Abnormal and Interrupted Fetal Development Flashcards
A Fallopian tube pregnancy is considered a what pregnancy?
Non viable
Implantation of a fetus other than the endometrium such as Fallopian tubes, fundus, and endometrium
Ectopic pregnancy
The incidence of an ectopic pregnancy increases due to what two main things?
Assisted reproduction
Endometriosis (1st), previous ectopic (10%), progesterone (slows motility of the egg), assisted reproduction,tubal abnormality, adhesions from surgery, PID, and sterilization (but sperm reaches it) are all what?
Risk factors of ectopic pregnancy
What are the symptoms of ectopic pregnancy?
Breast tenderness
Missed period
Prior to rupture what symptoms might be present to an ectopic pregnancy?
Pelvic pain
Back pain
Scant bleeding
Signs of acute severe pain, referred shoulder pain (blood irritates phrenic nerve), and signs of shock (decreased blood pressure, increased heart rate, pale, and dizziness might indicate what?
Ruptured ectopic pregnancy
What are the two treatments for an ectopic pregnancy?
Laparoscopy (remove fertilized ovum)
Methotrexate (destroys pregnancy)
What is the clear definitive diagnostic study for an ectopic pregnancy?
Ultrasound that shows empty uterus but Hcg levels still increasing.
A pathological proliferation of trophoblastic cells (placenta)
GTD (gestational trophoblastic disease)
What are the two diseases associated with GTD?
Hydatiform Mole
What is a tell tale sign of hydatiform mole or molar pregnancy? This is a non viable pregnancy.
Uterus grows abnormally fast
These vesicles pull fluid from maternal vesicles
Hydropic vesicles
What is the cause?
Under 15 or over 45, previous molar, Asian or Latin American, 1/1000 pregnancies are all what?
Risk factors for a molar pregnancy
What are the two types of molar pregnancy?
This type has only paternal chromosomes (46). The sperm fertilizes an empty egg and divides. No embryo or fetal tissue. No chromosomes.
This type has a normal ovum but is fertilized by two sperm or abnormal sperm and contains 69 chromosomes. There is fetal tissue because of the maternal chromosomes but this tissue is malformed.
What 5 findings are indicative of a molar pregnancy?
Vaginal bleeding that is brown/prune juice and always happens)
Anemia (because of bleeding)
Enlarged uterus
No FHT (fetal heart tone)
Early PIH (pregnancy induced hypertension)
How is a molar pregnancy diagnosed?
Hcg severely elevated
Severe N/V (hyperemesis gravidarum)
Treatment for a molar pregnancy?
What can a molar pregnancy lead to?
Cancer arose in placenta during pregnancy?