OM-A Operating Procedures Flashcards
Flight Preperations, requirements to commence a flight
Aircraft is airworthy, MEL/CDL are adhered to, Documents on board, ground facilities and services for planned flight are available/adequate, provisions of fuel/oil/oxygen/MSA/minima/alternate are complied with, weight of a/c at takeoff is so tat the flight can be conducted in compliance with MSA/MFa, any other operation limit can be complied with, an OFP must be completed for each intended flight
Minimum Sector Altitude
Represents the safe altitude around a nav station or aerodrome reference point. If no other info is present: 25 nm and may be valid for a specific sector or approach runway. In case of RNAV approach, MSA may be replaced by Terminal Arrival Altitude. MSA and TAA provide 1000ft obstaccle clearance down tot he intermediate approach segment.
Route MORA
The MFA (Minimum Flight Altitudes) on OFPs are based upon route MORA providing 1000ft clearance for terrain up to 5000ft, 2000ft clearance above, within 20 NM of the route segment centreline. Minimum value depicted on OFP is 2000ft.
Minimum Grid Altitude
Represent the lowest safe altitude which can be flown off track. It is calculated by rounding up the elevation of the highest obstruction within the respective grid area to the next 100ft and adding 1000ft for terrain/obstruction up to 6000ft and 2000ft for terrain/onbstruction above 6000ft. Shown in hundres of feet, lowest indicated is 2000ft.
Temperature correction, when and where?
Below -10 degrees surface temperature correction must be applied to:
- Non precision approaches to minimum altitudes after passing the FAF
- Final Approach Fix
Terrain and Wind awareness
With high wind speeds there is an altimeter error. Be aware when flying over mountainous terrain with strong winds; consider increasing Minimum Flight Altitudes.
RFFS Requirement approved aerodromes
319/320 cat 6
321 cat 7
For departure & destination in case of temporary downgrade for not more than 72 hours: two categories below.
Take-off alternate, destiation alternate and enroute alternate non UK RFFS 4, UK RFFS 5.
Isolated Aerodrome
One for which alternate and final reserve fuel required to the nearest adequate destinationalternate is more than fuel to fly for 2 hours at normal cruise consumption above the destination aerodrome including final reserve fuel.
Maximum distance from an adequate aerodrome
60 minutes flight time based on one-engine inop cruise speed at standard temperature instill air
319: 380nm
320/321: 400nm
Weather planning minima destination & alternate - what should be considered?
Weather reports and forecast for destination & alternates shall be considered during a period of +/- 1 hour of the estimated time of arrival.
For destination (and take-off alternate): ceiling shall be considered for a type A or circling operation.
When is a take-off alternate required? What should the wx forecast be?
When performance or meteorolgoical conditions preclude a return to the departure aerodrome. Meteo conditions are suitable for return when they are at or above the applicable minima for the instrument approach in use. The weather reports or forecast for the t/o alternate shall be at or above minima for the expected instrument approach.
Take off alternate - what is the maximum distance?
One hour OEI cruise speed at ISA conditions in still air maximum. Max distance 320 nm
When are two destination alternates required?
When the wx reports or forecasts are below the applicable planning minima, no meteo info available or when the landing performance requirements cannot be assured at a destination due to dependence on a specific wind component or runway state.
Planning minima for destination alternate and fuel ERA
Depends on type of approach, areodrome ceiling and RVR/VIS.
Type B: DA/H + 200 ft RVR/VIS +550m
Type A with minimum of 200’ or less: DA/H+200ft RVR/VIS +800m
Two or more Type A, seperate nav aid: DA/H or MDA/H +200ft RVR/VIS + 1000m
Other tpe A instrument approaches: DA/H or MDA/H +400ft RVR/VIS+1500 m
Circling apprach MDA/H+400ft or VIS+1500m
When is a fuel ERA reqruied?
Under alternative flight planning procedures
When can you use Converted Meteoroglical Visibility
For planning purposes if wx minimia is expressed in RVR.
In flight, CMV to RVR when RVR is not reported.
Table in Om-a
Flights without destination alternate, what is required?
Under alternative flight planning a flight may be planned without destination alternate provided that the destination has two seperate landing runways where the risk of a single event or metereolgoical detorioration at that single aerdrome will not eliminate safe landing options.
The duration of flight shall not exceed 6 hours (or 4 in case of replanning)
The wx reports forecast +/- 1 hour ETA shall be at least: ceiling 2000ft or circling height +500ft, whichever is greater. Ground visibility at least 5km
Additional fuel is carried
Destination alternate for PBN operations
Only select an aerdrome as dest alternate if an instrument approach procedure that does not rely on GNSS is available either at that aerdrome or at the destination aerdorme.
Alternative flight planning - flight monitoring function not available, where to find this information?
Increased safety margin is needed, table is in OM-A.
What is our aeroplane category and indicated airspeed at threshold?
Cat C, Vat (indicated at threshold from 121-140 kts.
Lowest Take-Off minima?
Why the 15m spacing on centre lights?
125m with LVPs in force for LVOs. Adequate light facilities must be operating. The 15m centre line lights spacing is selected because FD geometry means that this will provide at least a 90m visual segment: you should be able to see 6 lights when lining up.
Tables in OM-A
When is conversion of visibility to CMV not allowed?
A CMV instead of RVR may not be used to satisfy the take-off minima or the purpose of continuation of an approach in LVO’s. The factor depends on day/ngiht and availability of lights (OM-A).
Visual approach reqruiements
Minimum of 2500ft cloud ceiling or circling minimum if higher, 5000m visibility
Fuel scheme/policy - responsibility commander?
The commander shall only commence a flight or continue in event of in-flight replanning when satisfied the aircraft carries at least the planned amount of usable fuel/energy and oil to safely copmlete the flight taking into acount the expected operating conditions
Minimum Fuel Required?
- Taxi Fuel
- Trip Fuel
- Contingency Fuel
- Alternate Fuel (if req)
- Additional Fuel (if req)
- Final Reserve Fuel
- Extra fuel if req by commander
- Discretionary
What is Taxi Fuel?
Fuel expected to be used prior to take-off, inclduing engine-start and APU consumption
What is Trip Fuel?
Fuel for take-off, climb, expected departure route, cruise, descent, expected arrival, approach & landing
What is contigency fuel?
Fuel to cover possibile deviations between the planned and actual operating conditions. It may be used any time after commencement of the flight i.e. after pushback/engine start.
If SCF: will be greater of CONT95 or CONT99 or an amount to fly for 5 mins at holding speed at 1500ft above destination aerodrome in standard conditions.
If no SCF: indicated on OFP and greater of 5 percent of planned trip fuel or fuel to fly for 5 mins at holidng speed at 1500ft above destination aerodrome in ISA cond
What is alternate fuel?
Fuel for missed approach from MDA/DH at destination to missed approach altitude, via missed approach procedure, to climb cruise and descent to alternate aerodrome, fuel for approach and landing at alternate aerodrome.
What is final reserve fuel?
Fuel to fly for 30 mins at holidng speed at 1500ft above destination alternate aerodrome in ISA conditions, calculated with estimated wieght on arrival at the alternate or destination when no alternate is selected.
What is minimum additional fuel? How much do you need for flight without destination alternate?
Fuel for anticipated delay (NOTAM, route, etc).
For flight without destination alternate: holding for 15mins at 1500ft AAE in ISA conditions.
When do we carry extra fuel? What is the penalty?
Only if a strong possibility exist that it will be used (thunderstorms, wx at limits, freezing/snow, crosswind/contaminiated runways, additional approaches, icing conditions enroute etc.) we shall take extra fuel. The penalty is around 3 percent of extra fuel burn per hour of flight for taking 1000kg extra fuel.
When do we use alternative flight planning procedures? What can we consider?
Normally limited to those flights that are payload or perormance restricted. We can consider reduction in taxi fuel, trip fuel, cont fuel, fuel enroute alternate.
Alternative flight planning: reduction in taxi/trip?
Taxi: reduce statistical taxi fuel to take into account expected taxi times. 2 engines = 10kg/min, 1 engine=7kg/min.
Trip: modificatoin to OFP is permitted. Estimate the reduction in distance forom FMC. 1 nm more = 5 kg more, 1 nm less = 4kg less.
Alternative flight planning: contingency fuel reduction?
Requires selection of a fuel ERA.
If SCF data is available cont fuel data can be reduced to: cont90, fly 5mins at hold speed at 1500ft above destination aerodrome in ISA, 190/204/170/200 kgs (319/320/320N/321)
If SCF data is not available: 3 percent of planned trip fuel (or 3 percent of remainder of flight for replanning) or 5 mins at 1500’ AAE in ISA.
Minimum oil quantities?
Minimum oil consumption should cover the flight time + 15 mins.
NEO minimum oil quantity is the highest of:
10.6 qt or 8.9 qt + estimated consumption of 0.45 qt/hr
CEO is 9.5 + estimated consumption 0.5 qt/hr
Specific gravity of fuel & Oil
Jet A/A1 0.8, oil 0.88
Dry operating weight?
Total weight of aircraft with no usable fuel or payload
DOW + payload
RW? (Ramp Weight)
ZFW + total fuel
RW - taxi fuel
TOW- trip fuel
Pax standard weights?
Male 93 kg
Female 75 kg
Children 35 kg
Guide dog 35 kg
Cello 10 kg
Crew standard weights?
FD 85kg, CC 75kg
Bag weights
Domestic 11kg, within europe 13kg, intercontinental 15kg
LMC weights? When new loading form?
Pax LMC 84kg (used for m/f/c)
Checked cabin bag 11kg
Rush bag standard 11/13/15 kg
New loading form when pax -20/+10 pax or weight >250kg and variatoin > +/- 2 % MAC
Cargo Loading 319?
150 bags in rear hold, max 50 bags in hold 5. Maximise use of hold 4 where possible. Overspill in hold 1. Less than 100 bags; all in hold 4. More; allocate an amount first to hold 5, then fill up hold 4.
Cargo Loading 320?
Appr 85 bags in hold 1. More possible with smaller items. Then hold 4 (3 for high loads as req). Hold 5 only in non normal situations
Cargo loading 321?
First 100 bags in hold 3, next 50 bags in hold 4, remaining in hold 2. Electric mobile aids in hold 4 if less than 100 bags, hold 2 if more. Hold 1 and 5 in non-normal situations