OIC - Engineering Flashcards
What is an AMM?
Asset Material Manager
What is an FTO?
Field Terminal Operator
What is a CMM?
Centralized Maintenance Manager
Who is responsible for maintenance completion on a cutter?
Cutter Commanding Officer (CO) has ultimate responsibility for maintenance completion on the cutter.
What is NMCM?
Not Mission Capable Maintenance
What happens in ALMIS when a disabling discrepancy is entered?
When a disabling discrepancy is entered, the asset
condition is automatically set to a downward pointing red arrow.
What is the difference between a controlled parts exchange and cannibalization?
Unlike controlled parts exchange, cannibalization is performed with the intent of not replacing or returning a part to the donor asset.
What is a TCTO?
Time Compliance Technical Order
What can a TCTO be issued for?
Engineering Changes (EC)
Time-critical maintenance actions
Time-critical inspections
Temporary operational configuration changes
What is CF?
Carried Forward
Who can grant a maintenance release?
Maintenance Release Authority (MRA) must be delegated in writing by the Sector/DSF Unit Commanding Officer.
Who is normally granted Maintenance Release Authority (MRA)?
Typically the Engineering Officer and an alternate, usually the Maintenance Control Officer, are designated to perform this action.
What is CFD?
Carried Forward Depot
What is PP?
Parts Pending
What is a CG-22
Maintenance/Publication Feedback
Is a tool control program required?
A Tool Control Program must be established at each integrated unit.
How often are spot checks on tools and tool boxes required?
The program requires maintainer ensure daily spot checks of tools and tool boxes is accomplished as outlined in the unit’s tool control instruction.
What is EAL?
Electronic Asset Logbook
Does a waiver for restrictive or disabling documented in the EAL suffice as a written waiver?
Waivers for restrictive or disabling casualties documented in EAL are equivalent to official written waivers.
What is the purpose of the tool control program?
Tool Control Program (TCP) is designed to provide quality tools and test equipment for asset maintenance while ensuring tool accountability and security.
What is the purpose of tool accountability and tool security?
Tool accountability reduces Foreign Object Damage (FOD) or injury due to tools adrift on the asset. Tool security reduces replacement costs and ensures tool availability.
Can asset maintenance be preformed with tools not enrolled in the Tool Control Program?
Only those tools enrolled in the TCP are authorized for asset maintenance.
What is an LCI?
Logistics Compliance Inspection
What is a Priority 2 parts request used for?
Asset is disabled, requires disabling discrepancy in EAL.
What is a Priority 5 parts request used for?
Asset has limited mission capability and required part is not in unit inventory.
Who is required to sign a Priority 5 parts request?
The shop supervisor.
Who is required to sign a Priority 2 parts request?
The Maintenance Officer or Engineering Officer.
How are parts ordered in ALMIS?
A CG-4491 Parts & Material Request Form.
What is NTNO?
Navy Type Navy Owned
What must be done if a piece of NTNO equipment fails, what must be done?
NTNO support requests must be documented in EAL as necessary AND communicated using the CASREP system in accordance with current Navy requirements.
What is ACMS?
Asset Computerized Maintenance System
What is ALMIS?
Asset Logistics Management Information System
What is FLS?
Fleet Logistics System
What is NMCM?
Not Mission Capable Maintenance
What is NMCS?
Not Mission Capable Supply
What is OM&S?
Operating Materials and Supplies
What is SFLC?
Surface Forces Logistics Center
Who is responsible for developing watch standing policies and procedures which establish and maintain the integrity and safe operation of the cutter’s or boat’s mechanical plant?
Engineer Officers and Engineer Petty Officers (EO/EPO).
How often shall cutter and boat machinery be inspected and logged?
All cutter and boat operating machinery shall be inspected every hour, and readings shall be recorded.
How often do cutters equipped with video and electronic monitoring systems have to do rounds?
Cutters equipped with video and electronic control and monitoring systems that in addition to monitoring spaces for fire and flooding, can alert the watchstander of abnormal system parameters prior to failure, can reduce inspection requirements on operating machinery to at least once every four hours.
How often must machinery be checked when inport?
Cutters and below can reduce inspection requirements while in port. Operating machinery must be checked at least once every four hours when in port, on electrical shore-tie between the hours of 0600 and 2200.
What times can inport watchstanding requirements be reduced and what must the ship have to allow it?
Between the hours of 2200 and 0600, in port inspection requirements can be further reduced if all berthing areas are equipped with adequate installed flooding and fire sensor alarms to alert a sleeping watchstander, provided the watchstander is on board at all times.
When is a safety and occupational health briefing required?
CO/OICs shall ensure that all personnel on board cutters entering a shipyard or commercial dockside availability are instructed in industrial safety requirements.
Who is required to have a Stability and Loading Data Booklet?
SLDBs are required on all cutters 65 feet in length and greater that are not required to maintain DC Books.
How many DCPO’s should your unit have?
Small units 160 feet in length and below shall assign 1-2 DCPOs
How many sets of CCOL’s are cutters required to have?
Three sets of CCOL sheets are supplied to each cutter.
What are the three sets of CCOL’s supplied to each cutter?
Master set
Spare copy
Posted in the compartment
What is an ECCM?
Engineering Casualty Control Manual
How many chapters are in the ECCM?
What are the four chapters of the ECCM?
1) Machinery Readiness
2) Engineering Casualties (BECCEs)
3) General Emergency Casualties
4) Damage Control Organization
What is your reference for knowing what DC equipment you are required to have onboard your cutter?
Cutter Standard Repair Locker Inventory, COMDTINST 9664.1 (series)
How is the Material Condition of Readiness documented on cutters 140’ or less?
All vessels less than 140’ in length shall at a minimum record current Material Condition of Readiness in the Ship’s Log, or at CO/OINC’s discretion maintain a formal DC Closure Log.
Who is required to have an in-op fitting log?
All cutters shall maintain a current In-Op Fitting Log.
Where can you find a list of required bills for your cutter?
Naval Engineering Manual, COMDTINST M9000.6 (series)
What are the two types of bi-level maintenance?
Organizational Level Maintenance
Depot Level Maintenance
What are the three types of maintenance?
Corrective Maintenance (CM)
Preventive Maintenance
Alterative Maintenance
Who is responsible for the preparation and upkeep of the WQSB?
The EO/EPO is responsible for the preparation and upkeep of the department Watch, Quarter, and Station Bill.
When is the cutter engineering report due?
Submit this report no later than 31 January; if at sea at the end of the reporting period, submit the report upon reaching a port.
Who does the cutter engineering report go to?
Submit the report to the Product Line Manager via the assigned SFLC Port Engineer. One copy shall be retained on board for the cutter files.
What are the two types of cutter engineering reports?
Assets not enrolled in EAL and ACMS
Assets enrolled in EAL and ACMS
What chapter of the NEM can you find information of firefighting?
Chapter 555
What kind of AFFF are cutters required to carry?
All cutters are equipped with either 3% proportioning equipment designed for Type 3 AFFF concentrate or 6% proportioning equipment designed for Type 6 AFFF concentrate.
How much fire hose shall be at each fire station?
At minimum, two 1-1/2 inch (or 1-3/4 inch with 1-1/2 inch fittings), 50-FT lengths of hose shall be located at each fire station on the main weather deck, lower decks, and superstructures, with one 50-FT length connected to each fireplug.
How many spanner wrenches shall be placed at each fire station?
What is the yellow sheet in ALMIS?
Pre-Mission Record
What is the blue sheet in ALMIS?
Mission Record
What is the pink sheet in ALMIS?
Maintenance Record
A cutters required to have an agreement with their local fire department?
All cutters should formalize a local fire department agreement and conduct familiarization training at least Bi-annually.
When is the cutter engineering report due?
Cutter Engineering Report is due NLT Jan 31st.
Who is responsible for maintaining the WQSB?
EPO is responsible for preparation and upkeep of the WQSB.
Where can you find information on items to include in the cutter engineering report?
A list of items to include in the report is in chapter 90 NEM.
Who is the cutter engineering report submitted to?
Submit the report to the Product Line Manager via the assigned SFLC Port Engineer.
What are the parts of the cutter engineering report?
Section I- Safety Items
Section II- Hull
Section III- Machinery/Electrical
Section IV- Administrative Programs
Section V- Cutter Engineering Summary
Section VI- Remarks
How often is the OIC required to conduct inspections of shipboard spaces and machinery to ensure the proper equipment operation, maintenance of material readiness and watertight integrity?
These inspections are normally carried out weekly while underway and bi-weekly in port.
Are the EPO’s night orders required when inport?
The EO/EPO shall provide a Night Order Book to be read and initialed by the Engineer Officer of the Watch for each night, in port and at sea.
What is the purpose of the Engineering Casualty Control Manual (ECCM)?
The ECCM shall contain emergency procedures to be followed by personnel assigned to the various Watch Stations if a casualty or machinery derangement occurs.
Where can you find specific information for preparing the ECCM?
Specific instructions for the preparation of the ECCM are contained in Chapter 079 of the NEM.
How often is the OIC required to conduct a safety inspection?
OIC is required to conduct a safety inspection at least yearly.
How often are Level 1 weight handling inspections required?
How often are Level 2 weight handling inspections required?
How often are Level 3 weight handling inspections required?
Condition Based Maintenance
How often are fire extinguishers inspected?
Monthly (Ashore/Afloat)
What is LCI and how often is it?
LCI- Logistic Compliance Inspection (Every 3 years)
What is required to drive a GV under 5 tons?
A valid Driver’s License
How often are fire alarm systems inspected?
Annually (Ashore/Afloat)
How often are fire drills required ashore?
Every 6 Months
At what temperature should you initiate Heat Stress Program?
100 degrees (take readings hourly)
Does your EPO have to establish standing orders?
Yes, approved by the OIC, also required to have night order book.
Who is responsible for WQSB maintenance?
What db is hearing protection required?
84 Single Protection
104 Double Protection
How often is a SMART inspection?
Every 3 Years
How often are you required to complete a USAT?
How often are GV checks required?
Motor Pool Managers shall schedule a check of engine fluids, tire air pressure, and visually inspect each vehicle periodically not less than every 2 weeks.
Can Civilians ride in Govt Vehicles?
No, But there are few instances where spouses can receive ride(from duty location to official function and return trip).
What is a TCTO?
Time Compliance Technical Order (Configuration Change, Allotted Time Frame, if not completed disable boat).
What do you have to provide to dock master prior to Dry-docking?
Liquid load list and docking position.
Who is required to walk the blocks when going into dry dock?
OINC, EPO, Port Engineer, and Yardmaster should provide measurements.
What is a CMP and NEPL?
Class Maintenance Plan, Naval Engineering Project List of scheduled work to be completed through the life of the cutter to help ensure a longer operational period.
What is a CSMP?
Current Ship’s Maintenance Projects, used to document corrective maintenance needs only.
How often are stability tests conducted?
Stability Tests conducted every 10 years on a single asset of each class of cutter.
Who’s responsibility is it to ensure maintenance is completed on a cutter?
It is the CO’s responsibility to ensure that maintenance is completed in an orderly and timely manner to meet the assigned mission requirements.
What is ALMIS?
Asset Logistics Management Information System
What is AMMIS?
Asset Material Management Information System
What is ACMS?
Asset Computerized Maintenance System
What is DSS?
Decision Support System
What is NESSS?
Naval Electronic System Supply Support
What do you do if your small boat has a casualty?
Call the Helpdesk and have them lock the boat record in ALMIS.
What is the ALMIS monetary value for a small boat?
What is the ALMIS monetary value for a cutter?
How much of your budget does the Small Boat Product Line take?
Small boat product line takes 71% of budget.
What does the Field Terminal Operator (FTO) do?
Enters in MPC’s and other data.
How often are corrosion inspections completed?
Corrosion Control Prevention conducted Weekly IAW CCP Guide. (Enter in Special Inspection’s in ALMIS.)
What does the Asset Material Manager (AMM) do?
Responsible for requisition of Product Line supplied parts.
Who designates Quality Assurance?
Sector EO
Who transfers assets in ALMIS?
Sector EO
Who has maintenance release authority?
Sector EO
What happens in ALMIS if a MISHAP occurs involving a death?
Lock ALMIS Record (EO or call help desk).
If you have the boat in the water and the trailer is unusable what is the boats status?
Partially Mission Capable
Can you use any cleaning product on a Standard Boat?
As long as it is on the authorized chemical list for that vessel.
What is acceptable level on an overdue MDL(maintenance due list)?
Zero Items
What is a “special tool”?
Special tools are those tools not in the standard tool box, but called out on an MPC to complete a given task.
What gives information on Hazmat Storage?
Hazardous Waste Manual
What should you do if you show up to a unit and HAZMAT is an issue?
Contact CEU and the Sector EO.
How long is EPO required to maintain Hazardous Waste Manifest?
From cradle to grave.
What is a POP Board?
Planned Obligation Prioritization Board
What are the price limits for self help money?
More than $5K but less than $10K.
What are self help funds for?
You as the Unit identifies a project that your believe you can do yourself or you can find someone to do for you and it will not cost more than 10K but will cost more than 5K.
When are Tier 2 inspections for fuel required?
Required for Fuel Tanks over 10,000 lbs and must be on file with the community right to know with the State.
What types of safety programs are required at your unit?
Hearing/ Sight Conservation, Fire Prevention, Haz Comms, Haz waste, heat stress, Respiratory Protection.
What is an SSMR?
Shore Station Maintenance Record
What is a report of survey used for?
Reporting the condition of aircraft, boats, and vehicles for incidents of loss, theft, damage.
Can you expedite an SSMR?
Yes, Invite Sector EO, if something is failing you can CASREP.
What is CEU Threshold amount?
What are AFC-43 funds used for?
Depot Level maintenance expenses incurred in support of the Shore Unit Logistics Support Program.
What kind of electrical Safety programs do you have on a Cutter/ Station?
Cutter- Lock out/ Tag out log
Station- Lock out Procedures IAW OSHA
What is OMSEP?
Occupational Medical Surveillance and Evaluation Program; a database to track safety and health of unit personnel.
What do OSHA diving regulations require when putting divers overboard?
Minimum of 2 divers with one safety observer (dive master)
Who is required to sign a dive chit?
Officer in Charge
When are power trials conducted?
Annual, within 6 months of CG receiving new asset, and TCTO or major overhaul effecting machinery propulsion.
What guides the EPO in DC Locker Inventory?
NSTM 074 and the Cutter Standard Repair Locker Inventory.
Who is required to maintain a casualty control manual?
All cutters 65 feet in length and greater are required to prepare and maintain an Engineering Casualty Control Manual.
What is the Repair Party TTP used for?
TTP for damage control, firefighting TTP, and all bills required of a cutter 175 or less.
In regard to the Main Space Fire Doctrine, how long do you have to get a charged hose into a space after a report of a liquid leak?
For liquid leak scenario: 2 mins to get charged hose into space (Minimum of 2 Cans of AFFF).
What is the process for a main space fire on a cutter?
100% personnel accountability prior to lighting off CO2 (OIC Permission).
15 Min effectiveness of CO2 prior to indirect attack using fixed AFFF system. (3 Cans).
OIC permission for fire team to enter space within 2 minutes of indirect attack.
What is a CCOL?
Compartment Check off List- An itemized list of classified and unclassified fittings and damaged control equipment for setting material conditions of readiness.
When are CCOL’s updated?
CCOL is updated after a Change, dry-dock, or pier side.
What are the four chapters of the ECCM?
Chapter 1 - Machinery Readiness
Chapter 2 - Engineering Casualties (BECCEs)
Chapter 3 - General Emergency Casualties
Chapter 4 - Damage Control Organization
What chapter of the ECCM would you find the restricted maneuvering doctrine?
Chapter One
What chapter of the ECCM would you find the Machinery Space Firefighting Doctrine?
Chapter Four
Where is the CCM kept on board the cutter?
Main control, Engineering Assist location, all repair lockers, DCC and the pilot house.
What chapter of the NEM can you find info on Repair Parties?
Chapter 79
What are requirements to certify/ recertify as a Gas Free Engineer (GFE)?
40 hour OJT requirement waived
Must issue at least 1 GFE certificate per quarter to keep certifications current.
What are the oxygen percentages that are considered IDLH?
Oxygen levels less than 19.5 percent or greater than 22 percent shall be considered as IDLH.
What is SMAC?
Stop, Move Away, Alert, & Close Off.
What is ALARA?
As Low as Reasonably Achievable
What is IDLH?
Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health
How many PPM must OWS reduce Oily water to?
15 PPM
What Manual contains information regarding Environmental Stewardship?
Vessel Environmental Manual (COMDTINST M16455.1)
What do you have to log when pumping the OWS overboard?
Log bilge water discharges including activity, location, date, time, and quantity.
What are the requirements to throw pulped garbage overboard?
Pulped, ground or comminuted garbage capable of passing through a screen with openings no greater than 12 mm (0.47 in).
What are the requirements to throw food or solid waste overboard?
Disposal of paper rags, glass, metal, or food permitted only if shredded to less than 1-inch pieces.
What are you required to have onboard your ship that provides information on garbage disposal at sea?
A Garbage Management Plan must be maintained on board. (MARPOL Annex V, Regulation 9)
What things are listed in CASREP?
Proper routing information, what the casualty was, type of casualty, assistance required, ETR, and if engine, serial number, hours, type.
When should a CASREP be submitted?
Within 24 hours of discovery of an equipment or system deficiency.
What are the four types of CASREP’s?
What is an initial CASREP for?
Identifies the status of casualty and parts or assistance required.
What is an update CASREP for?
Provides an update on efforts to resolve an equipment malfunction or degradation.
How often are CASREP updates required?
Every 30 days.
What is an correct CASREP for?
(CASCOR) this is the final report for a material casualty repaired by unit (sent within 24 hours of repair).
What is an cancel CASREP for?
Used to cancel a CASREP
Are CAT 1 CASREP’s used in the Coast Guard?
Not used in CG.
What is a CAT 2 CASREP?
Minor degradation in a primary mission; or a major degradation or total loss of a secondary mission.
What is a CAT 3 CASREP?
Major degradation, but not the loss of a primary mission.
What is a CAT 4 CASREP?
Worse than CAT 3, and causes a loss of at least one primary mission.
What COMDTINST manual specifically lists what determines if your small boat is safe to operate?
Boat type operator’s handbook. This instruction clearly outlines what a disabling casualty is and what a restrictive discrepancy is.
What program tracks and schedules all standard small boat maintenance?
How do you disable a boat in ALMIS?
You need to check the disable button in EAL when an open discrepancy is created. This is usually done by the technician and prevents the coxswain from checking the boat out.
Once a boat is disabled in ALMIS, who is able to release the boat?
Sector EO
What command oversees all logistical support for your asset?
What division of SFLC oversees small boats?
What are the three branches of the SBPL?
In the modernized small boat world, who plans and schedules all yard availabilities and maintenance beyond the units capabilities?
Planned Depot Maintenance Section
How often is an LCI?
Every three years
What things does an LCI look at?
ENG Programs
What are a few of the required logs and records required to be kept and maintained by the EPO on a cutter?
Engineering Department Standing Orders
Night Order Book
Steaming Orders
Light Off Schedule
Securing Schedule
Cutter Engineering Report
Where could you find information on the required engineering logs for your unit?
Chapter 090
What are the four types of CASREPs?
What kind of unit’s/ assets is the tag-out program used for?
Aboard all cutters and boats.
What are the three reporting procedures for repairs to discrepancies to buildings, structures, and unit grounds?
What are CASREP’s for when dealing with shore facilities?
Shore facilities or shore equipment failures that impair the operational capability of a unit.
The condition must degrade the operational capability.
Must be more than $5K.
What are DISCREP’s for when dealing with shore facilities?
A repair that does not impair the operational capability of a unit but fits the AFC 43 chargeable expense.
Must be more than $5K.
What are SSMR’s for when dealing with shore facilities?
A planning tool to identify future maintenance needs. They are used to report the need for maintenance or repair of an item that is:
Beyond the capability of a unit’s personnel resources.
Beyond the unit’s financial resources.
Cost exceeds $5K.
Alterations to structures/ facilities.
What is the self help limit for AFC-30 funds?
0 - 5K
What is the self help limit for AFC-43 funds?
5K - 25K
What resources are available to assist you with the civil engineering process?
CEU FAM (facility asset manager)
District FAM
Sector Engineer Officer
Who is an authorizing officer in the tag out program?
The person with the authority to sign tags/labels to be issued or cleared in the authorizing officer.
What is the OIC’s role in designating authorizing officials in the tag out program?
The Officer in Charge shall designate the authorizing officers in writing.
What color is a caution tag?
What is a caution tag used for?
It is a precaution to provide temporary special instructions or to indicate that unusual caution must be exercised to operate equipment.
What color is a danger tag?
What is a danger tag used for?
It prohibits operation of equipment that could jeopardize safety of personnel or endanger equipment, systems, or components.
What color is an out of calibration tag?
What is an out of calibration tag used for?
To identify instruments that are out of calibration and will not accurately indicate parameters.
What color is an out of commission tag?
What is an out of commission tag used for?
To identify instruments that will not correctly indicate parameters because the instruments are defective or isolated from the system.
How long are inactive tag-out sheets retained?
Six months.
How many tag-out logs are you required to keep on a cutter you could command?
A single tag-out log is required for other cutter and boats.
Who maintains the tag-out log?
On cutters and boats with a single tag-out log requirement, the Engineering Department shall maintain this log.
Who signs danger/ caution tags?
The Authorizing Officer
A person attaching the tag must have who’s approval before attaching any tag(s)?
The Authorizing Officer
Can one person attach a danger/ caution tag?
No, it requires two person integrity and the second person must initial.
Before clearing a tag, who must grant approval?
The Authorizing Officer
Who is the only person that can remove a tag?
The person attaching the tag(s) shall be the ONLY person that removes the tag(s) and submits them for clearance.
What happens if the person who attached a tag is not available? Can it be removed?
In the rare instance that the person is not available, the Commanding Officer may grant the Engineer or Operations Officer permission to clear the tag(s).
How often is the tag-out log required to be audited?
The cognizant department head is responsible for ensuring that checks and audits of all tag-outs are performed once every two weeks.
In the lockout program, what is the definition of lockout?
The placement of a lockout device on an energy isolating device, in accordance with an established procedure, ensuring that the energy isolating device and the equipment being controlled cannot be operated until the lockout device is removed.
In the lockout program, what is considered a lockout device?
A device that utilizes a positive means such as a lock, either key or combination type, to hold an energy isolating device in the safe position and prevent the energizing of a machine or equipment. Included are blank flanges and bolted slip blinds.
What can you reference information on the lockout program?
29 CFR 1910
29 CFR 1915
Required by OSHA
What is your civil engineering chain of command?
What is your naval engineering chain of command?
How often are docks and bulkheads inspected?
Every 5 years
How are safe to sail waivers processed?
Submit to Sector
Product Line Reviews
District Approves