OMA 8.3 Flight Procedures Flashcards
Class E airspace considerations
Class G airspace considerations
Class E: IFR is separated from IFR
VFR w/o radio or transponder
(look out, lights on, slow)
Must have duty pilot approval in Class G without radar.
When shall the commander NOT take off / continue ? (Re: wx)
(inc. after replanning)
If the available weather indicates neither destination or alternate are within planning minima
Or if flying VFR, any part of route IMC.
When should you not descend below MSA? (3)
Unless established on final, in published holding pattern, or under positive radar contact
Visual Approach procedures?
When established on 3° by?
What minimum altitude?
Aircraft instruments still primary reference, sensible mix of external and internal cues
Standard visual circuit rarely the best option due to airspace / rarely practiced
Must be on 3º by 1000 AAL
At least 1500 AAL (500 RA) until final descent
Maintain visual with landing environment, beware of illusions
AOI/CCI may ban night visuals
Take off conditions? (2)
RVR sufficient
Surface condition OK
NADP 1 / 2 standard profiles
NADP 2 is standard
V2 + 10-20 (SRS) to 800 AAL
CLB thrust @ 800 AAL
CLB thrust @ 800 AAL
V2 + 10-20 (SRS) to 3000 AAL
Can we simulate failures on commercial flights?
At what levels do NAT HLA rules apply?
Which regions are EZY allowed in?
RVSM also applies F290 to 410
i.e. all levels HLA + RVSM from 290-410, only 420 is HLA but not RVSM.
Santa María, Shanwick and Reykjavík
Not approved for ETOPS / POLAR area
What are requirements for NAT HLA airspace?
RNP/NAV Sys/FMGC/Display/Clock/RVSM
Ground training completed
RNP 4/10
Long range navigation system 0/1/2 (depending on area (GEN RSI)- we have 2)
1 navigation system with inputs from one IRS or more
1 FMGC using IRS or GPS
One GNSS (GPS only on NAT)
1 Nav display
HF requirements in route manual
(SELCAL if HF required)
MEL- anything marked ‘check MNPS capacity’
1 master clock with automatic update
RVSM able
Procedures for NAT airspace
Prior / Post / Deviations
Prior to entry:
Clock set to GPS
GPS Primary / RNP 4
RVSM Altimeter check
SELCAL check
Clearance obtained
Post entry:
Monitor position drift
Note any malfunction in Tech log
Deviations to be reported:
Total track error +25m
+/- 300’
Loss of HLA/RVSM capability
If any contingency procedure used
RNP navigation accuracy
Must be the required figure or more 95% of the time
Probability of position error- < 10^5 per hour (annunciated loss <10^4 )
RNP specifications
RNAV 10: Oceanic
RNAV 5: Enroute
RNAV 1 / 2 (PRNAV): Certain Tango
RNP 4: Enroute
RNP 1: (Basic)
RNP APCH: GPS Approaches
When can you not go Direct To on an RNP approach?
No direct to FAF or point preceding RF leg. (Except RNP4/10)
(On vectors, must intercept 2 miles or more from FAF)
No modification of coded constraints
RNAV accuracy for substitution of navaids (overlay)
Underlying navaid must be avail during Final Approach
RVSM check
RVSM requirements
Less than 75’ between primary altimeters and airport elev
Less than 200’ between primary altimeters in the air (prior entry)
2 primary altimeters,
AP with ALT HOLD mode + alert
SSR Transponder connected to primary altimeter
RVSM- contingencies to report (5)
Loss of AP (ALT)
Loss of primary altimeter
Performance issues (des)
Mode C fault
Greater than mod turbulence
When is regional QNH used?
Cruising at altitude outside a TMA
Can RA be used on a Cat I approach?
Not as a primary reference, only on Cat II/III.
Do we use QFE?
No. Should be a conversion chart for relevant aerodromes.
Where is the metric altitude conversion chart?
Lido Route Manual
When can we ignore GPWS callouts?
ONLY in VMC during day
AND visual with terrain
AND chart mentions nuisance alerts
(and mentioned in briefing)
Nuisance- appropriate, unnecessary
Genuine- appropriate, necessary
False- inappropriate / wrong
All E/GPWS alerts to be ASRd
TA/RA actions
What three things supercede TCAS?
TA: look, may request vector
RA: do what it says, unless threat to safety
Stall, WS, GPWS superceed TCAS
TCAS superceeds ATC (they can’t see)
If EFOB less than Alternate + FinRes, what do we do?
Commit to either the destination, alternate or other suitable aerodrome
Assess weather, ATC delays, other factors
Decelerate to CI0,
Optimum FL
Select a closer alternate
Land and refuel
If EFOB fuel below FinRes, what do we do?
Proceed to nearest ‘safe landing’ aerodrome to preserve as much of FinRes as possible
Decelerate to CI0,
Optimum FL
Select a closer alternate
Land and refuel