Od Tumors Flashcards
Origin of CEOT
Stratum intermedium
Liesegang ribgs are solitary?
No that can fuse to form mass
Special stain of amyloid material
Congo red
Thyoflavin t fluorescent stain
Pattern of amyloid in CEOT
cribriform pattern
Site of ceot
- central 75% posterior mandible related to untrusted tooth usually
- peripheral gingiva
- slow
- asymptimatic
- disffuse or localized swelling
Ttt and prognosis and behaviour of CEOT
- locally invasive
- thin safety margin required
- 15% recurrence
- better prog. Than ameloblastoma
Xray of CEOT
Well defined
Uni or multi
Driven snow mixed ro rl
Usually related to unerupted tooth mainly 3rd molar
Od fibroma relation to neighbouring teeth
- between roots
- in place of missing tooth
- unerupted
In od fibroma What is the difference between WHO type and simple type?
-who has
..more epi nests and cords
..dense collagen stroma to myxoid one
..stroma has calcified cementoid or dentoid
But the plump fibroblast in whorled pattern are the same
Site of od fibroma?
- ant to upper 6
- post to lower 6
- peripheral in gingiva or central
Diff between xray of CEOT and od fibroma
- ceot is mixed
- both well defined Uni or multi
- ceot related to unerupted tooth mostly
- od fibroma between to teeth
Signes of od fibroma
- small–asymptomatic
- large – expansion displacement of teeth mobility and root resorption
Od fibroma vs od myxoma in tt and recurrence
Requires safety margin
If simple enucleation recurrence is 25%
-od fibroma
No recurrence
Od myxoma relationship to teeth
Od Myxoma growth
Rapid due to accumulation of mucoid material
Od myxoma xray
- multilocilar
- thin or thick trabeculae
- soap bubble
- unerupted tooth
Fibromyxoma ?
When od myxoma has varying degrees of collagen fibers
Difference between benign cementoblastoma and periapical cemental dysplasia in origin
Pcd is a type of bone dysplasia
Vs a
Difference between benign cementoblastoma and periapical cemental dysplasia in clinical
-pcd in black females 14:1
-pcd solitary or multiple vs single
-pcd happens in lower ant vs lower m and pm
-pcd don’t expand bone vs cementoblastoma that might expand
-pcd is max 1cm
Both are asymptomatic
Difference between benign cementoblastoma and periapical cemental dysplasia in xray
-psd has 3 phases
Early late and second
Difference between benign cementoblastoma and periapical cemental dysplasia in histology
- pcd starts as fibroblastic tissue
- pcd is acellular
Pindporg tumor is
Cementomas in pm and m region
All except pcd
Cementomas more in females than males
All except benign cementoblastoma
Cementomas in middle age
All except benign cementoblastoma in the 2nd to 3rd decade
Only Cementoma that doesn’t cause expansion
Cementifying fibroma diagnostic problem
Difficult to differentiate from pcd
Has same xray
Same histo
Florid cemento osseus dysplasia
-symmetrical Familial Can cause large expansion Histology Acellular cementum with empty spaces and vascular spaces
Aot site
Anterior max at canine
Central only
Xray of AOT
Well defined
Mixed ^ snow flake
Follicular type is surrounding unerupted tooth and extend beyond the cej 75%
Extra follicular is between 2 roots 25%
Aot expansion pattern
Slowly growing expansion
Less than 3cm
Aot special histo
- convoluted bands
- sheets of spindle epi cells
- scanty ct with cystic …
- duct like structure
- dentinoid rarely enamel like
Normal tissue in normal location in excess
Complex vs compound odontoma in site
Compound – max incisor
Complex – max incisor and mand molar region
Clinical comparison of both ododntomas
-both are asymptomatic small swelling may be large with bone expansion.
- compound is mostly with permanent
- complex is mostly in place of missing tooth
Ameloplastic fibroma ch.ch histo feature
Juxta epithelial hyalinization
Narrow cell free zone around epi may be found
Ameloblastic fibroma vs ameloblastoma?
-more cellular fibrous stroma
- cells of fibrous stroma is plump
-less fibrous stroma
-juxta epithelial hyalinization
- narrow cfz
-stands(plexiform 2cell layers) and follicles
Are smaller
Stallate reticulum may be messing
Microcyst are rare
Ameloblastic fibroma xray
Well defined
Multi or uni locular
Un erupted tooth relation in 50%
Variants of ameloblastic fibroma
1- amrloblastic fibro odontoma Mand=max Mixed ro rl Formation of enamel and dentin 2- am.fibro sarcoma More aggressive with metastasis Mesenchymal components show features of malignancy