OC Ch. 1 Flashcards
Successful Student
Accept personal responsibility
Discover self-motivation
Master self-management
Employ interdependence
Struggling Students
See themselves as victims
Have difficulty sustaining motivation
Seldom identify actions needed to accomplish a desired outcome
Are solitary
Success is
Hard Skills
Writing skills
Math skills
Reading skills
Learning skills
Success is
Soft Skills
Get all of your learning supplies, create a schedule, get comfortable with campus technology, and manage your money?
Get all of your learning supplies, create a schedule, get comfortable with campus technology, and manage your money
Ways to get familiar
Learn your campus; locate your classrooms; learn your instructors names, office locations, and office hours; study-don’t just skim-the first day hand out (syllabus) for each course
“Deep” culture
Below the waterline you’ll find the more stable and significant features. Consists of the shared beliefs, attitudes, norms, rules, opinions, expectations, and taboos of a group of people.
Eight key expectations
- Responsible for their education.
- Highly motivates to succeed.
- attend classes regularly.
- Complete assignments to their best ability.
- Collaborate with peers and use available help to achieve success.
- Change what they are doing is not working.
- Demonstrate passion for learning, manage their emotions.
- Have realistic self-confidence about them selves and their ability to succeed in college.
Geert Hofstede
A Dutch psychologist and anthropologists that has studied cultures all over the world
Journal writing
is a way to explore your life in depth and discover your best self. This self-awareness will enable you to develop the skills needed for success in college and beyond.
Five guidelines for creating a meaningful journal
- Copy the directions for each step into your journal.
- Be spontaneous.
- Be honest.
- Be creative.
- Dive deep.
What to do during your first week in college?
- Get familiar.
- Get organized.
- Get serious.
Free writing
simply write whatever thoughts come to mind.
One dozen college customs: That higher education excepts you to know and do
- Read your college catalog.
- Create long-term educational plan.
- Complete general education requirements.
- Compete prerequisites.
- choose a major.
- Meet with your instructors during office hours.
- Know the importance of your grade point average. 8. Know hoe to compute your GPA.
- If you stop attending a class - withdraw officially.
- Talk to your instructor before withdrawing.
- Know your lifetime eligibility for financial aid.
- Keep a file of important documents.
Document provided by instructors at the first week of class. It contains essential information about the course
- Learning objectives
- Homework assignments
- Course rules
- How the course grade is determined.
Inner success
These successes are private, invisible victories that offer a deep sense of personal contentment.
- Enjoying learning
- Following personal interest
- Focusing on personal values
- Creating more fulfilling lives.
Outer success
These successes are public, visible achievements that allow the world to assess once abilities and worth.
- High grades
- Sports victories
- Popularity
- College degrees
“Surface” culture
Above the waterline are the elements of culture we can perceive with our five senses.
- Food
- Fashion
- Language
- Gestures
- Games
- Art
- Music
- Holidays
- Customs
Brooks Peterson
Author of “Culture Intelligence” and suggested to picture an ‘iceberg’ to understand the aspects of culture
A collection of surface- and deep-level customs and beliefs that get passed on from generation to generation.
Ways to get serious
- Sets goals for each course.
- Attend all classes.
- Arrive on time.
- participate in every class
- complete and hand in all assignments on time.
- Commit to your success.
Ways to get organized
- Get your learning supplies
- Create aa schedule
- Get comfortable with campus technology
- Manage your money.
Success Occurs
From the inside out, not the outside in.
Enrolling in college
Is like moving to a foreign country .
A journal
Is a written record.
- Thoughts
- Feeling
- Hopes
- Dreams
- Life lessons
- Next steps