAP, diversion and approach at alternate airfield.
If 2 alternates then furthest alternates fuel used
What is additional fuel when provided?
Provided if no alternate provided. It is 15 mins @1500ft at destination
Also for significant performance penalties at low altitudes due to engine fail or depressurisation
Or by notam
When should you carry extra fuel and what is the penalty?
Carry it when there is a strong possibility of using it. Eg weather, slots, ground delays
Penalty is 3% or extra fuel per hour of flight
What is final reserve fuel?
30 mins holding at 1500ft above destination. Only there as a last resort
What is 3% ERA?
Can reduce contingency to 3% or CONT90 to reduce weight if there is a suitable alternate law within a circle with radius 20% of total distance positioned 75% into journey
Must meet ‘no alternate’ criteria
What criteria must be met to not have an alternate?
Less than 6 hours
2 separate runways with independent approach aids
Wx 5km vis, 2000ft or circling + 500
What is appropriate fuel burn in hold at 1500ft with anti ice on?
Holding 40kg/min (2400kg/hr)
Engine anti ice 1kg/min
Engine and wing 2kg/hr
What are the limits to tankering fuel?
Must not be within 1% of MTOW or MLW whichever is limiting
If stat CONT95 is negative what does it mean?
In 95% of flights it trip fuel is more than required
What does the term minimum fuel mean to ATC?
All other airfield options have been used up and any change to the clearance will result in landing below final reserve
Regarding low fuel when should you declare a PAN and a MAYDAY?
PAN PAN if you MAY land below final reserve
MAYDAY if you WILL land below final reserve
How long is a TEMPO on a TAF expected to last?
No more than half the time of the period stated and in bursts of less than an hour
Can a PROB TEMPO be ignored?
An deterioration MAY be ignored and an improvement SHOULD be ignored
With regards to wind speed on a forecast what should be considered?
Mean wind speed should be below limits but gusts can be ignored
A/c supplementary/portable oxygen capacity and limits?
Flight deck- quick donning masks for flights above 25000ft
At least 2 hours supply but unlimited for time above 10000ft
CC- at least 30 mins but unlimited for time above 13000ft
Pax- oxy for 100% of pax for at least 10 mins or unlimited for time above 15000ft
Therapeutic air for 2% of pax
Altimeter tolerances before entering RVSM airspace?
2 primary altimeters within 200ft
What is an ADD?
Acceptable deferred defect
Dispatch can still be made with a Level 1 or 2 ADD and the a/c is still airworthy in accordance with MEL
Who can transfer ADD to a/c status sheet?
Engineer although is possible for captain to do it down route under guidance
Difference between Level 1 and Level 2 defect?
Level 1 is operationally restrictive
Level 2 less serious (mostly cosmetic)
What is a non ADD?
Renders the a/c AOG until rectified
What are the repair intervals?
ABCD A...not specified but condition is in the MEL B...3 days C...10 days D...120 days
How long is daily inspection valid?
Must be completed after last flight of day after 6pm. Becomes valid from 0001 that night until midnight the following day
E.g. done Friday night, valid until 2359 Sunday night
Wake turbulence intervals departing behind Heavy and Super?
H 2 mins
S 3 mins
H 3 mins
S 4 mins
On final what is the wake turbulence separation behind H and S?
H 5 miles
S 7 miles
What distance should you avoid thunderstorms by laterally and vertically?
5000ft above
What are the rules regarding musical instrument carriage?
Small instruments in the overhead locker
Large instruments have their own seat. Must be less than 30cm from top of seat