OIC - Personnel Flashcards
What two things must have happened if giving an Alcohol Incident to a member?
Alcohol is the Significant or Causative Factor
Alcohol Must be Consumed
Would purchasing alcohol for a minor constitute an Alcohol Incident?
Purchasing alcohol for use by minors is not an alcohol incident, but does represent a serious breach of discipline and subjects the member to civil or military (UCMJ) penalties.
Does a screening by the Collateral Duty Alcohol Representative (CDAR) fulfill the requirements for an Alcohol Screening?
An evaluation by a Collateral Duty Alcohol Representative (CDAR) does not satisfy the screening requirement contained in this Manual.
What is SAFE?
Substance Abuse-Free Environment
Is self referral to alcohol treatment considered an Alcohol Incident?
Self-referral to alcohol treatment, by itself, is not considered an alcohol incident.
When a member receives an Alcohol Incident and gets an Alcohol Screening, how is it documented?
The results of this alcohol screening shall be recorded and acknowledged on an Administrative Remarks, Form CG-3307, entry or letter, as appropriate, in the member’s PDR.
If a member Self-Refers for Alcohol Abuse but did not receive an Alcohol Incident, can they have the screening letter removed from their PDR?
Unless there is an associated alcohol incident, the member may request removal of the screening letter and treatment plan from his or her Personnel Data Record after successfully completing the prescribed aftercare.
What happens to E-2 and below personnel that receive an Alcohol Incident and have more than two years of service?
Following one alcohol incident, enlisted members who have not advanced beyond pay grade E-2 and have more than two years of Coast Guard service shall normally be separated by reason of unsuitability due to alcohol abuse
Is under age drinking considered an Alcohol Incident?
Underage drinking is considered an alcohol incident. Should an incident occur, the CDAR shall counsel the member and initiate an alcohol screening.
If an under age member receives an Alcohol Incident, how many years must they wait to be eligible to remove it from their record?
Three Years
If the Officer in Charge and competent medical authority order a member to undergo an alcohol treatment and they refuse the treatment, what will happen?
They are normally are processed for separation.
If the Officer in Charge and competent medical authority order a member to undergo an alcohol treatment and they fail to complete the treatment, what will happen?
They are normally are processed for separation.
If the Officer in Charge and competent medical authority order a member to undergo an alcohol treatment and they violate an alcohol rehabilitation aftercare plan, what will happen?
They are normally are processed for separation.
If a member Self-Refers, is diagnosed as Alcohol Dependent, and a relapse occurs during the aftercare phase of their treatment plan, what will happen?
The relapse will be documented as their first alcohol incident and a new aftercare program will be reinstated effective the date the relapse was identified.
Following a Self-Referral to Alcohol Treatment and a relapse occurs during the aftercare phase of their treatment plan, what happens if they relapse a second time?
Should the self-referred member fail to complete the second aftercare plan they will be processed for separation.
Before processing a member for discharge for chemical dependency, what must the Officer in Charge offer?
Officers in Charge shall ensure that members diagnosed as chemically dependent by competent medical authority are offered rehabilitation treatment before discharge if they are amenable to the treatment.
If a member is being processed for discharge for chemical dependency and refuses rehabilitation treatment, what must be done?
Members that decline rehabilitation treatment shall sign an Administrative Remarks, Form CG-3307, entry indicating they waive their right to benefits under the Department of Veterans Affairs program for treatment of chemical dependency.
What shall the Officer in Charge do if they determine they have a member with a preexisting chemical dependency within six months of their enlistment?
Members diagnosed with alcohol abuse or alcohol dependence within six months of enlistment are not physically qualified for enlistment. If appropriate, unit commanders shall recommend discharge
Is the Coast Guard obligated to provide treatment to members being processed for discharge with a preexisting condition?
The Coast Guard is not obligated to offer treatment prior to separation to individuals’ diagnosed with conditions that existed prior to enlistment.
When should commands not offer treatment for a member being processed for discharge with a preexisting condition?
Commands should not offer treatment to members with conditions that EPTE if said treatment will delay separation beyond 180 days of active Coast Guard service.
Following an Alcohol Incident, what shall the Officer in Charge do in regard to a member’s security clearance?
Following an alcohol incident, commanding officers shall review the member’s security clearance and access to classified material to determine whether the member’s clearance should be suspended.
Following receipt of a positive confirmed urinalysis result or any other evidence of drug abuse, what shall the Officer in Charge do?
Officers in Charge shall initiate an investigation into a possible drug incident.
Before being questioned in relation to a drug incident, what are members entitled to?
Members are entitled to be advised of their rights under Article 31, UCMJ. This applies whether or not disciplinary action under the UCMJ is contemplated.
When is an Administrative Discharge Board required for drug or alcohol separations?
When the member has served a total of eight or more years.
What is a Social Climate Incident?
An action or incident committed by a member or members of the local community against a Coast Guard military member or a dependent of a military member that is harassing, or perceived as discriminatory in nature.
What is DEOMI?
Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute
How long does the command have to report a hate incident?
A commander who becomes aware of a hate incident will electronically report the incident within 48 hours to a Civil Rights Service Provider using memo format.
What is sexual harassment?
Sexual harassment is defined as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature.
What are the two categories of sexual harassment?
Tangible Employment Action
Hostile Environment
What are the three stages of the Discrimination Complaint Process?
The Pre-Complaint process
The Alternative Dispute Resolution process
The Formal Complaint process
What is the Pre-Complaint process for discrimination complaints?
This involves the initiation of counseling where an aggrieved individual may obtain information about determining whether his/her issue may be resolved through means other than a formal complaint, including alternative dispute resolution options.
What is the Alternative Dispute Resolution process for discrimination complaints?
At any point in the complaint process, an aggrieved person may opt for Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), which is a prompt and informal alternative to the conventional complaint process.
What is included in the Formal Complaint Process for discrimination complaints?
Filing discrimination complaint.
Investigation of complaint.
Adjudication and other post-investigative processes.
If an EEO/EO Complaint is raised, how many days does the command have to attempt resolution?
15 Days
During the Pre-Complaint process for discrimination complaints, how many days does the member have to initiate contact with the CRSP or CO/OIC?
Military members may initiate contact with a CRSP or the CO/OIC within the 45 days of the event.
During the Pre-Complaint process for discrimination complaints, if resolution is not met within 15 days, what should happen on the 16th day?
But if the matter is not resolved with the Command within that 15-day period, on the 16th day the military member may initiate the pre-complaint process with an EO Counselor.
If an EEO/EO Complaint is raised and the command does not reach resolution by 15 days, what will the EO counselor do and how long do they have to do it?
EO Counselor has 30 days to inquire, resolve, or issue a right to file (RTF) a formal complaint.
How many days does an EO counselor have to inquire, resolve, or issue a right to file (RTF) a formal complaint after a command was unable to achieve resolution?
30 Days
If an EEO/EO Formal Complaint is filed, how many days does the Coast Guard have to complete a formal investigation.
180 Days
After the a formal investigation is completed for a EEO/EO Formal Complaint, who issues Final Action and how long do they have to do it?
USCG/CRD issues Final Action within 60 days.
What is the purpose of the TEMPSEP program?
The Temporary Separation (TEMPSEP) program allows Coast Guard active duty members to return to active duty after a temporary separation, allowing the member to focus on personal interests/issues they might be precluded from performing by remaining on active duty.
Who is the approving authority for TEMPSEP requests?
Commander (CG PSC-OPM/EPM-1) must act as approving authority to approve or deny requests for TEMPSEP.
Is a TEMPSEP request guaranteed?
Eligibility for TEMPSEP does not guarantee approval. Commander (CG PSC-OPM/EPM-1), must approve or deny eligible requests based on the needs of the Service and the member’s record.
Is a member who is not tour complete eligible for TEMPSEP?
Members who are not tour complete at the time of separation are ineligible.
Is a member who is on body fat probation eligible for TEMPSEP?
Members on a current body fat probation are ineligible. Members may be on an exemption or abeyance.
Can a member with three years of time in service be eligible for TEMPSEP?
Members with less than six years of continuous active duty service in the Coast Guard are ineligible. Service in another military service must not be creditable towards TEMPSEP eligibility.
Are E-3 and below eligible for the TEMPSEP program?
Members in the pay-grade E-3 or less are ineligible.
If a TEMPSEP is approved, can a member cancel it?
Members approved for TEMPSEP may request to cancel, prior to their separation date, their approved TEMPSEP agreement to remain on active duty or separate without TEMPSEP.
Can TEMPSEP be granted for Care of a Newborn Child (CNC) that is adopted?
This applies to both adoptions and to biological parents.
If a member of yours has a two year old and requests a TEMPSEP under Care of a Newborn Child (CNC), is this authorized?
The child must be less than 1 year old at the time of separation.
Can a male member be eligible for TEMPSEP under Care of a Newborn Child (CNC)?
If he is on an approved list for adoption with an adoption agency.
Is there a time limit that members must have served at their current CONUS unit before they can be considered for TEMPSEP?
For CONUS units, members applying for temporary separation for CNC must have completed at least one year at their current duty station prior to separation.
Is there a time limit that members must have served at their current OCONUS unit before they can be considered for TEMPSEP?
For OCONUS units, members applying for temporary separation for CNC must have completed at least two years at their current duty station prior to separation.
How many years of service does a member need to be eligible for TEMPSEP under Care of a Newborn Child (CNC)?
Enlisted members must have at least four years of continuous active duty instead of at least six years of active duty per Article 3.F.1 of this Manual.
Is TEMPSEP guaranteed for members that report they were the victim in an unrestricted sexual assault case?
Requests under this section must not be based on needs of the Service, and Commander (CG PSC-OPM/EPM-1), must endeavor to grant these requests as much as possible.
What is the criteria for a TEMPSEP in relation to an unrestricted report of sexual assault?
These members must meet the following additional criteria:
1) Have submitted a Victim Reporting Preference Statement, Form CG-6095, with the unrestricted reporting option selected, within two years of the requested separation date.
2) Commander (CG PSC-OPM/EPM-1) (with consultation from LSC-PSC) determine that preponderance of the evidence that a crime of sexual assault may have occurred.
What is the minimum amount of time for a TEMPSEP?
The minimum amount of time for a TEMPSEP is six months. Requests for a period of less than 6 months shall be reviewed on a case by case basis and will be subject to the needs of the service.
What is the maximum amount of time for a TEMPSEP?
The maximum amount of time for TEMPSEP is two years, including processing time to return to active duty.
Are members with an approved TEMPSEP required to affiliate with the reserves?
All members who TEMPSEP must affiliate with the Coast Guard Reserve.
How much leave can an OIC grant?
Earned leave, plus 30 days.
Military Assignments and Authorized Absences, COMDTINST M1000.8
When a member becomes pregnant, how long do they have to notify their command?
Must notify command within 2 weeks of knowing of pregnancy.
When shall pregnant members be removed from sea duty?
20th week (3rd trimester)
How much prenatal convalescent leave can be granted?
30 days.
How much maternity leave is authorized?
84 days.
How much paternity leave is authorized?
10 days.
When do you reduce a pregnant members work schedule to a 40 hour work week?
Week 28 and beyond.
Who has discharge authority?
Commander, Coast Guard Personnel Center is the discharge authority in all cases of administrative separation. (EPM-1)
Before retirement, involuntary separation, or Release from Active Duty (RELAD) into the Ready Reserves (selected drilling or IRR), every enlisted member, except those discharged or retired for physical or mental disability, shall be given a complete physical exam within how many months?
12 months.
When does weight probation begin?
Immediately upon a non-compliant weigh-in.
Who is eligible for weight probation?
Members exceeding max allowable body fat by less than 8% or weight by 35 pounds, all others are ineligible for probation and will be processed for separation.
What is the three strike rule in regard to weight and body fat standards?
Three consecutive failed semi-annual weigh-ins. Members who fail to maintain compliance with weight and body fat standards for three consecutive weigh-ins (Apr-Oct-Apr or Oct-Apr-Oct).
How far are tattoos or brands allowed to go down the arm?
No tattoos or brands on the arms shall exceed below the wrist.
Can a member have tattoos on their hands?
No, with the exception of a tattoo in the form of a ring are authorized on the wearers finger with the limitation of one per hand (w/ the exception of thumbs).
Is branding a design on your body authorized?
Yes, maximum 4” x 4” in size.
What happens to members who are unable or unwilling to conform with the tattoo policy?
Members unable or unwilling to take the steps to satisfy requirements of this policy will be administratively separated.
What manual can you find information of inappropriate relationships?
Discipline and Conduct
What things are considered to be an Unacceptable Romantic Relationship?
1) Members who have a supervisor and subordinate relationship.
2) Members assigned to the same small shore unit (less than 60 members active duty).
3) Members assigned to the same cutter.
4) The relationship is between Chief Petty Officers (E7/8/9) and junior personnel (E4 and below).
5) The relationship is manifested in the work environment in a way which disrupts the effective conduct of daily business.
What things are considered to be a prohibited relationship?
1) Engaging in sexual intimate behavior aboard any CG vessel, or in a CG controlled workspace.
2) Romantic relationships outside of marriage between commissioned officers and enlisted personnel.
3) Personal and romantic relationships between instructors at training commands and students.
What are some examples of prohibited off duty employment?
1) Distracts from unit readiness or poses a security risk of any kind.
2) By reason of the hours or nature of work interferes with or is not compatible with efficient performance of military duties.
3) May reasonably be expected to bring discredit on the service.
4) Is unethical in view of the possible exercise of influence attending the member’s military position.
5) Involves a conflict of interest, generally having a direct business relationship with the CG as a vendor, contractor, or subcontractor.
Can a member display a political sticker on their POV?
Yes, one sticker only.
When must EER’s be submitted?
21 days prior to the period end date.
When must counseling for EER’s take place?
30 days from the period end date.
How long does a member have to appeal their marks?
15 Days
When are unscheduled EER’s performed?
Transfer marks outside of 92 days
Advancement to E7
Change in Rate
Reduction in Rate
What pay grade requires supporting remarks, documenting the individual’s leadership potential, along with the commanding officer’s advancement recommendation?
Can a first class petty officer be a marking official?
The marking official shall be an officer, civilian, chief petty officer, or first class petty officer. However, a first class petty officer me be designated as an executive petty officer. A marking official who is designated as an executive petty officer does not have to be one pay grade senior to the evaluee.
What is an individual development plan used for?
Tool to help individuals reach career goals. Action plan to move the individual from where they are to where they want to go.
Can the IDP be used as a performance evaluation tool?
Who are IDP’s required for?
E2-E6/ O1-O4/ W2’s within their first 48 months of service.
Unsuitability would best be described as what?
Members can be considered unsuitable for further service because of inaptitude, no adaptability, want or readiness of skill, clumsiness or inability to learn, personality disorders, apathy, defective attitudes, adjustment disorders, unsanitary habits, alcohol abuse, or financial irresponsibility.
What report should be submitted if a member receives a civil conviction?
A copy of the Personnel Security Action, Form CG-5588, used to report any civil conviction shall be submitted to Commander (CG PSC-OPM) or (CG PSC-EPM), as applicable, and (CG PSC-PSD-MR).
Before arranging for the release of a member to Coast Guard custody, what considerations should you make?
The nature of the alleged offense(s);
The physical and mental condition of the accused;
The impact of the member’s presence on the unit; and
The unit’s ability to ensure the member will be available at the request of the civilian authorities.
How soon does a member have to notify their command of a pregnancy after confirmation?
As soon as possible, but no later than two weeks after diagnosis of pregnancy.
What is a HUMS?
A Humanitarian Assignment is a special assignment authorized to alleviate a hardship so severe an emergency leave cannot fully resolve it.
Is a HUMS at cost to the member or the government?
HUMS are at no cost to the government. However, in some very limited, unusual cases, the Service may decide the overall situation warrants the Service’s funding a permanent change of station (PCS) transfer.
What is the duration of a HUMS?
Commander, (CGPC-epm) normally authorizes no-cost TAD orders for a maximum of six months for a HUMS because the situation involved is usually temporary.
What happens if a HUMS goes beyond six months?
In some cases, if the hardship continues after six months, Commander, (CGPC-epm) may authorize no-cost PCS orders for up to two years for humanitarian reasons.
What happens if a member is near the end of a HUMS assignment and there is no sign of improvement?
If it appears the member will not be available for unlimited reassignment on completing the HUMS, Commander, (CGPC-epm) considers the hardship a permanent situation and normally will initiate discharge by reason of hardship.
How long do active duty and reservist have to appeal their marks?
The member must submit the appeal within 15 calendar days (30 calendar days for reservist).
When are romantic relationships unacceptable in the work place?
Members have a supervisor and subordinate relationship
Members are assigned to the same small shore unit (less than 60 members)
Members are assigned to the same cutter
The relationship is between chief petty officers (E-7/8/9) and junior enlisted personnel (E-4 and below)
The relationship is manifested in the work environment in a way which disrupts the effective conduct of daily business.
What are the enlistment intervals for reenlistment?
All enlisted personnel are allowed to reenlist for periods of three, four, five, or six years.
What is the difference between inappropriate relationships and prohibited relationships?
Inappropriate: Unacceptable and not allowed under service policy.
Prohibited: Violates UCMJ
What is the transfer policy for two married enlisted members?
The assignment policy offers married active duty members the opportunity to collocate or reside jointly whenever possible.
What is the maximum amount of liberty you can grant as an OIC?
72 hours
Who substantiates child abuse?
After receiving the final report of investigation, the District Commander, Commanding Officer, or Officer in Charge “substantiates” the abuse.
You drop in expectantly on a Saturday afternoon and notice one of your non rates acting strangely. You believe him to be under the influence of something. Can you make a member submit to a urinalysis?
No, you need probable cause and a search authorization to single out a member for a urinalysis. Work through OPCON as only a Commanding Officer or Military Judge can grant a search authorization. There is no need for a search authorization if the urinalysis is random.
What do you do if a member refuses to submit to urinalysis, even after a search authorization?
Handle the matter under the UCMJ for direct disobedience of an order, start an official investigation on the possible drug usage charge.
What do you do with a member if their urinalysis test comes back positive?
You must investigate any drug incident, process the member for discharge, possible UCMJ charges, and consider treatment.
What are Article 31 warnings under the UCMJ?
Miranda/Tempia rights.
When do you give someone their Miranda/Tempia rights?
Before you question anyone on what you believe may lead the member to being charged under the UCMJ.
When are you required to enter reviewer comments on an EER in DA?
Comments are required for all ratings of 1, 2, 7, U, or N in the Review Rating Comments section under the Reviewers tab.
Can Sea Time be waived to go on a supplemental advancement list?
No, the date of the message to be placed on the supplemental list is the date all qualifications must be completed.
If your unit is underway, can members of your crew take the test early?
Tests may never be given early. However, ships may administer within 10 days after the scheduled date if underway during the entire period.
Can a member who exceeds the allowable weight standards be advanced?
A member on an advancement list will have the advancement withheld until weight is met.
What relationships or conduct, regardless of rank, grade, or position of the persons involved is prohibited?
Engaging in sexually intimate behavior aboard any Coast Guard vessel, or in any Coast Guard-controlled work place,
Romantic relationships outside of marriage between commissioned officers and enlisted personnel.
Personal and romantic relationships between instructors at training commands and students.
Are innocuous practical jokes, such as fetching “relative bearing grease” or “prop wash” considered hazing?
Innocuous practical jokes, such as fetching “relative bearing grease” or “prop wash” do not constitute hazing as long as they are not intended to and actually do not humiliate, ridicule, or ostracize.
Can you mandate that a member provide you monthly financial statements if they are negligent?
When the commanding officer is convinced that a member is negligent or careless in regard to personal finances, the individual may be advised to submit a statement of monthly finances and outstanding obligations. Such a request should not be placed in the form of an order and failure to comply with the advice should not be the occasion for disciplinary action.
What should be done in the event that a financially irresponsible member transfers to another unit?
If a member is transferred prior to satisfactory resolution of the problem, all current correspondence shall be forwarded to the member’s new commanding officer.
When must all eligibility requirements be met to participate in the SWE?
Each active duty member must complete and meet the eligibility requirements listed below by the SED of 1 February for the May SWE or 1 August for the November SWE.
What are the only two fundraising activities that can be officially conducted in the workplace?
CFC and CGMA are the only fundraising activities that may be conducted in an official capacity in the workplace.
If your BM1 decides he’s tired of his responsibilities and wants to go to SK ‘A’ School, what must be done before he departs?
A petty officer first class, who requests assignment to a basic petty officer course and receives orders to it, shall be reduced to pay grade E-5 prior to departing present unit.
How are mutual request submitted?
Requests shall be submitted via Coast Guard Memorandum directly to Commander (CG PSC-EPM-2) with unit command endorsement, and in the case of a mutual, a copy to the other member’s command.
What are the two types of relief for cause?
Temporary relief for cause, and
Permanent relief for cause
In regard to emergency leave, who is considered immediate family?
Immediate family means: father, mother, person standing in loco parentis, spouse, children, brother, sister, or only living relative. In loco parentis is defined as a person who stood in place of a parent for the Service member 24 hours a day for a period of at least 5 years before the Service member became 21 years old or entered military service.
How long do you have to submit a travel claim?
Travelers are required to submit travel claims for local administrative review at their unit within three working days from the termination of the travel.