systemic review that uses quantitative methods to summarize results
meta analysis systemic review randomized controlled trials cohort study cross sectional case control study
Meta analysis
authors searched for appraised and summarized all medical literature for specicifc topic
meta analysis systemic review randomized controlled trials cohort study cross sectional case control study
systemic review
study gathers group regardless of risk or if they have disease or not and compare in single point of time
meta analysis systemic review randomized controlled trials cohort study cross sectional case control study
cross sectional study
identifies 2 groups of ptnts, one that has disease and one that did not and follow these groups forward for outcome of interest
meta analysis systemic review randomized controlled trials cohort study cross sectional case control study
Cohort , prospective study
cohort = 2 groups
prospective ( look in the future)
study looked into the past that compares people that have the disease to people that do not have disease and looks back to see how risk for disease compares to actually getting it
meta analysis systemic review randomized controlled trials cohort study cross sectional case control study
case control study
case control = retrospect ( the past)
epidemiological study that looks at entire population simultaneously at one point in time (collect data from many different individuals at a single point in time.)
meta analysis systemic review randomized controlled trials cohort study cross sectional case control study
CROSS SECTIONAL STUDY ( one point of time) = PREVALENCE ( people who have issue at specific point of time)
timed study that looks at certain set of people over extended period of time
meta analysis systemic review randomized controlled trials cohort study longitudinal study cross sectional case control study
LONGITUDINAL STUDY (longitudinal = long time
what determines relative risk ration?
meta analysis systemic review randomized controlled trials cohort study longitudinal study cross sectional case control study
what type of study determines odds ration
meta analysis systemic review randomized controlled trials cohort study longitudinal study cross sectional case control study
case control study
two existing groups differing in outcome are identified and compared on the basis of some supposed causal attribute.
reduce certain sources of bias when testing the effectiveness of new treatments by comparing experimental group with control group
meta analysis systemic review randomized controlled trials cohort study longitudinal study cross sectional case control study
medicine given to group anad placeebo to another to see if medicine work
study looked at lung cancer patients to see if smoking caused it. this is an example if what study?
meta analysis systemic review randomized controlled trials cohort study longitudinal study cross sectional case control study
look at disease and see odds due to smoking
a study was conducted to see if smokers who do not have cancer will develop it overtime?
meta analysis systemic review randomized controlled trials cohort study longitudinal study cross sectional case control study
COHORT= PREVALENCE ( watch over time)
a study was conducted that looked at lung cancer patients to see if smoking had any correlation to it
meta analysis systemic review randomized controlled trials cohort study longitudinal study cross sectional case control study
CASE CONTROL STUDY (retrospective)
- have disease look back in time at history
researcher trying to find prevelance of a disease in a moment of time.
meta analysis systemic review randomized controlled trials cohort study longitudinal study cross sectional case control study
EX: measure CURRENT obesity levels in a population, we could draw a sample of 1,000 people randomly from that population (also known as a cross section of that population), measure their weight and height, and calculate what percentage of that sample is categorized as obese
An observational study that compares the relationship between oral cancer and male smokers at a single point of time
meta analysis systematic review randomized controlled trials cohort study longitudinal study cross sectional case control study
The PERCENTAGE of people in a population suffering from a particular disease at a given point in time is?
match 2 terms
cross sectional
PREVELANCE. (cross sectional study). *****
The rate of new cases of disease occurring in specific population over time
match 2 terms
Cross Sectional
Incidence ( Cohort) **
The degree to which a measurement represents the true value of something
match 2 terms
Validity (accuracy)
degree of resemblance among study results, were the study to be repeated under similar circumstances. How constant and close repetitive measures are
Reliability (precision)
if P< .05 what do you do to null hypothesis? is it statisticully significant or non-significant
reject null
statistically significant
more likely relationship exists
researcher basically agrees with the one who made the test and determines that they are right !
if P> .05 what do you do to null hypothesis? is it statistically significant or non-significant
accept null : not significant
less likely relationship exists
researcher basically disagrees with the one who made the test and determines that were ring, hence accepts null !
type 1 error is what type of issue?
negative or positive T or F
Type 1: FP
type 2: FN