Olinger Stuff Flashcards
Where does the right recurrent laryngeal nerve run?
underneath the right subclavian A.
where does the left recurrent laryngeal nerve run?
under the aortic arch?
what is the only muscle of the larynx not innervated by the recurrent laryngeal Ns.?
cricothyroid muscles
what is the connection between the middle ear and the nasopharynx?
pharyngotympanic tube
what is another word for pharyngeal tonsil?
Branchial Fistula
abnormal remnants of 2nd pharyngeal groove and 2nd pharyngeal pouch leading to an opening between tonsils and neck
branchial sinus
embryonic cervical sinus does not disappear along the SCM; leads to external communication but not internal
branchial cyst
does not communicate externally or internally
What is housed in the carotid sheath?
common carotid A., internal jugular V., and vagus N.
What does the carotid sinus respond to?
pressure changes
what does the carotid body respond to?
changes in blood O2 concentrations
Where do superficial cervical lymph nodes drain?
deep inferior cervical lymph nodes
Where do deep inferior cervical lymph nodes drain?
jugular lymphatic trunk on right and left side
what innervates the Cricothyroid M.
external laryngeal n. (off vagus n.)
what is the only elastic cartilage in the larynx?
epiglottic cartilage
where does an infection of fascia between investing and the muscular pretracheal layers spread to?
no inferior than manubrium
where does an infection between investing and visceral pretracheal fascia spread to?
anterior thorax
where does an infection in the retropharyngeal space spread too?
into mediastinum causing trouble breathing and swallowing; behind pretracheal in front of prevertebral layers
borders of the posterior triangle of the neck
trapezius, SCM, and clavicle
borders of the omaclavicular triangle
SCM, clavicle, and omohyoid
borders of occipital triangle
trapezius, omohyoid, and SCM
congenital-unilateral shortening of SCM leading to contralateral torsion
spasmodic-hypertonicity of SCM and trapezius usually
what runs along the anterior scalene m.
phrenic N. (diaphragm)
anterior triangle borders
SCM, body of mandible, and midline of neck
what separates submandibular and submental triangles
anterior belly of the digastric m.
submandibular triangle contents
facial A., hypoglossal N., submandibular gland
what separates the muscular triangle from the carotid triangle
superior belly of the omohyoid m.
innervation of mylohyoid, geniohyoid, and anterior belly of digastric ms.
N. to the mylohyoid
innervation of posterior belly of the digastric and stylohyoid
facial N.
innervation of omohyoid (both bellies), sternohyoid, and sternothyroid ms.
ansa cervicalis
innervation to thyrohyoid m.
hypoglossal N.
stylopharyngeus innervation
glossopharyngeal N.
what is the only laryngeal muscle to abduct vocal cords during quiet breathing
posterior Cricoarytenoid