Obstetrics Terminology Flashcards
First movements of fetus felt by the mother (16-18 weeks)
Quickening (a first time mom will feel after 20 weeks)
Suppression or absence of menstruation
Hissing sound synchronous with fetal heart beat and considers produced by the umbilical cord
Funic soufflé (blood rushing through the umbilical cord)
Heard when auscultating abdomen over the uterus; maternal blood pulsating through the placenta; synchronous with the maternal pulse ( moms hr)
Uterine soufflé
Discharge of the blood tinged mucous from the cervix as labor begins
Bloody show
Thinning measurement of the cervix in percentage
Protracted: slow rate of progress
Prolonged: long span of time for progress to occur (over 24 hours)
Arrested: progress stops
Abnormal labor patterns
Number of weeks since first day of last menstrual period
Birth that occurs before end of 20 weeks gestation
Death of a fetus
Fetal demise
Time between conception and the onset of labor
Time from onset of true labor until the birth of infant and placenta
Time from birth until woman’s body returns to prepregnant condition
Postpartum 4-6 weeks
Labor that occurs between 20 and 36 6/7 weeks
Premature labor
Labor that occurs after 42 weeks gestation
Posterm labor