Cranial Nerve Overview Flashcards
What is the parasympathetic innervation of pupil and ciliary muscle?
CN III; oculomotor
CN IV function
GSE motor to superior oblique (inferomedial in H test)
only CN to exit midbrain dorsally
CN VI function
Abducens; GSE to lateral rectus muscle
CN V function
SVE to muscles of mastication from 1st PA
GSA sensory of face and scalp
V1-opthalmic, V2-maxillary, V3-mandibular
CN VII function
SVE motor to facial expression muscles from PA2
GVE parasympathetic to lacrimal, nasal, palatine, submandibular, and sublingual salivary glands
SVA taste to anterior 2/3 tongue
GSA sensation to external acoustic meatus
CN VIII function
vestibulocochlear; SSA for special sense of hearing and equilibrium (balance)
CN IX function
glossopharyngeal GSA-sensation from ear and posterior 1/3 tongue GVA-from carotid body and oropharynx SVA-taste to posterior 1/3 tongue GVE-parasympathetics to parotid gland SVE-motor to stylopharyngeus M. (3rd PA)
CN X function
GSA-external auditory canal
GVA-sensory from viscera, pharynx, larynx, aortic arch, viscera, epiglottis, and base of tongue
SVA-taste from epiglottis
GVE-PS to viscera
SVE- motor to pharynx, larynx, and palatine (PAs 4 and 6)
CN XI function
spinal accessory; GSE to trapezius and sternocleidomastoid Ms.
CN XII function
hypoglossal; GSE to tongue, styloglossus, hypoglossus, and genioglossus
tongue deviates ipsilateral side if problem
hearing, balance, and sight
taste and smell
muscles derived from pharyngeal arches
GSE innervation by CNIII
superior, medial, and inferior recti; inferior oblique, and levator palpebrae superioris
innervates all muscles with palat- in name except tensor palatine