Observations & Observational Design Flashcards
Definition: Watching and recording behaviour in the setting within which it would still normally occur if the researcher was not there
Naturalistic observation
Definition: Watching and recording behaviour within a structured environment (i.e. where some variables are controlled)
Controlled observation
Definition: Participants’ behaviour is watched and recorded with their knowledge or consent (informed consent is given)
Overt observation
Definition: Participants’ behaviour is watched and recorded without their knowledge or consent (this must be public for the study to be ethical)
Covert observation
Definition: The researcher becomes a member of the group whose behaviour he/she is watching and recording
Participant observation
Definition: The researcher remains outside of the group whose behaviour he/she is watching and recording
Non-participant observation
Definitions: Observe and record all relevant behaviour so there is continuous recording. This may be appropriate with small scale observations involving few people
Unstructured observation
Definition: The observer uses a predetermined system for recording the behaviour. This helps the observer record target behaviours. They need to be clearly defined
Structured observation
Definition: The researcher breaks up the target behaviour into a set of precise and measurable actions.
Behavioural categories
Definition: Counting the number of times a particular behaviour or event occurs in a target individual or group
Event sampling
Definition: Recording behaviour in a pre established time frame (e.g. every 30 seconds)
Time sampling