observational theory (SLT) Flashcards
Who created the observational theory
Bandura created the theory following a series of famous studies known as the bobo doll experiment
What is the social learning theory
the theory that we learn social behaviour by observing and imitating the behaviour modelled by others
How is operant conditioning linked to social learning
They focus on the idea that all human behaviours are acquired through the conditioning and interaction with the external environment
What are the 4 elements of the social learning theory
- Attention
- Retention
- (motor) Reproduction
What is attention
To copy a demonstration the performer must pay attention, and focus on the important cues
What affects the amount of attention paid
- perceived attractiveness of the the model
- the competence of the model
- Status of the model
What is retention
- The observer must be able to remember the model that is shown.
- Creating a mental picture of the process is important.
- Mental rehearsal can improve retention of the mental image.
What is motor reproduction
- The observer must be physically able to repeat the skill being shown
- It is vital that what is being seen/demonstrated matches the capabilities of the observer
What is motivation
The internal mechanisms and external stimuli which arouse and direct our behaviour
What are the criticisms of social learning
- Ignores important environmental influences and factors such as socio-economic status
- Fails to take into account biological factors such as genetics