OHI Flashcards
How much toothpaste should you use for:
Less than 2 years old
2-5 years
Less than 2 = a smear
2- is pea sized
5+ regular amount
What is the ideal toothbrush? And sizes?
Ergonomic for the age of the person using it
Head size appropriate to age of person using it
Medium bristles that allow for good plaque cleaning interproximally and around the gum line
Children 2cm by 1cm
Adults 2.2cm-2.8cm by 1-1.3cm
How should interdental cleaning be presented?
Talk to the patient, ask if they use it. If not, recommend floss, teepee brushes, waterpik
What types of mouthwash are there? Give an example?
Antiseptic - chlorhexadine, perio disease
Plaque inhibiting - listerine, alcohol free
Preventative - Colgate fluoriguard, daily use at other time than brushing. 0.05% daily, 0.2% weekly
Preventative / plaque inhibiting - Colgate total
What is TIPPS?
How should you go about the Talk in tipps?
Talk to patient, ask their current oral hygiene routine and their plaque control
What should occur in the Instruction part of TIPPS?
Instruct the patient how to brush properly, modified Bass, instruct correct brush and also interdental cleaning, and any recommended mouthwash.
Show patient how to do it, with them holding mirror
How should practice occur in TIPPS
Let the patient practise what you’ve just showed them. If they do it wrong then you should show them how to do it properly again.
This boosts confidence of patient
What is the Plan in TIPPS
Make a plan with the patient, best time for them to brush and then give feedback.
What ppmF should be used for a first eruption tooth?
What ppmF should be used for standard risk 4-16 y/o?
1000 - 1500ppmF
What ppmF for a high risk:
Under 10
10 = 1500ppmF
10-15 = 2800ppmF
16+ = 5000ppmF
What is support in tipps?
Support patient with booking them back into dentist, giving them feedback and further advice