Observations Flashcards
A non experimental technique, the researcher watches a records natural behaviour of ppts without manipulation of the IV
Controlled observation
Aspects of environment are controlled, in an attempt to give ppts the same experience often conducted in a lab
Strength of controlled observations
- reduces extraneous variables, by controlling the environment and giving the same experience
- results are reliable as using same standardised procedure
Weaknesses of controlled observation
- artificial, may result in unnatural behaviour, leads to demand characteristics
- lacks ecological validity
Define naturalistic observations
Takes pace in the real world i places ppts are likely to spend their time eg school
Strengths of naturalist observations
- high realism as ppt are more likely to more natural behaviour
- high ecological validity, able to generalise to other situations
- reduces demand characteristics
Weaknesses of naturalistic observations
- uncontrolled extraneous variables may be responsible for behaviour, lowering internal validity
Define overt observations
Ppts can see the researcher an are aware their behaviour is being observed
Strengths of overt observations
- ethical, informed consent as ppts agree to take part in research
Weakness of overt characteristics
- demand characteristics,tr show behaviour researcher wants to see
- social desirability bias, acting to look good for researcher
Covert observation
Ppts not aware they are being observed
Strengths of covert observations
- Reduces demand characteristics and social desirability bias
Weakness of covert observations
Unethical - ppts can’t give informed consent
Participants observations
Researcher joins a group being observed and takes part
Strengths of ppts observation
- build rappor, more trust leads to ppts behaving more naturally
Weakness of ppts observations
- researcher can loose objectivity, intro actions of data can be biased and they only see from ppts perspective, going native
Non participant observations
Reasercher is separate from ppts, is not part of the group
Strengths of non ppts observations
- researcher more likely to remain objective in interpretation of the ppts behaviour
Weaknesses of non ppt observations
Due to lack of trust and rappor, ppts may not behave naturally reduces vaildity
Define observation design
Choice of behaviours and how they are measured
Operationalised behavioural categories
Behaviours must be clearly identifiable and measurable
How do researchers conduct structured observatiosn
Time sampling and event sampling
Time sampling
Researcher records all relevant behaviour at set points
Strengths of time sampling
More flexibility to be able to record unexpected types of behaviour
Weakness of time sampling
Can miss behaviour outside of recording periods
Event sampling
Researcher records/tallies every time behaviour occurs from lit of behavioural categories
Strengths of event sampling
- as long as behaviour is on the list of behavioural categories it will be recored at any point of observation
Weakness of event sampling
May miss relevant behaviour that is not on list of behavioural categories
How does a researcher assess reliability of observation
- inter observer reliability
Define inter observe reliability
2 or more trained observes conduct the same observation
Describe inter observe reliability
- Agee and use the same checklist/tally of operationalised categories
- Observation is conducted separately by each observer
- Compare the 2 data set produced
- A correlation yeast can assess the strength of the relationship between two data set
- A correlation of 0.8 and stronger is accepted
Unstructured observation
Observer records all behaviour they observe
Structure interview
Particular behaviour are looked for and record when they occur