Obturator nerve Flashcards
What are the nerve roots of the obturator nerve?
L2, L3, L4
What does the obturator nerve pass through after it emerges from the lumbar plexus?
Psoas major
Where does the obturator nerve emerge from the psoas major?
Medial to psoas major
Where does the obturator nerve travel after emerging medially to psoas major?
Posteriorly to common iliac arteries
Laterally along pelvic wall to obturator foramen
What does the obturator nerve do at the obturator foramen?
Passes through gap in obturator membrane
Enters thigh
What does the obturator nerve do in the thigh?
innervates muscles
pierces fascia lata to become cutaneous branch
What is the sensory function of the obturator nerve?
Middle medial thigh
What are the motor functions of the obturator nerve?
Medial thigh muscles
only adductor part of adductor magnus