Control Laws Flashcards
What is pitch ground mode?
Ground mode is direct sidestick to elevator relationship. During Take off, max elevator deflection reduces to 20* at 75kts
What is pitch flight mode?
Flight mode blends in about 5s after lift off when pitch exceeds 8*
Sidestick demands load factor
I’m normal law, when does auto trim stop functioning?
When manual trim input
Rad alt below 50ft
Load factors below 0.5g
What is flare law?
Allows airbus to land like a normal a/c
At 50ft auto trim freezes
At 30ft starts to lower nose to reach -2* over 8s so the pilot has to flare
How can you disconnect the AP using flight controls only?
Forcefully moving the flight controls. Pitch attitude protection is inhibited
What is lateral ground mode?
Roll is direct relationship to sidestick input
During takeoff max deflection of ailerons and spoilers reduce
What is lateral flight mode?
Flight mode blends in after lift off and sidestick commands roll rate. Turns are coordinated automatically using rudder
Max bank angle in normal law?
Max roll rate in normal law?
15* per second
What changes to the control laws and protections in alternate law? Pitch, roll, landing, protections and speed?
Roll…direct relationship
Landing…no flare law, landing direct law conf 3
Protections…load factor unaffected, high speed and AoA are downgraded to stabilities, all other protections lost
Speed…max speed 320kts, no Alpha Floor
What’s the difference between Altn law with/without protections?
Depends on system downgrades
With protections offers high and low speed stabilities
What is flare law in alternate law?
It’s direct law, autotrim freezes and direct relationship to pitch and roll
Describe high speed stability?
At usual high speed protection activation, a/c pitches up gently but can be overridden by pilot
Describe AoA stability?
Approx 10kts above stall warner, a/c produces nose down pitch. Pilot can override this
How does PFD appear in alternate law?
The ‘eyebrow’ protections are replaced by amber xx’s. Speed tape is different also
How does PFD annunciation direct law?
Annunciates USE MAN PITCH TRIM in amber
What is mechanical back up?
Loss of all FBW computers as a result of total electrical failure.
Meant to be temporary condition until electrics restored
Use pitch trim for pitch and rudders for roll