OMA 10 Aviation Security Flashcards
What programme dictates Avsec?
National Aviation Security Programmes (NASP)
Each AOC required to have Air Carrier Security Programme (ACSP)
What is the definition of the critical part?
At least:
Areas to which screened, departing passengers have access
Areas through which screened departing baggage pass or are stored
What is the Network Duty Manager responsible for?
Reporting any events to the Security Manager
Informing commanders of any pertinent matter
When should any security event be reported?
Immediately to ICC
By ASR before end of duty
Who assess bomb threats, what are their levels, and what will be reported to a commander in flight?
NDM, CDOs, Security Team can assess
Red- will be notified in flight as credible threat
Amber- doubtful credibility
ICC will not inform, but if receiving an amber from another source, must be referred to ICC for further assessment as red or green. Assume green.
Green- non-credible. No action.
Actions if message found on board?
Contact ICC
Confirm if search had been carried out before flight
Assume green if unable to contact ICC (unless other notes found)
Preserve the message, avoid touching
Need to know basis
Actions if carrying out a search on board for a suspect device
Only if necessary
Before search, all pax to take bags and have open on laps
Begin at flight deck door working back
Pay attention to inner lining, particularly around lav / galley
Passengers moved row by row
What to do if a suspect object is found after a search?
Do not disturb it
Pax around to keep heads below seats
Remove nearby oxy, alcohol and FAKs
Leave in place if an immediate landing can be made
otherwise move to Least Risk Location by door 2R
Hijacking procedures?
Comply with demands
Cmd authority still applies and actions should not jeopardise pax and crew
Do not try to overpower or resist (excessively dangerous)
7500, and tell ATC if flight deck secure or not.
Avoid violent manoeuvres
On the ground- comply with police and let the hijacker do the thinking
Disruptive Passenger classifications?
When must the flight deck door remain closed?
When must the police be called?
- Non-compliance, disorderly, irrational
- Physical, damage, assault
- Life-threatening, weapons, exits
- Flight deck door- atempts or violence
Flight deck door closed for level 3 and 4 (ATC must also be informed)
Police must be called for 2, 3 ,4 may be called for level 1
What is a positive ID?
Should crew give personal contact details?
Name, passport, DoB
Crew not allowed to photo passport for GDPR
Never- always give Hangar 89
Who decides whether return flight will be cancelled?
ICC under advice from crew
Which law applies on an aircraft?
National law of AOC
and arrival country apply
Local police decide whether or not to prosecute
Two principles of preventative security?
- Unauthorised persons prevented from entry
- Easy and uninterrupted access to exterior is denied
How should the aircraft be protected inside the critical part?
Is / was outside the critical part?
Outside UK/EU?
Who supervises sealing and keeps the seal log?
* Doors closed OR
* No steps OR
* Locked hangar
Ever outside:
* Doors closed AND no steps
Other regions:
* Doors closed AND no steps
* Seal all lower hatches (if avail)
* Guards (EG / TR / TN)
Commander supervises sealing, record stays with handler / security
Who responsible for checking bar / supplies?
Can we get ad-hoc supplies from a non-contracted suppliers?
Cabin Crew
No, due to security procedures
Who controls access to aircraft?
What is ID check?
Commander overall, but also ground and cabin crew
- Photo matches (ask for another official ID if none)
- Expiry date (if displayed)
- Valid reason for entry
- Must be accompanied by crew member whilst onboard
- Must deny access even if they say it is a security test
When can a pre-flight security check commence?
What should cabin crew do getting onto an aircraft that has been positioned with no cabin crew?
Must be on stand
An area check may commence during disembarking so long as empty and no-one re-enters.
Treat it as cold
Search / Tidy
We are in NCE, arrived from TLV (or LPL)- which procedure?
We are in NCE, arrived from RAK?
We are in IOM, from LPL?
We are in JER, from BES?
We are in MAN, from BER?
We are in BER, from MAN?
When do we always search?
NCE from TLV / LPL- tidy
NCE from RAK- search
IOM from LPL - tidy
JER from BES- search
MAN from BER- search
(BER from MAN- tidy)
Always search if
* cold
* going TO TLV
* A/c is / was outside critical part
* Security suspected compromised
Diversion reconciliation
3 row or full reconciliation?
Diverted to BOD, departed LPL?
Diverted to VCE, departed AYT?
Diverted to IOM, departed LPL?
Diverted to GIB, departed LPL?
Diverted to BFS, departed FAO?
Diverted to BJV, departed LPL?
Diverted to BJV, departed AYT?
BOD from LPL - 3 row
VCE from AYT- full recon if a pax leaves
IOM from LPL- 3 row
GIB from LPL- 3 row
BFS from FAO- full unless unsched
(full disembarkation if 1 pax leaves)
GIB from LPL- 3 row
BJV from LPL- 3 row
BJV from AYT- full if 1 pax leaves
What is the 3 row procedure?
Reconciliation of all overhead baggage 3 rows forward and back
if passenger 3 rows ahead has bags elsewhere, don’t worry- bags matter only
Check lavs
Offload anything unclaimed
multiple offloads, consider full recon
What is full reconciliation procedure?
Reconcile all bags with passengers
Check nothing left in lockers / seat pockets
Offload anything unclaimed
Check lavs
Pax may remain on board so long as moved away from areas being checked
Drunk person is offloaded before departure- what search?
3 row
Five main areas of flight deck search?
- Overhead
- Stowage bins
- Seats (inc. jump)
- Aft panels
- Waste