Experimental Methods Flashcards
Definition: all attempt to measure the effect of one variable (IV) on another variable (DV).
Definition: this is the type of experiment Psychologists use in their investigations; lab, field, natural and quasi
Experimental method
Definition: This is how Psychologists use participants in their experiments
Experimental design
What method?
Environment: Controlled
IV: Manipulated by the researcher
DV:Measured with strict controls of extraneous variables
What method?
Environment: Natural
IV: Manipulated by the researcher
DV: Measured
What method?
Environment: Natural (real life)
IV: Is not brought about by the researcher - it would happen regardless of the experiment
DV: Decided by the researcher and measured
What method?
A study that is almost an experiment
IV: The IV Is not determined by anyone, it naturally exists
DV: Effect of the DV is recorded by the researcher
Participants only take part in ONE condition
The groups’ results in each condition are compared against each other
Independent groups
All participants take part in ALL conditions
Their own results in each condition are compared against each other
Repeated measures
Each participant is matched with another participant whom they share relevant variables with (e.g. age, gender, IQ).
They are both then placed in different conditions and their results are compared
Definition: Confounding variable arising from the order in which conditions are presented i.e. practice, boredom, fatigue
Order effects