OIC - Command Master Chief Flashcards
What is the definition of a transgender member?
A transgender member is anyone who has received a medical diagnosis from a military medical provider that gender transition is medically necessary, including any member who intends to begin transition, is undergoing transition, or has completed transition and is stable in the preferred gender.
When does gender transition begin on a member?
Gender transition begins when a Service member receives a diagnosis from a military medical provider indicating that gender transition is medically necessary.
If a member wishes to change their gender, what must be approved by the unit commander?
A transition plan in concert with their military medical provider.
If a member wishes to change their gender, when are they required to meet applicable military standards for the preferred gender?
Once the gender marker is changed in DEERS, the Service member will be responsible for meeting all applicable military standards of the preferred gender.
If a member wishes to change their gender, when are they required to utilize facilities for the preferred gender?
Once the gender marker is changed in DEERS, the Service member will utilize facilities in the preferred gender.
What is the SCCC?
Service Central Coordination Cell
What is the purpose of the SCCC?
CG-1 established a Service Central Coordination Cell (SCCC) to assist commanders and Service members with the gender transition process.
What must members requesting gender transition prior to 1 October 2016 do?
All units with members requesting transition prior to 1 October 2016 are required to contact the Service Central Coordination Cell (SCCC) to gain initial guidance.
If a member of yours is wishing to transition their gender, where would you direct them?
Do reserve members wishing to transition their gender have to follow different procedures?
Reserve members shall follow the same policies and standards as active duty members.
Can a member be involuntary separated, discharged, or denied re-enlistment solely based on their gender identity?
Effective immediately, no otherwise qualified Coast Guard member can be involuntarily separated, discharged, or denied re-enlistment or continuation of service, solely on the basis of their gender identify.
What does it mean to be a transgender Service member?
For DoD and CG policy purposes, a transgender Service member is one who has received a medical diagnosis that gender transition is medically necessary
When medical diagnosis is determined to be necessary, what are some examples of transgender members?
A member that intends to begin transition;
A member that is undergoing transition; and
A member that has completed transition and is stable in their preferred gender.
What is the Hatch Act?
A piece of legislation that limits certain activities of employees of the executive branch, and as members of the Coast Guard workforce, it applies to all of us.
When does the Blended Retirement System go into effect?
January 1, 2018
Who will remain under the legacy retirement plan?
Anyone who joined the service in CY 2005 or earlier.
Who is grandfathered under the legacy retirement plan but has the option to switch to the Blended Retirement System?
Anyone who joined the service between CY 2006 and CY 2017.
Who is automatically enrolled in the Blended Retirement System?
Anyone who joined the service in CY 2018 and beyond.
What reserve components have the option to switch to the Blended Retirement System?
Anyone with less than 4,320 points as of December 31, 2017.
What reserve components will remain under the legacy retirement plan?
Anyone with 4,320 points or more as of December 31, 2017.
What is the last day that people grandfathered under the legacy retirement plan can opt into the Blended Retirement System?
December 31, 2018
What percent per year does the legacy retirement system pay?
What percent per year does the Blended Retirement System pay?
When will the Coast Guard begin automatic contributions to your TSP in the Blended Retirement System?
The CG will automatically contribute an amount equal to 1 percent of your basic pay to your Thrift Saving Plan (TSP) after 60 days of service.
When will the Coast Guard begin matching contributions to your TSP in the Blended Retirement System?
Matching contributions by the CG will start at three
years of service.
Once a service member reaches 3 years of service, what is the maximum matching contribution the Coast Guard will make in the Blended Retirement System?
A maximum matching of 4 percent through the completion of 26 years of service.
What is the lump sum option in the Blended Retirement System?
There will now be a lump sum option that will allow members to take a 25 or 50 percent lump sum at the time of retirement that will reduce the monthly retired pay by a corresponding 25 or 50 percent until age 67.
If a member opts in to the Blended Retirement System during the opt in phase, can they change their mind and go back to the old system?
The opt-in decision is irrevocable, so all members should carefully consider their own personal circumstances, time in service, career intentions, and financial situation to determine which retirement system is best for them.
What is the Coast Guard’s Human Capital Vision?
Providing an agile, flexible, and adaptive Human Capital System that ensures a thriving, proficient, and effective workforce for complex, global missions.
What are the three priorities of the Human Capital Strategy?
Meet MISSION Needs
Meet SERVICE Needs
Meet PEOPLE Needs
With the Human Capital Strategy - what principles fall under Meet MISSION Needs?
Efficiency and Proficiency
Requirements and Data-based Decisions
With the Human Capital Strategy - what principles fall under Meet SERVICE Needs?
Diversity and Inclusion
Equity and Opportunity
With the Human Capital Strategy - what principles fall under Meet PEOPLE Needs?
Professional Growth
Safety and Wellness
How long are members who become pregnant for 20 weeks or greater exempt from weight and body fat standards?
Members who are pregnant for 20 weeks or longer, to be exempt from weight and body fat standards for a twelve month period upon completion of pregnancy (delivery, miscarriages, etc.).
How long are members who become pregnant for 20 weeks or less exempt from weight and body fat standards?
For members who are pregnant for less than 20 weeks, the six month exemption remains in effect.
In the LANTAREA People Plan, who is considered a first termer?
A military member, enlisted or officer, regular or reserve with less than 48 months of Coast Guard service or, for officers, less than 48 months of commissioned Coast Guard service.
In the LANTAREA People Plan, what is a running mate?
A person assigned to a newly reported member for a short duration (approximately two weeks).
In the LANTAREA People Plan, what training shall be provided within 90 days of a new member reporting aboard?
Drug and Alcohol Awareness
Sexual Harassment Prevention
Hazing Awareness Training
Personal Financial Management
In the LANTAREA People Plan, how long do you have to complete initial IDP counseling?
Within 30 days of reporting aboard, their rating chain supervisor will review the IDP and conduct the initial IDP counseling session.
In the LANTAREA People Plan, how many ASIST certified people does your unit need?
All units should have at least one graduate of the Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) program aboard.
In the LANTAREA People Plan, if you have less than 50 people, can you use another unit’s CDAR?
Units with less than 50 assigned members that are within one-hour commute of a large CG shore unit (Area/ District, Sector, ISC, Air Station) that has a CDAR may, if both units agree, designate that CDAR to serve the smaller unit.
Who is CG-1?
Assistant Commandant for Human Resources
Who is VCG?
Vice Commandant
In which chapter of which manual do you find your responsibilities as an Officer in Charge listed?
Coast Guard Regulations, COMDTINST M5000.3B
Chapter 4, Part 3
What is a SERA?
Senior Enlisted Reserve Advisor
What are the Commandants Guiding Principles?
Service to Nation
Duty to People
Commitment to Excellence
How many leadership competencies are there?
What are the four subcategories of the 28 leadership competencies?
Leading Self
Leading Others
Leading Performance and Change
Leading the Coast Guard
What is the basis for Relief for Cause for an Officer in Charge?
Unsatisfactory Performance
Loss of Confidence
Inappropriate Relationships
What requires you, as an Officer in Charge to maintain standing orders, cutter navigation standards, the OIC’s night order book, and XPO’s morning orders?
Coast Guard Regulations, COMDTINST M5000.3B
Chapter 4
What is High-Year Tenure?
A flexible workforce management tool that establishes standards for enlisted career progression by pay-grade.
What is a Professional Growth Point, or PGP?
The maximum time in service (TIS) based on AD base date an active duty member can remain in the service at a specific pay grade.
E9 - 30 Years
E8 - 26 Years
E7 - 24 Years
E6 - 20 Years
E5 - 16 Years
E4 - 10 Years
What happens if a member is affected by HYT but has a MED Board pending?
Notify PSC. Upon conclusion of the MED Board, member will be separated or retired as a result of MED Board or HYT - if found fit for full duty.
How long do commands have to report a hate incident to the Civil Rights Service Provider?
48 Hours
How long within assuming command are you required to administer a DEOCS?
Within 180 days of assuming command.
Who is required to complete a DEOCS?
Units with 25 or more assigned personnel.
How often are you required to allow your crew exercise?
Three hours per week during working hours, ops permitting, for voluntary participation in physical fitness enhancing activities.
What is the purpose of the Work-Life program?
Promote a balance of Work and Life,
Improve mission performance,
Provide stress relief tools,
Strengthen the CG family.
What is an IDC?
Incident Determination Committee
What is a DAO and what do they do?
Decent Affairs Officer (Handles active duty, retired, and dependent deaths).
What is a CACO?
Casualty Assistance Calls Officer
What is Transitional Compensation?
Payments made for dependents of a Coast Guard member who has been discharged due to domestic violence. Member must have been on Active Duty for more than 30 days. Payments will be made for up to 36 months.
Are members in the Special Needs eligible for world wide assignment?
Yes, AD members shall not be adversely affected in their selection for promotion, schools, or assignment.
Can a member be dis-enrolled from the Special Needs program, if so, how?
Yes, the member is separated from the CG, has a change in dependency, change in medical condition/ diagnosis, or proper documentation that Special Needs are no longer needed.
What is the definition or sexual assault?
Intentional sexual contact, characterized by use of force, threats, intimidation, abuse of authority, or when a victim does not or cannot consent.
What are the four strategic goals in SAPR?
What is a SVC?
Special Victims Counsel
What is the 0, 1, 2, 3 rule?
0 - DUI’s
1 - Drink per hour
2 - Two drinks per occasion
3 - Drinks per day
What is a SAPS?
Substance Abuse Prevention Specialist
What is the process for a first alcohol incident?
1) Issue P&D 13
2) Member meets with CDAR
3) Member meets with Medical Officer for alcohol screening
4) Issue P&D 15 for completing screening
5) Issue P&D 16 for completed education
What is the process for a second alcohol incident?
1) Issue P&D 14
2) Member meets with CDAR
3) Member meets with Medical Officer for alcohol screening
4) Issue P&D 15 for completing screening
5) Issue P&D 16 for completed education
6) Member will be processed for separation
What is a P&D 17?
Failure to complete alcohol treatment.
What is a P&D 18?
Refusal to complete alcohol treatment.
What are the three types of alcohol referrals?
Self Referral
Command Referral
Incident Referral
What are the three types of alcohol diagnosis?
What are the 5 types of alcohol treatment options?
Outpatient Rehab
Intensive Outpatient/ Partial Hospitalization
Inpatient Rehab
Emergency Care
What must be done if a member receives a DUI?
Special set of marks,
Alcohol Incident,
Revoke driving privileges for one year,
Process for separation.
What is a drug incident?
Unlawful use, possession, or trafficking of a controlled substance.
Who is entitled to the second chance program?
A first enlistment good performer.
This requires the first flag to recommend second chance waivers to the final discharge authority.
What is a Coast Guard Mutual Assistance SEG?
Supplemental Education Grant
What is the dollar limit for SEG?
What is the purpose of a Coast Guard Mutual Assistance SEG?
The SEG is designed to reimburse CGMA beneficiaries for certain costs, especially textbooks and fees, associated with a college degree program or a vocational technical training program.
How much money does CGMA offer for interest free education loans?
CGMA offers an interest free education loan of up to
3,000 dollars and has a program for reimbursing the loan origination fee charged to beneficiaries who obtain federal student loans.
Who is a Coast Guard Mutual Assistance SEG for?
Coast Guard men, women and their families.
What is the Coast Guard Relief Valve Process?
Relief Valves provides members a means for discussing or reporting command climate issues outside of their chain of command.
What are some examples of a relief valve in the Coast Guard Relief Valve Process?
XO’s Request and Complaint Mast
Command Gold or Silver Badge
Civil Rights Coordinator
LDAC Chair
What is an LDAC?
Leadership and Diversity Advisory Council
What units are required to have an LDAC?
Commanding Officers of units with 50 or more personnel shall ensure that LDACs are established.
What is your role with the LDAC if you are at a unit with less than 50 people?
Units with fewer than 50 personnel shall assign a representative to the LDAC within the unit’s chain of command that is geographically closest to them.
What is hazing?
Offensive hitting, slapping, or touching and any other actions which subjects an individual to ridicule or embarrassment.
What is your reference for ethical situations?
Standards of Ethical Conduct, COMDTINST 5370.B
What is a gift?
A gift is anything that has monetary value coming from a prohibited source(someone who wants to gain something from the Coast guard).
When can you accept a gift?
Unsolicited with a market value of $20 or less per occasion no more than $50 per calendar year from any one source. $10 or less on an occasional basis for supervisory position.
Is it ok for you as an OIC to accept a gift from a non-prohibited source that values at $300?
Donations to Unit from a non-prohibited, the OIC has the acceptance authority of $200. Anything that is over is forwarded to the next higher acceptance authority while also notifying CG Legal to ensure compliance.
What does honor mean to you?
Uncompromising ethical conduct and moral behavior in all situations.
What does respect mean to you?
To treat others with fairness, dignity, and compassion.
What does devotion to duty mean to you?
To be professional, accept accountability, and seek responsibility.
What should you do if a creditor calls asking about a member’s financial responsibility?
Commanding officers shall not furnish creditors with any information concerning the personal credit rating or financial responsibility of a member even if authorized by the member.
Where can you find EOCT information?
ESO Vol. 1-4
CGI Website
What is WebTA used for?
Electronic means for submitting TA requests.
What is the annual maximum cap for TA?
The annual cap for reimbursement of TA is $4000.
What are the hourly caps for TA?
The Coast Guard will fund 100 percent of tuition cost not to exceed $250.00 per semester hour.
How early must TA requests be submitted?
A complete TA application (uploaded degree plan, command approved) must be received by the CG Institute no less than 14 days prior to the class start date, not including the date of submission to the CG Institute nor the class start date.
Do members using TA have to get a certain grade in order to not be held responsible for the costs?
For the purpose of reimbursement, a successful course completion is defined as a grade of a C or higher for undergraduate courses, a B or higher
for graduate courses, and a pass for pass/fail grades.
What needs to happen for a member using TA after a second course or after 6 semester hours is completed?
Mandatory degree plans are required after the completion of the second course or after 6 semester hours using TA.
Can a member use TA for getting a second associates degree?
TA is only available for courses leading to the first associate, bachelor, and masters degrees.
What four things need to be met before approving TA?
Satisfactory progress toward completion of unit quals.
Satisfactory progress toward watch station quals.
Satisfactory proficiency of craft, and
Satisfactory conduct during the six months prior to applying.
What are the maximum credit hours per quarter?
How are ERATS documented and verified?
What are some other educational funding sources?
CG Grant
When is domestic violence awareness month?
When is national disability employment awareness month?
When is national Hispanic heritage month?
September 15th to October 15th.
When is suicide prevention awareness month?
When is LGBT pride month?
When is Asian American and pacific islander heritage month?
When is sexual assault awareness and prevention month?
When is women’s history month?
When is national African American history month?
When is national native American heritage month?