OIC - SAR Flashcards
What is the purpose of the Coast Guard’s SAR program?
The mission and purpose of the Coast Guard’s Search and Rescue (SAR) Program is to prevent death or injury to persons and loss or damage to property in the marine environment.
What are the statutory authorities for SAR?
Title 14, Sections 2, 88, and 141 of the U.S. Code.
What does Title 14, Sections 2, 88, and 141 of the U.S. Code state?
The code states that the Coast Guard shall develop, establish, maintain and operate SAR facilities and may render aid to distressed persons and protect and save property on and under the high seas and waters subject to the jurisdiction of the United States. It also states that the Coast Guard may use its resources to assist other Federal and State entities. Thus, Coast Guard performance of SAR is essentially permissive in nature.
What are the four SAR program objectives?
Minimize loss of life, injury, and property loss and damage in the maritime environment;
Minimize crew risk during SAR missions;
Optimize use of resources in conducting SAR; and
Maintain a world leadership position in maritime SAR.
How fast do units with a SAR readiness responsibility have to respond?
To meet the SAR response standard for most Coast Guard unit AORs, Coast Guard units with a SAR readiness responsibility shall maintain a B-0 (have a suitable SAR resource ready to proceed within 30 minutes of notification of a distress) readiness.
What is an SRU?
Search and Rescue Unit
What is an SMC?
SAR Mission Coordinator
Is an SMC required for every SAR case?
An SMC shall be designated for every SAR case to successfully manage each mission and to skillfully coordinate resources.
Can you be the SMC for a case as the OIC?
SMC responsibilities shall not be delegated below the Sector level.
Can you release names during an opened SAR case?
The release of names of individuals being sought or having been rescued by the Coast Guard may be released by the responsible PAO or SMC while a SAR case is open and active.
Can you release names for a closed or suspended SAR case?
Once a SAR case is closed or suspended in MISLE, any request for names of individuals rescued by the Coast Guard must be submitted by the requestor IAW The Coast Guard Freedom of Information and Privacy Acts Manual.
Who preforms Next of Kin (NOK) notifications?
The person exercising ACTSUS authority shall personally ensure that notifications are made and interaction established with the NOK at the earliest possible time.
If the person exercising ACTSUS authority is not able to preform a NOK notification, who can do it for them?
In the event that is not possible, this responsibility may be delegated to a mature member of the Command who may be physically proximate to the NOK (e.g., Station CO/OINC) and who is thoroughly familiar with the case.
How early should NOK’s be notified if a case if going to be suspended?
NOK should be notified of the decision to suspend active searching if no significant developments occur at least one day prior to actual suspension. This prepares the family for the actual ceasing of operations while giving them at least one more day of hope.
What vessels are required to provide assistance at sea?
Article 98 of the Law of the Sea Convention, “Every State shall require the master of a ship flying its flag… to render assistance to any person found at sea in danger of being lost.”
Can you enter foreign TTS to provide SAR assistance?
Article 98, the Law of the Sea Convention makes the act of stopping to render assistance to mariners in distress while transiting a foreign territorial sea fully consistent with the principles of innocent passage, thus disassociating entry or rendering assistance while in innocent passage from the notion that these acts violate a coastal State’s sovereignty.
As the OIC of a cutter, can you enter foreign TTS for a SAR case?
Coast Guard rescue assets are authorized to enter a coastal State’s territorial sea to rescue persons in distress; such assistance is to be provided without regard to the nationality or status of such persons or the circumstances in which they are found.
What allows you to enter foreign TTS for SAR?
Assistance Entry
What things will you consider before entering foreign TTS for a SAR case?
The safety of assisting personnel;
The safety of the persons in danger or distress;
U. S. foreign relations with the coastal State; and
Any applicable international SAR agreement.
Can you preform Assistance Entry into foreign TTS to preform search pattern?
To perform a search (AE rescue operations in a coastal State’s territorial sea extends only to rescue operations not searches. Coastal State permission must be obtained prior to entering into, flying over or landing in territory or territorial sea of a coastal State for search operations unless other prior arrangements have been made.
Who needs to be notified if you are preforming Assistance Entry into foreign TTS?
For all AE rescue operations conducted by Coast Guard rescue units, the Coast Guard National Command Center shall be promptly notified.
What is DSC?
Digital Selective Calling
What is an MMSI number?
Maritime Mobile Service Identity
What is a UMIB?
Urgent Marine Information Broadcasts (UMIBs) are a tool used by Coast Guard SAR Mission Coordinators to alert the maritime public to a distress or potential distress situation.
What things shall a UMIB be released for?
All uncorrelated MAYDAY channel 16 calls;
Uncorrelated VHF-FM DSC distress calls;
Flare sightings;
Overdue vessel reports; and
Other situations as deemed necessary by the SMC.
What is the difference between a UMIB and a Call Out?
Callouts differ from UMIBs in that they are a radio broadcast directed toward a specific vessel, rather than directed at a broad audience, as is the UMIB. Callouts also do not imply or require a state of “urgency” whereas the UMIB by definition conveys urgency.
What is a MAYDAY Relay?
Mayday Relays are intended to alert the maritime public of an incident involving imminent danger to life.
When can you request through a phone company to ping a phone through a Cellular Tower Locator?
SAR watchstanders must determine that the case is in the distress phase, and shall articulate that they believe the subject is in imminent danger. If a SAR watchstander determines that a case is in the alert or uncertainty phase, the watchstander shall complete pre-comms and ex-comms to investigate or obtain information on a vessel’s location.
What are the three phases of SAR?
Uncertainty Phase;
Alert Phase; and
Distress Phase.
What pattern is a SS?
Square Single Unit
What is a Square Single Unit (SS) pattern used for?
This pattern is used when there is a high degree of confidence the search object is close to the estimated datum position.
What is the direction of the first leg on a Square Single Unit (SS)?
The first leg is normally in the direction of the search object’s drift.
How are course changes made on a Square Single Unit (SS)?
All course changes are 90 degrees to the right.
What is a Sector Search Pattern used for?
These patterns are best used when the datum is established within close limits, a very high coverage immediately around the datum is desired, and the area to be searched is not extensive.
What pattern is a VS?
Sector Search Pattern: Single Unit
What is the direction of the first leg on a Sector Search Pattern: Single Unit (VS)?
When practical, the first leg of the search is normally in the direction of search object drift.
How are course changes made on a Sector Search Pattern: Single Unit (VS)?
All turns in this pattern are 120 degrees to the right.
What course do you steer when commencing your second Sector Search Pattern: Single Unit (VS)?
Upon completion of the pattern, a second pattern is started with the heading of the new first leg 30 degrees to the right of the final course of the first pattern.
What pattern is a VM?
Sector Search Pattern: Two-Units
What is the direction of the first leg on a Sector Search Pattern: Two Unit (VS)?
As the first SRU begins a Victor Sierra search, the second begins its pattern at datum in a direction of 90 degrees to the left of the first leg of the first SRU.
Is the Coast Guard required to search for bodies?
When it has become definitely established, either by time or circumstances, that persons are dead, the Coast Guard is not required to conduct searches for bodies. If, however, requests are received from responsible agencies, such as local police, military commands, etc., Coast Guard units may participate in body searches provided that these searches do not interfere with the primary duties of the units.
For an Uncorrelated MAYDAY, how long do you have to broadcast a UMIB and how frequent do you do it?
The UMIB shall be broadcast for at least one hour at 15-minute intervals.
What is a False Alert?
A case where the subject reported to be in distress is confirmed not to be in distress and not to be in need of assistance. In a false alert case, the reporting source either misjudged a situation or inadvertently activated a distress signal or beacon resulting in an erroneous request for help, but did not deliberately act to deceive.
What is a Hoax?
A case where information is conveyed with the intent to deceive.
If a life-raft of vessel has been located, it cannot be recovered or removed, it is not in distress, but will be left unattended, what needs to be done?
If conditions and circumstances do not permit a safe recovery by on scene rescue units, rescue personnel should make every effort to mark the lifesaving vessel. The marking shall clearly indicate that the Coast Guard has investigated the lifesaving vessel.
When marking a vessel, how visible are the markings required to be?
Markings should be made to be visible and recognizable from the air and sea at a distance of 300 feet. A broadcast notice to mariners should be made appropriate to location, type of hazard and future disposition.
What is ACTSUS?
Active Search Suspended
Who has ACTSUS authority?
ACTSUS authority inherently rests with the SAR Coordinator. ACTSUS authority may be delegated to Sector Commanders. Sector Commanders may further delegate authority to the Deputy Sector Commander or the Sector Chief of Response. District Chief of Incident Management shall be advised if this delegation is made.
When can you claim a SAR case in MISLE?
Units may claim a case whenever a response is made no matter the time or effort expended.
When shall you claim a SAR case in MISLE?
Units shall claim a case and submit MISLE data when notification of distress has been received or a Search Rescue Unit (SRU) is launched.
What is MISLE?
Marine Information for Safety and Law Enforcement
Are survivor debriefs required?
When possible, SMCs should conduct survivor debriefs to gather all information available regarding the actual circumstances surrounding the details of the incident.
What is the MSAP?
Maritime SAR Assistance Policy
What is the purpose of the MSAP?
The MSAP is the result of an effort enacted by Congress in 1982. It directed the Commandant to “review Coast Guard policies and procedures for towing and salvage of disabled vessels in order to further minimize the possibility of Coast Guard competition or interference with…commercial enterprise.”
When does the UNCERTAINTY phase exist?
An UNCERTAINTY phase exists when there is knowledge of a situation that may need to be monitored, or to have more information gathered, but that does not require moving resources.
When does the ALERT phase exist?
An ALERT phase exists when a craft or person is experiencing some difficulty and may need assistance, but is not in immediate danger or in need of immediate response. Apprehension is usually associated with the ALERT phase.
When does the DISTRESS phase exist?
The DISTRESS phase exists when grave or imminent danger requiring immediate response to the distress scene threatens a craft or person.
What is a Safe Haven?
A Safe Haven is considered a place that can accommodate and will accept the safe mooring of the vessel.
Is the Coast Guard legally obligated to preform rescue missions?
There is no legal obligation for the Coast Guard to undertake any particular rescue mission.
What is the Coast Guard’s primary concern when conducting SAR?
The Coast Guard’s primary concern in a search and rescue situation is to provide timely and effective assistance.
Can the Coast Guard engage in non-distress situations?
A Coast Guard resource may assist in a non-distress situation when no higher priority missions exist and no other capable resource is reasonably available.
When determining a vessel to be reasonably available, what does that mean?
“Reasonably available” means that the resources should be able to respond before the situation deteriorates.
What is a MARB?
Marine Assistance Request Broadcast
If a mariner declines a MARB in a non-distress situation, what needs to happen?
If MARBs are declined in a non-distress situation, the Coast Guard has no further obligation to monitor or respond unless boaters change their mind or the situation deteriorates. The burden lies solely with boaters.
When broadcasting a MARB, what is a reasonable amount of time before dispatching Coast Guard assets?
A guideline of 10 minutes is recommended for the SMC to await an answer to a MARB before the SMC directs Coast Guard or Auxiliary resources to respond.
If a boat is requiring non-distress assistance but has not been in contact with the Coast Guard, and an Auxiliary vessel comes upon them - can Auxiliary tow them without a MARB going out?
When an Auxiliary vessel on routine safety patrol or otherwise on orders discovers a vessel requesting assistance, but not in radio contact with the Coast Guard, the Auxiliarist will relay the request for assistance to the Coast Guard operational commander and may undertake to provide assistance, if capable.
What are some considerations in choosing a Safe Haven?
In cases involving towing by the Coast Guard or Coast Guard Auxiliary, the vessel being assisted will normally be taken to the nearest safe haven that has an available means of communication, normally a telephone.
When can a forcible evacuation be preformed?
Forcible and/or compelled evacuations should only be conducted when a life-threatening emergency exists, and there is an immediate need for assistance or aid.
Who can authorize a forcible evacuation?
The decision to force or compel mariners to abandon their vessels should normally be made by the cognizant SAR Coordinator (SC). If time does not permit consultation with the SMC and cognizant SC, and if in the On Scene Coordinator’s (OSC) objective judgment a life-threatening emergency exists affecting the subject vessel, and there is an immediate need for assistance or aid, the OSC may authorize this action.
Who can preform a forcible evacuation?
Properly trained, qualified, and supervised Coast Guard law enforcement personnel may use force in accordance with the Coast Guard Use of Force policy, when necessary, to compel compliance with an evacuation order issued under the aforementioned conditions.
Can the Coast Guard assist commercial salvors in the performance of their duties?
When commercial salvors are on scene performing salvage, Coast Guard units may assist them within the unit’s capabilities, if the salvor requests.
Who authorizes performing salvage operations?
Any salvage operations shall be performed at the discretion of the unit CO/OINC.
Can the Coast Guard unground a vessel at the operator’s insistence?
The Coast Guard is under no obligation to agree to any such request or demand. If a decision to comply with such a request is made, it should be made clear that the operator is assuming the risk of the operation. The fact that the action is undertaken at operator’s request, and is against Coast Guard advice, should be logged.
What is the Coast Guard’s posture on Firefighting Activities?
The Coast Guard renders assistance as available, based on the level of personnel training and the adequacy of equipment.
When can the Coast Guard engage in independent firefighting?
Coast Guard personnel shall not engage in independent firefighting operations, except to save a life or in the early stages of a fire to avert a significant threat without undue risk.
Can the Coast Guard engage in commercial vessel and waterfront facility firefighting?
Coast Guard personnel shall not actively engage in firefighting except in support of a regular firefighting agency under the supervision of a qualified fire officer.
Who is considered a “qualified fire officer”?
This term means a person who has been trained and certified, under National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) guidelines to take command of firefighting operations.
What is a MEDICO?
MEDICO is an international term normally meaning the passing of medical information by radio. Medical advice is available through many sources that include Coast Guard and DOD medical providers, medical firms and hospitals contracted by shipping companies and international service organizations such as the International Radio-Medical Center (CIRM).
Who has the final decision on conducting a MEDEVAC?
The final decision to conduct a MEDEVAC rests with the aircraft commander, cutter commanding officer, or coxswain on scene.
When conducting a MEDEVAC, who has the authority to allow NOK to be transported with the patient?
Transporting NOK decisions are made by the SMC. These decisions should be made in consultation with the cutter commanding officers, boat coxswains and aircraft commanders directed to respond to the incident.
Can swimmers go under the water to render assistance to a person trapped under a capsized vessel?
A Coast Guard swimmer shall NOT go under the water and enter a capsized or submerged object.
What are the three categories of diving incidents?
Dive related injuries fall into three general categories: decompression sickness, air embolism, and nitrogen narcosis.
What are the most dangerous diving incidents?
Decompression sickness and air embolism are the most serious threats to the diver and require immediate treatment with hyperbaric oxygen in a recompression chamber.
What is decompression sickness?
Decompression sickness, sometimes called the “bends”, is generally brought about by the diver absorbing gas into the blood from the compressed air breathed while diving. A diver must ascend slowly to avoid having these gases form into bubbles.
What is an air embolism?
Air embolism is caused by excess gas pressure inside the lungs. It is most likely to develop during an improperly executed ascent. As the diver ascends, the air in the lungs expands, forcing gas bubbles directly into the bloodstream. This air (bubble) typically is transported to the brain where blockage of blood flow will occur depriving the brain of oxygen.
What is nitrogen narcosis?
Nitrogen narcosis or “rapture of the deep”, which is not a decompression illness, is caused by the narcotic effect of the nitrogen in the diver’s breathing medium and disappears when the diver moves into shallower water or surfaces.
Can you MEDEVAC a person that experienced a diving accident to a helicopter?
Unpressurized aircraft conducting a diving accident MEDEVAC should fly at the lowest safe altitude; recommendation is for MEDEVAC aircraft is to transport at 1000 feet or below.
What does 14USC2 state?
SAR as a Primary Duty. Specifies duty of the Coast Guard to develop, establish, maintain, and operate rescue facilities for the promotion of safety on, under, and over the high seas and waters subject to the jurisdiction of the U.S.
What does 14USC88 state?
Authority to Engage in SAR. Authorizes the Coast Guard to perform any and all acts necessary to rescue and aid persons, and to protect and save property.
What does 14USC141 state?
Cooperation with other States, Agencies, Territories, and Political Subdivisions. The Coast Guard may, when so requested by proper authority, utilize its personnel and facilities to assist any Federal agency, State, Territory, possession, or political subdivision thereof, or the District of Columbia, to perform any activity for which such personnel and facilities are especially qualified.
What is an RCC?
Rescue Coordination Center
What is an SMC?
SAR Mission Coordinator
What is OSC?
On Scene Commander
What is an SRU?
SAR Response Coordinator
What is MSAP?
Maritime SAR Assistance Policy. Established to minimize the Coast Guard competition with commercial assistance.
What are the SAR stages?
Initial Action
What are some factors to not send a MARB?
Taking on water, medical problems, problem anchoring, dangerous currents or location, weather, impending darkness, survival equipment, air temp, fog.
What is the definition of datum?
The most probable location of a search object corrected for movement over time.
Who can ACTSUS red-flare and EPIRB cases?
District Command Center
What is the initial track spacing for a PIW?
.1NM or 200 yards
What are the 7 principles or ORM?
Identify Tasks
Identify Hazards
Assess Risk
Identify Options
Evaluate Risk vs. Gain
Execute Decision
Monitor Situation
What is the PEACE model used for?
Used to identify hazards:
Event Complexity
Asset Selection
Environment Conditions
What is the STAAR model used for?
Used to identify options:
Spread Out
What are the scores for a GAR model?
0-23: Green
24-44: Amber
45-60: Red