Experimental Types Flashcards
Define independent variable
Something manipulated by the researcher
Define the dependant variable
What is being measured
2 key features of a experiment
Researcher manipulates the IV to investigate whether there is a change in DV
All other variables which may influence results share held cons at or eliminated
Define lab experiment
High level of control the researcher has over all variables in the study
How can a researcher have high levels of control
Control extraneous variables eg noise and temp
Using standardised set of instructions
Weakness of lab experiment
- lacks ecological validity, cannot be replicated in real life
- lacks mundane realism, task in lab study don’t reflect task in real life
- demand characteristics and social desirability bias
- researcher can establish cause and effect due to extraneous variables being kept constant
- high internal validity, observed changes in DV due to change in IV
- easily replicated due to standardised procedure
Define feild study’s
- conducted in naturalistic setting change in location is an attempt to avoid artificial nature of lab studies
Strengths of field study
- high ecological validity, ppts should behave naturally, more likely or Ed behaviour can be applied in real life
- high mundane realism, closer to type of activity ppts would normally Carrie out
- demand characteristics less likely to occur
Weaknesses of field experiment
- lac of control over extraneous variables that could influence the measurement of DV
- hard to replicate
- sample bias, hard to randomly assign ppt to separate condition, so change in DV may be a result of ppt variable reducing internal validity
Define natural experiment
2 levels of IV have occurred naturally without influence from researcher, researcher records change in DV between the 2 levels of IV
When can natural experiment occur
When an event causes people to form into levels of IV eg mental health
Strengths of natural studies
- allows research to occur in areas that could not happen in a controlled experiment either due to ethical or cost reasons
- no demand characteristics, real behaviour occurring in the real world, leads to high external validity
Weakness of natural experiments
- cant establish cause and effect as extraneous variables cant be controlled due to the event already taking place regardless of the researcher
- lack reliability as they cant be replicated due to events happening rarely
Define quasi experiments
- ppts cannot be randomly assigned between levels of IV, often because the level of IV is an innate Characteristics of ppts